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  2. 1. Which of these factors distinguish business ethics from ethical decision-making?
  3. A. There are no particular differences.
  4. B. Business activity has a distinctive economic character.
  5. C. Business activity takes place in large, impersonal organizations.
  6. D. Both B and C.----------
  7. E. None of these.
  8. 2. The distinction between morality and ethics is best expressed by which of the following?
  9. A. Morality is society’s view of behavior that is right or wrong; ethics is the philosophical study of
  10. morality.------------------
  11. B. Ethics is society’s view of behavior that is right or wrong; morality is the philosophical study of
  12. morality.
  13. C. Legality is society’s view of behavior that is right or wrong; morality is the philosophical study of
  14. morality.
  15. D. There is no distinction between morality and ethics.
  16. 3. According to Boatright, which of the following conditions must any ethical theory have?
  17. A. Morality is a matter of what we personally believe.
  18. B. Morality is a matter of self-interest.
  19. C. Morality is a matter of impartiality.---------------------------
  20. D. Morality is a matter of what society wants.
  21. 4. What are the levels on which ethical decision making occurs?
  22. A. Individual
  23. B. Organizational
  24. C. Business system
  25. D. All of these-----------------------------
  26. E. None of these
  27. 5. What is the most effective way to address ethical problems resulting from features of the economic
  28. system?
  29. A. Company policy
  30. B. Individual decision making
  31. C. Competition between competitors
  32. D. Regulation and/or economic reform------------------------------
  33. E. There is no solution to systemic problems
  34. 6. Which of the following are important features of the moral point of view?
  35. A. Impartiality---------------------------
  36. B. Reacting on emotion
  37. C. Impetuousness
  38. D. Competition
  39. E. All of the above
  42. 7. James Burke (The Tylenol Crisis, Case 1.1) made the decision to be completely candid with the
  43. medical community and the media. This was an example of which of the following?
  44. A. Reacting on emotion
  45. B. Impetuousness
  46. C. Willingness to seek out and act on reasons-----------------------
  47. D. Competition
  48. E. All of the above
  49. 8. Economic efficiency is:
  50. A. The means of production of the maximum output for the least amount of input.-----------
  51. B. The point at which revenue surpasses cost.
  52. C. The system under which the workers own the means of production.
  53. D. All of these.
  54. E. None of these.
  55. 9. Which of the following are reasons that the economic perspective cannot stand alone as the basis for
  56. business decision making?
  57. A. The “rules of the game” can be set by government alone.
  58. B. The market system itself has no ethical justification------------------------
  59. C. The market system does not require ethics.
  60. D. Ethics influences economic behavior.
  61. E. None of these.
  62. 10. Some argue that law is the only moral standard necessary to follow. Which schools of thought
  63. support this view?
  64. A. Ethics is a matter of personal conduct, but law applies to public matters like business.
  65. B. All unethical conduct in business has already been addressed by the law.
  66. C. All of these.--------------------
  67. D. None of these.
  68. 11. Which of the following represent views advancing the thesis that “law is not enough?”
  69. A. The law is inappropriate for regulating certain aspects of business activity.
  70. B. The law is slow and needs time to develop.
  71. C. The law includes moral concepts that are not precisely defined.
  72. D. The law is inefficient.
  73. E. All of these.--------------
  74. 12. Which of the following is a description of ethical management?
  75. A. Managing effectively in situations that have an ethical aspect.
  76. B. Managing effectively and acting ethically in business situations.
  77. C. Deciding what is right and wrong and implementing ethics in business situations.
  78. D. All of these.------------------
  79. E. None of these.
  80. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. 1. Which of the following are the strengths of teleological ethical theories?
  82. A. They fit with much of our ordinary moral reasoning.---------
  83. B. They focus on the nature of actions and the rules from which they follow.
  84. C. They ignore the consequences of actions.
  85. D. All of these.
  86. E. None of these.
  87. 2. Which of the following are the strengths of deontological ethical theories?
  88. A. They fit with very little of our ordinary moral reasoning.
  89. B. They focus on the nature of actions and the rules from which they follow.------------
  90. C. They pay close attention to the consequences of actions.
  91. D. All of these.
  92. E. None of these.
  93. 3. Utilitarianism is an example of which of the following ethical theories?
  94. A. Virtue
  95. B. Intuitionism
  96. C. Deontological----------------
  97. D. Teleological
  98. E. Egoism
  99. 4. Rights that are recognized and enforced as part of a legal system are, strictly speaking,:
  100. A. Moral rights.
  101. B. Legal rights.----------------
  102. C. Both moral and legal rights.
  103. D. Neither moral nor legal rights.
  104. 5. The classical form of utilitarianism is expressed by which of the following?
