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a guest
Jun 12th, 2019
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  1. import psycopg2
  2. import json
  3. import sys
  4. import bcrypt
  5. inFile = sys.argv[1]
  7. git_exit = """{"status": "OK"}"""
  8. bad_exit = """{"status": "ERROR"}"""
  10. connected = 0
  11. good=0
  12. inita = 0
  14. def connect():
  15. global connected
  16. connected =1
  19. #Sprawdza czy x podane z wejscia jest tym samym co z hashowanym hasłem w bazie
  20. def check_password(x,y):
  21. return bcrypt.checkpw(x,y)
  23. #Funkcja służaca do sprawdzenia czy w tabeli allid nie znajduje się id które chcemy dodać
  24. def checker_allid(id):
  25. cursor.execute("""SELECT * from AllId;""")
  26. x=cursor.fetchall()
  27. for i in x:
  28. if id in i:
  29. return False
  30. return True
  32. #Obsługuje wszystkie zapytania
  33. def which_query(line):
  34. global good,inita
  35. good=1
  36. if 'open' in line:
  37. if line['open']['password'] == 'qwerty':
  38. connect()
  39. if line['open']['login'] == 'init':
  40. init()
  41. inita=1
  42. else:
  43. good = 0
  44. if connected == 1 and inita ==1:
  45. if 'leader' in line:
  46. member(line['leader'],1)
  47. elif connected ==1 and inita ==0:
  48. if 'protest' in line:
  49. action(line['protest'],"protest")
  50. if 'support' in line:
  51. action(line['support'],"support")
  52. if "downvote" in line:
  53. vote(line["downvote"],"downvote")
  54. if 'upvote' in line:
  55. vote(line['upvote'],'upvote')
  56. if 'actions' in line:
  57. actions(line['actions'])
  58. if 'projects' in line:
  59. projects(line["projects"])
  60. if 'votes' in line:
  61. votes(line['votes'])
  62. if 'trolls' in line:
  63. trolls(line['trolls'])
  64. else :
  65. good =0
  66. #Wypisuje trolli (funkcja api)
  67. def trolls(query):
  69. global good
  70. good=2
  71. # todo trzeba dodać najpierw wszystkie votes_For
  72. q=(""" Select * from (Select member, SUM(votes_for) as a, SUM(votes_against) as b, """+
  73. "Case WHEN " + str(query["timestamp"]) + """ - Members.timestamp < 31536000 Then 'true' else 'false' END """+
  74. """from Actions join Members ON(Actions.member_id=member) Group by member) as foo where b > a Order by b-a DESC, member ASC;""")
  75. cursor.execute(q)
  76. x=cursor.fetchall()
  77. print("""{"status": "OK",
  78. "data": """,x, "}")
  79. #Sprawdza czy member jest liderem
  80. def checker_isleader(id):
  81. cursor.execute("Select member,is_leader from Members where member = " + str(id) +" and "
  82. + "is_leader = 1" +";")
  83. x=cursor.fetchall()
  84. if x == []:
  85. return False
  86. return True
  87. #Wypisuje akcje (funkcja api)
  88. def actions(query):
  89. global good
  90. cursor.execute("""SELECT member,password,timestamp,is_leader FROM Members ;""")
  91. x=cursor.fetchall()
  92. mem_leader_exist =0
  93. for i in x :
  94. if query['member'] in i : # czy istnieje
  95. if checker_isleader(query["member"]):
  96. if check_password(query["password"],i[1]): # dobre haslo
  97. if query['timestamp'] - i[2] < 31536000 : # czy zamrozona
  98. mem_leader_exist=1
  100. if mem_leader_exist ==1 :
  101. good=2
  102. if 'type' in query and 'project' in query and 'authority' in query:
  104. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  105. "ON(Actions.project_id = where type = " + "'"+str(query['type']) +"' and "+
  106. " project_id = " + str(query["project"])+ " and authorityid =" +str(query["authority"])+" ORDER By Actions.Id ; ")
  107. cursor.execute(q)
  108. x=cursor.fetchall()
  109. print("""{"status": "OK",
  110. "data": """,x, "}")
  111. elif 'project' in query and 'type' in query:
