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Oct 31st, 2017
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  1. Overwatch is a bad game. Most concepts are copies of team fortress 2 and the characters are unlikeable and their backstories are bad. No matter which way you turn it, this is true. Allow me to explain why. As previously mentioned, most concepts and ideas are straight rip offs from other games. The way the heroes work is very similar to the way weapons work in team fortress 2. The only difference is that Overwatch clutters it in multiple different heroes so that it takes forever to find what you need. For example, Tracer is a character in Overwatch and is used for quick, important kills, but does not have a very long lifespan. She is also one of the main characters in the lore. Now let’s take a look at the scout character in team fortress 2. Scout is a character that goes in for quick, important kills, and has a short lifespan. He also has a significant role in his game’s lore. There are also game modes that are copied off team fortress 2. The control point, king of the hill and capture the flag game modes are standard games used throughout the years, however there was one that was exclusive to team fortress 2 until a few years ago. Payload. The objective of the payload game mode is to push a bomb from one side of the map to the other in order to win. the opposing side’s objective is to make sure that does not happen. Team fortress 2 introduced this concept in mid-2008 with the map PL_Goldrush. Since then Overwatch adopted the same idea last year, and offers no other unique game modes, causing the game to be boring. There also the idea of taunts. This is a unique idea introduced by team fortress 2 upon release in 2007. The idea is that by pressing a key on your keyboard, your character would perform an animation and voice line to make fun of somebody, or to show pacifism. Overwatch has also taken this idea, and even reused some of the animations as shown here. The characters in the game are unlikeable and predictable. For example, mercy is a character that heals other players. Her backstory is that she accidentally created a monstrosity named reaper, and feels bad about it, so she became a good Samaritan and heals people. Pretty generic, right? Now let’s look at the team fortress 2 medic. He’s a psychopathic German doctor who lost his medical license after removing a patient’s skeletal system and discovered a revolutionary medical treatment that can restore somebody to perfect health in seconds by knocking over a shelf full of urine, potassium chloride, blood, nitroglycerin, and pills. He took a job as a mercenary and works for the highest bidder, with no specific affiliation. He sees patients as test subjects, and does things like preform open heart surgery with a patient that is awake, and with animals flying around. THAT is imaginative. If that’s not enough, there’s more. the Character that creates sentry guns in Overwatch (also a copied idea, I must add) is a racist dwarf. The engineer in team fortress 2 is a Texan man with 13 PHDs, 10 master’s degrees and 49 bachelor’s degrees. He has a robotic arm he keeps hidden under a glove and decided to use his creations, being a powerful sentry gun, a device that can out heal the medics procedure, and teleporters, for profit as a mercenary. His ideology is if a gun does not work, use more gun. That seems a lot more interesting than a racist dwarf. Over all, overwatch is just an unimaginative tf2 ripoff.
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