  105. A. An action is right if, and only if, it is done from the right intentions.
  106. B. An action is right if, and only if, it produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone.----------
  107. C. An action is right if it brings about great benefit to some individual or another.
  108. D. An action is right if, and only if, it is beneficial to society.
  109. E. None of these.
  110. 6. Act-utilitarianism is characterized by:
  111. A. Evaluation of the rightness of an act by the consequences of that act.
  112. B. Determination of the rightness of an act by appeal to a relevant rule of morality.-------------
  113. C. Both A and B.
  114. D. Neither A nor B.
  115. 7. John Stuart Mill holds which of the following views about justice?
  116. A. Equal treatment is a presumptive right and no inequality of treatment is ever justified.
  117. B. Equal treatment is not a presumptive right, and inequality of treatment is justified by the
  118. circumstances.
  119. C. Equal treatment is not a presumptive right, but inequalityof treatment is difficult to justify.
  120. D. Equal treatment is a presumptive right that requires any inequality of treatment to be justified.-----------
  121. 8. According to Bentham and Mill, happiness is:
  122. A. Pleasure.
  123. B. The absence of pain.
  124. C. Pleasure and the absence of pain.---------------
  125. D. Well-being.
  126. E. None of these.
  127. 9. Bentham’s idea of a precise quantitative method for decision making is most fully realized in which
  128. of the following?
  129. A. The cost-benefit analysis-------------------
  130. B. The cost-effectiveness analysis
  131. C. The maximization of pleasure
  132. D. The maximization of profit
  133. E. The minimization of cost
  134. 10. Which of the following are problems with calculating utility?
  135. A. A vast amount of information is needed.
  136. B. Interpersonal comparisons of utility raise the question of whether the utility calculus is even possible.
  137. C. It is difficult to determine both the amount of utility for each affected individual and the amount of
  138. utility for the whole society.
  139. D. All of these.-------------
  140. E. None of these.
  142. 11. Rights that involve claims on specific identifiable individuals are called:
  143. A. Moral rights.
  144. B. General rights.
  145. C. Specific rights-----------
  146. D. Negative rights.
  147. E. Legal rights.
  148. 12. Rights that entail an obligation on the part of others to refrain from acting in certain ways are called:
  149. A. Moral rights.
  150. B. General rights.
  151. C. In personam rights.
  152. D. Negative rights.---------------
  153. E. Legal rights.
  154. 13. Rights that impose obligations on others to provide us with some good are called:
  155. A. In rem rights.
  156. B. In personam rights.
  157. C. Negative rights.
  158. D. Positive rights.----------------------
  159. E. Moral rights.
  160. 14. Which of the following deals with the distribution of benefits and burdens, mostly in the evaluation
  161. of social, political, and economic institutions?
  162. A. Retributive justice
  163. B. Compensatory justice
  164. C. Distributive justice--------------
  165. D. All of these
  166. E. None of these
  167. 15. Which of the following is concerned with the compensation of persons for wrongs done to them in
  168. voluntary relations such as contract breaches?
  169. A. Retributive justice
  170. B. Compensatory justice--------------
  171. C. Distributive justice
  172. D. All of these
  173. E. None of these
  174. 16. Which of the following involves the punishment of wrongdoers who have participated in involuntary
  175. relations such as criminal acts?
  176. A. Retributive justice------------
  177. B. Compensatory justice
  178. C. Distributive justice
  179. D. All of these
  180. E. None of these
  181. 33
  183. 17. According to Jeremy Bentham, which of the following is true?
  184. A. Utilitarianism places no value on equality and makes no allowance for justified unequal treatment.
  185. B. Equal distributions generally produce more utility than unequal ones.--------------
  186. C. Both A and B.
  187. D. Neither A nor B.
  188. 18. According to John Stuart Mill, which of the following is true?
  189. A. Utilitarianism places no value on equality and makes no allowance for justified unequal treatment.
  190. B. Equal distributions generally produce more utility than unequal ones.
  191. C. Equality alone is not enough to account for justice, so another criterion, utility, becomes necessary.-----------
  192. D. Both A and B.
  193. E. Neither A nor B.
  194. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. 1. Which of the following are prominent theories of justice examined in the text?