  113. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  114. "ON(Actions.project_id = where project_id = " + str(query["project"]) +
  115. " and type = " + "'"+str(query['type']) +"'"+" ORDER By Actions.Id ;")
  116. cursor.execute(q)
  117. x=cursor.fetchall()
  118. print("""{"status": "OK",
  119. "data": """,x, "}")
  120. elif 'project' in query and 'authority' in query:
  121. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  122. "ON(Actions.project_id = where project_id = " + str(query["project"]) +
  123. " and authority = " + str(query['authority']) +" ORDER By Actions.Id ;")
  124. cursor.execute(q)
  125. x=cursor.fetchall()
  126. print("""{"status": "OK",
  127. "data": """,x, "}")
  128. elif 'type' in query and 'authority' in query :
  129. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  130. "ON(Actions.project_id = where authority = " + str(query["authority"]) +
  131. " and type = " + "'"+str(query['type']) +"'"+" ORDER By Actions.Id ;")
  132. cursor.execute(q)
  133. x=cursor.fetchall()
  134. print("""{"status": "OK",
  135. "data": """,x, "}")
  136. elif 'project' in query:
  137. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  138. "ON(Actions.project_id = where project_id = " + str(query["project"]) +
  139. " ORDER By Actions.Id ;")
  140. cursor.execute(q)
  141. x=cursor.fetchall()
  142. print("""{"status": "OK",
  143. "data": """,x, "}")
  144. elif 'type' in query:
  145. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  146. "ON(Actions.project_id = where " +
  147. " type = " + "'"+str(query['type']) +"'"+" ORDER By Actions.Id ;")
  148. cursor.execute(q)
  149. x=cursor.fetchall()
  150. print("""{"status": "OK",
  151. "data": """,x, "}")
  152. elif 'authority' in query:
  153. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  154. "ON(Actions.project_id = where authorityid =" +str(query["authority"]) + " ORDER By Actions.Id;")
  155. cursor.execute(q)
  156. x=cursor.fetchall()
  157. print("""{"status": "OK",
  158. "data": """,x, "}")
  159. else:
  160. q=("SELECT,type,project_id,authorityid,votes_for,votes_against from Actions join Projects " +
  161. "ON(Actions.project_id = ORDER By Actions.Id ;")
  162. cursor.execute(q)
  163. x=cursor.fetchall()
  164. print("""{"status": "OK",
  165. "data": """,x, "}")
  166. update_timestamp(query)
  167. else:
  168. good = 0
  169. #Wypisuje projekty(funkcja api)
  170. def projects(query):
  171. global good
  172. cursor.execute("""SELECT member,password,timestamp,is_leader FROM Members ;""")
  173. x=cursor.fetchall()
  174. mem_leader_exist =0
  176. for i in x :
  177. if query['member'] in i : # czy istnieje
  178. if checker_isleader(query["member"]): # czy to jest lider
  179. if check_password(query["password"],i[1]): # dobre haslo
  180. if query['timestamp'] - i[2] < 31536000 : # czy zamrozony
  181. mem_leader_exist=1
  182. if mem_leader_exist ==1 :
  183. good =2
  184. if 'authority' in query:
  185. q=("SELECT * from Projects " +
  186. " where authorityid =" +str(query["authority"]) + " ORDER By id asc ;")
  187. else :
  188. q=("SELECT * from Projects ORDER By id asc;")
  189. cursor.execute(q)
  190. x=cursor.fetchall()
  191. print("""{"status": "OK",
  192. "data": """,x, "}")
  194. update_timestamp(query)
  195. else :
  196. good = 0
  198. #Dodawanie projektu do bazy danych
  199. def project_add(query):
  200. global good
  201. if checker_allid(query["authority"]):
  202. all_id(query["authority"])
  203. if checker_allid(query["project"]):
  204. q= (""" INSERT INTO Projects (id,authorityid) VAlues ( """ + str(query["project"]) +", "
  205. + str(query["authority"])+ ');')
  206. cursor.execute(q)
  207. all_id(query["project"])
  208. else:
  209. good=0
  210. #Dodawania głosów
  211. def up_or_downvote(query,t):
  213. global good
  214. cursor.execute("Select member_id,action_id from Votes WHERE member_id = "+str(query['member']) +
  215. " and " + "action_id = " +str(query['action']) +";")
  216. x=cursor.fetchall()
  217. if x == []:
  218. good =1
  219. if t == "downvote":
  220. q=(""" Update Actions SET votes_against = votes_against+1 """
  221. + "Where id = " + str(query['action']) + ";")
  222. e=(""" Insert into votes (action_id,member_id,voted_against) Values ( """
  223. + str(query['action']) +", "+str(query['member'])+", " + "1" + ");")
  224. else:
  225. q=(""" Update Actions SET votes_for = votes_for+1 """
  226. + "Where id = " + str(query['action']) + ";" )
  227. e=(""" Insert into votes (action_id,member_id,voted_for) Values ( """
  228. + str(query['action']) +", "+str(query['member'])+", " + "1" + ");")
  230. cursor.execute(q)
  231. cursor.execute(e)
  232. update_timestamp(query)
  233. else:
  234. good = 0
  236. #Wypisuje głosy funkcja (api)
  237. def votes(query):
  238. global good
  239. cursor.execute("""SELECT member,password,timestamp,is_leader FROM Members ;""")
  240. x=cursor.fetchall()
  241. mem_leader_exist =0
  243. for i in x :
  244. if query['member'] in i : # czy istnieje
  245. if checker_isleader(query["member"]):
  246. if check_password(query["password"],i[1]): # dobre haslo
  247. if query['timestamp'] - i[2] < 31536000 : # czy zamrozona
  248. mem_leader_exist=1
  249. if mem_leader_exist:
  250. good=2
  252. if 'action' in query:
  254. #tutaj mam problem z zapytaniem
  255. q=("SELECT member,SUM(coalesce(voted_for,0)) as a,SUM(coalesce(voted_against,0)) as b "
  256. + " from Members left JOIN Votes on (Members.member=Votes.member_id) "+
  257. "where action_id = " +str(query["action"])+" GROUP BY member Order by member;")
  259. cursor.execute(q)
  260. x=cursor.fetchall()
  262. elif 'project' in query:
  264. q=("SELECT member,SUM(coalesce(voted_for,0)) as a,SUM(coalesce(voted_against,0)) as b "
  265. +"from Members LEFT JOIN Votes on (Members.member=Votes.member_id) "
  266. +" Join Actions On("+
  267. " where project_id = " +str(query["project"])+
  268. " GROUP BY member Order by member;")
  269. cursor.execute(q)
  270. x=cursor.fetchall()
  272. else:
  274. q=("SELECT member,SUM(coalesce(voted_for,0)) as a,SUM(coalesce(voted_against,0)) as b "
  275. +"from Members LEFT JOIN Votes on (Members.member=Votes.member_id) Group by member Order by member;")
  276. cursor.execute(q)
  277. x=cursor.fetchall()
  279. print("""{"status": "OK",
  280. "data": """,x, "}")
  281. update_timestamp(query)
  282. else:
  283. good =0
  285. #Funkcja która wstępnie przeprowadza dodania głosu robi wszystkie checki
  286. def vote(query,t):
  287. global good
  288. cursor.execute("""SELECT member,password,timestamp FROM Members ;""")
  289. x=cursor.fetchall()
  291. error=0
  292. mem_exist=0
  294. for i in x :
  295. if query['member'] in i : # czy istnieje
  296. mem_exist=1
  297. if check_password(query["password"],i[1]): # dobre haslo
  298. if query['timestamp'] - i[2] < 31536000 : # czy zamrozona
  299. error=0
  300. else:
  301. error=1
  302. else:
  303. error=1
  304. if error == 0:
  305. if mem_exist == 0: #nie istnieje osoba ktora chce zrobic akcje wiec ją tworzymy
  306. member(query,0) # 0 bo nie lider
  307. cursor.execute("""SELECT id from Actions ;""")
  309. x=cursor.fetchall()
  310. action_exist = 0
  311. for i in x:
  312. if query['action'] in i:
  313. up_or_downvote(query,t)
  314. action_exist = 1
  315. #jeśli nie istnieje to go tworzymy
  316. if action_exist == 0:
  317. good =0
  318. else:
  319. good =0
  321. # Updatowanie timestampu
  322. def update_timestamp(query):