  197. A. Aristotle’s principle of proportionate equality
  198. B. John Rawls’ egalitarian theory of justice
  199. C. John Mill’s theory of justice based on utility
  200. D. Robert Nozick’s libertarian entitlement theory
  201. E. All of these------
  202. 2. Kant’s moral philosophy is based on:
  203. A. consequences of action.
  204. B. human reason.------
  205. C. false pretenses.
  206. D. all of these.
  207. E. none of these.
  208. 3. “Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a
  209. universal law” is an example of which of the following?
  210. A. Categorical imperative--------
  211. B. Hypothetical imperative
  212. C. Prudential imperative
  213. D. All of these
  214. E. None of these
  215. 4. “Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end
  216. and never as a means only” is an example of which of the following?
  217. A. Categorical imperative-------
  218. B. Hypothetical imperative
  219. C. Prudential imperative
  220. D. All of these
  221. E. None of these
  222. 5. Which of the following theories holds that rights, properly so called, belong to all persons solely by
  223. virtue of being human?
  224. A. Utilitarianism
  225. B. Kantian or deontological theories
  226. C. Natural Rights theory-----------
  227. D. All of these
  228. E. None of these
  229. 44
  230. Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
  231. 6. Which of the following theories holds that rights, properly so called, because they facilitate the human
  232. good?
  233. A. Utilitarianism---------
  234. B. Kantian or deontological theories
  235. C. Natural Rights theory
  236. D. All of these
  237. E. None of these
  238. 7. Which of the following theories holds that innate rights depend on some human convention or judicial act?
  239. A. Utilitarianism
  240. B. Kantian or deontological theories------
  241. C. Natural rights theory
  242. D. All of these.
  243. E. None of these.
  244. 8. Which of the following describes “virtue?”
  245. A. Those traits that everyone needs for the good life.
  246. B. An excellence that is admired in a person.
  247. C. A disposition to act in a certain way.
  248. D. A specific state of character.
  249. E. All of these.-----------
  250. 9. Which of the following is a strength of virtue ethics?
  251. A. Virtue ethics does not address the problem of conflict.
  252. B. Virtue ethics does not fit particularly well with our everyday moral experience.
  253. C. Virtue ethics fits well with our everyday moral experience.----------
  254. D. Virtue ethics is incomplete.
  255. 10. Which of the following is a weakness of virtue ethics?
  256. A. Virtue ethics does not fit particularly well with our everyday moral experience.
  257. B. Virtue ethics fits well with our everyday moral experience.
  258. C. Virtue ethics is incomplete.------------
  259. D. There are no weaknesses in virtue ethics.
  260. 11. According to John Rawls, perfect procedural justice does which of the following?
  261. A. Always produces just outcomes.----------------
  262. B. Produces just outcomes only to a certain extent.
  263. C. Rarely produces just outcomes.
  264. D. None of these.
  265. 45
  266. Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
  267. 12. Which of the following holds that all public offices and employment should be made available to
  268. everyone?
  269. A. The principle of equal liberty
  270. B. The difference principle
  271. C. The principle of equal opportunity------------
  272. D. All of these
  273. E. None of these
  274. 13. Which of the following states that each person has an equal right to the most extensive set of basic
  275. liberties that are compatible with a system of liberty for all?
  276. A. The principle of equal liberty-------------
  277. B. The difference principle
  278. C. The principle of equal opportunity
  279. D. All of these
  280. E. None of these
  281. 14. Which of the following allows an exception to the principle of that each person has an equal right to
  282. the basic liberties if some unequal arrangement benefits the least well-off person?
  283. A. The principle of equal liberty
  284. B. The difference principle-----------
  285. C. The principle of equal opportunity
  286. D. All of these
  287. E. None of these
  288. 15. According to Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand” argument, each individual in pursuit of personal gain is:
  289. A. Led by an invisible hand to promote an end (his own benefit) which was no part of his intention.
  290. B. Led by an invisible hand to promote an end (his own self-interest) which was no part of his intention.
  291. C. Led by an invisible hand to promote an end (the welfare of society) which was no part of his intention.----------
  292. D. None of these.
  293. 16. According to Robert Nozick, under which of the following conditions is a person entitled to their
  294. holdings?
  295. A. The principle of just transfer
  296. B. The principle of just original acquisition
  297. C. The principle of rectification
  298. D. A and B
  299. E. All of these------------
  300. 17. The point of justice, for Nozick, is which of the following?
  301. A. To protect rights and promote human well-being
  302. B. To protect rights and achieve equality
  303. C. To protect rights, promote human well-being, and achieve equality
  304. D. To protect rights, not to promote human well-being or to achieve equality --------------
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