  323. cursor.execute("""Update Members Set timestamp = """ + str(query["timestamp"]) + " WHERE member = " + str(query["member"]) +";")
  324. #Dodawanie akcji protestu lub supportu do bazy danych
  325. def add_protest_or_support(query,t):
  326. global good
  327. #dodajemy akcje supportu lub protestu
  328. if checker_allid(query["action"]):
  329. q=("""INSERT INTO Actions (id,project_id,member_id,type,timestamp) Values
  330. ( """ + str(query['action']) + ', '+ str(query["project"])+", "
  331. + str(query["member"]) +", "+"'"+t+"'"+ ", " +str(query["timestamp"]) +
  332. ");") #Insertujemy akcje po sprawdzeniu wszystkiego
  333. cursor.execute(q)
  334. all_id(query["action"])
  335. update_timestamp(query)
  336. else :
  337. good=0
  338. #Funkcja która wstępnie przeprowadza dodania akcji robi wszystkie checki
  339. def action(query,t):
  340. global good
  341. cursor.execute("""SELECT member,password,timestamp FROM Members ;""")
  342. x=cursor.fetchall()
  343. error=0
  344. mem_exist=0
  345. for i in x :
  346. if query['member'] in i : # czy istnieje
  347. mem_exist=1
  348. if check_password(query["password"],i[1]): # dobre haslo
  349. if query['timestamp'] - i[2] < 31536000 : # czy zamrozona
  350. error=0
  351. else:
  352. error=1
  353. else:
  354. error=1
  355. if error == 0:
  356. if mem_exist == 0: #nie istnieje osoba ktora chce zrobic akcje wiec ją tworzymy
  357. member(query,0) # 0 bo nie lider
  360. cursor.execute("""SELECT * From Projects ;""")
  361. x=cursor.fetchall()
  363. project_exist = 0
  364. for i in x:
  365. if query['project'] in i:
  366. add_protest_or_support(query,t)
  367. project_exist = 1
  369. #jeśli nie istnieje to go tworzymy
  370. if project_exist == 0:
  371. project_add(query)
  372. add_protest_or_support(query,t)
  373. else:
  374. good = 0
  376. #Dodawanie id do tabelu allid
  377. def all_id(id):
  378. cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO AllId (id) VALUES ( """ + str (id) + """ ) ;""")
  380. #Dodawanie membera do bazy danych
  381. def member(dict,n):
  382. global good
  383. x=bcrypt.hashpw(str(dict['password']),bcrypt.gensalt())
  384. if checker_allid(dict["member"]):
  385. query= ("""INSERT INTO Members (timestamp,password,member,is_leader) VALUES ( """ + "'" + str((dict['timestamp']))
  386. + "'" + """, """ + "'" + x + "'" + """, """ + str(dict['member'])
  387. + """ , """ + str(n) + """); """)
  389. cursor.execute(query)
  390. all_id(dict["member"])
  391. else:
  392. good =0
  393. # Zapytania SQL budujące naszę tabele
  394. def init():
  395. f=open("projekt.sql")
  397. sql_commands = full_sql.replace('\n', '').split(';')[:-1] # this bring just [] which is empty
  398. for x in sql_commands:
  399. q=str(x)+ " ;"
  400. cursor.execute(q)
  402. inputowa=[]
  403. #Czytanie z plików wejścia i jego obłsugif check_password(query["password"],i[1]): # dobre haslo a
  404. with open(inFile,'r') as f:
  405. for line in f:
  406. inputowa.append(json.loads(line))
  408. if 'open' in inputowa[0]:
  409. if 'init' == inputowa[0]["open"]['login']:
  410. connect_str = "dbname='student' user='postgres' host='localhost' " + \
  411. "password='haslo' "
  413. elif 'app' == inputowa[0]["open"]['login']:
  414. if inputowa[0]["open"]['password'] == 'qwerty':
  415. print("Test appa")
  416. connect_str = "dbname='student' user='" + str(inputowa[0]['open']['login']) + "' host='localhost' " + \
  417. "password='qwerty' "
  419. conn=psycopg2.connect(connect_str)
  420. cursor = conn.cursor()
  421. for line in inputowa:
  422. which_query(line)
  423. if good == 1:
  424. print(git_exit)
  425. elif good == 0:
  426. print(bad_exit)
  429. conn.commit()
  430. cursor.close()
  431. conn.close()
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