

Oct 13th, 2019
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  1. rang_cmd:
  2. command: /rang
  3. type: RUN_COMMAND
  4. required_args: 2
  5. register: true
  6. runcmd:
  7. - '/pex user $arg1 group set $arg2'
  8. text:
  9. - '&cRangSystem &8| &aDu hast dem Spieler &c$arg1 &aden Rang &c$arg2 &agegeben'
  10. error-message: '&cRang&8| &cBenutze&8: &7/&cRang &8<&cSpieler&8> &8<&cGruppe&8>'
  11. permission-required: true
  12. permission-node: rang.user.give
  13. Hilfe:
  14. command: /Hilfe
  15. type: TEXT
  16. text:
  17. - "&7× &8&m----------&7 × &6Hilfe &7× &8&m----------&7 ×"
  18. - "&7"
  19. - "&8» &c/Regeln &8× &7Zeig die Regeln an!"
  20. - "&7"
  21. - "&7× &8&m----------&7 × &8Hilfe &7× &8&m----------&7 ×"
  22. permission-required: false
  23. Bewerbung:
  24. command: /bewerbung
  25. type: TEXT
  26. text:
  27. - "&7× &8&m----------&7 × &6Phasen &7× &8&m----------&7 ×"
  28. - "&7"
  29. - "&8» &4Admin &8× &cgeschlossen &8× &b10 Seiten"
  30. - "&8» &bDev &8× &ageschlossen &8× &b7 Seiten"
  31. - "&8» &eBuilder &8× &ageschlossen &8× &bVorbauen"
  32. - "&8» &9Sup &8× &aOffen &8× &b2.5 Seiten"
  33. - "&7"
  34. - "&7× &8&m----------&7 × &6Phasen &7× &8&m----------&7 ×"
  35. permission-required: false
  36. Info:
  37. command: /fragen
  38. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  39. text:
  40. - ""
  41. - ""
  42. - "&9Sky&cPvP &8┃ &7Wenn ihr &cFragen &7oder &cMeldungen &7habt&8, &7wendet euch an &9Sup's &7oder &cMod's&8!"
  43. - ""
  44. - ""
  45. permission-required: true
  46. broadcast:
  47. command: /bc
  48. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  49. text:
  50. - ''
  51. - '&b&lMob&9&lWars &8┃ &a$multiargs'
  52. - ''
  53. clear_chat:
  54. command: /cc
  55. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  56. text:
  57. - '%Repeat%100% '
  58. - '&9Sky&cPvP &8┃ &eDer &cChat &ewurde von &c$player &egeleert&8!'
  59. permission-required: true
  60. permission-node:
  61. pl:
  62. command: /pl
  63. type: TEXT
  64. text:
  65. - '&rPlugins (1): &aSystem'
  66. permission-required: false
  67. plugins:
  68. command: /plugins
  69. type: TEXT
  70. text:
  71. - '&rPlugins (1): &aSystem'
  72. permission-required: false
  73. tpa:
  74. command: /tpa
  75. type: TEXT
  76. text:
  77. - '&7Der Command &c/tpa &7ist &4deaktiviert&7.'
  78. permission-required: false
  79. tpaccept:
  80. command: /tpaccept
  81. type: TEXT
  82. text:
  83. - '&7Der Command &c/tpaccept &7ist &4deaktiviert&7.'
  84. permission-required: false
  85. tpdeny:
  86. command: /tpdeny
  87. type: TEXT
  88. text:
  89. - '&7Der Command &c/tpdeny &7ist &4deaktiviert&7.'
  90. permission-required: false
  91. fragezeichen:
  92. command: /?
  93. type: TEXT
  94. text:
  95. - '&7Mache doch &c/Hilfe'
  96. permission-required: false
  97. plugins:
  98. command: /plugins
  99. type: TEXT
  100. text:
  101. - 'Plugins (1): &aSystem'
  102. permission-required: false
  103. BC:
  104. command: /bc
  105. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  106. alias: /broadcast
  107. error-message: '&cBroadcast &8| &7Benutze&8: &8/&cbc &8<&cNaricht&8>'
  108. text:
  109. - '&9Sky&cPvP &8| &7$multiargs'
  110. required_args: 1
  111. permission-required: true
  112. permission-node: system.bc
  113. iconmenu_page5:
  114. command: /Warp
  115. type: ICON_MENU
  116. text:
  119. iconmenu_title: '&cWarps'
  120. iconmenu_size: 27
  121. iconmenu_commands:
  122. - '11:ROTTEN_FLESH:0:/ewarp Mobwars:&7Teportiere dich zu &9Sky&cPvP.'
  123. - '13:NETHER_STAR:0:/Spawn:&7Teleportiere dich zum &cSpawn&7. '
  124. - '19:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15:%stayopen%: : '
  125. - '20:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15:%stayopen%: : '
  126. - '21:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15:%stayopen%: : '
  127. - '22:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15:%stayopen%: : '
  128. - '23:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15:%stayopen%: : '
  129. - '24:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15:%stayopen%: : '
  130. - '25:REDSTONE_BLOCK:0:/ewarp Event:&4Event:&7Teleportiere dich zum &4Eventplatz&7.'
  131. - '26:PAPER:0:%openiconmenu%/Warp 2:&cNächste Seite Page:&a--------->'
  132. delaytimer: 1
  133. permission-required: false
  134. help_page_1:
  135. command: /regeln
  136. type: TEXT
  137. text:
  138. - '&7&m----------&c Regeln &7&m----------'
  139. - '&cAFK-Farming &7ist verboten.'
  140. - '&cBugusing &7ist verboten.'
  141. - '&cHacking &7ist verboten.'
  142. - '&cWerbung &7ist verboten.'
  143. - '&cAutoclicker &7ist verboten.'
  144. - '&cSpaming &7ist verboten.'
  145. - '&7&m----------&c Regeln &7&m----------'
  146. permission-required: false
  147. list:
  148. command: /list
  149. type: TEXT
  150. text:
  151. - '&7Der Befehl&c/list ist gesperrt!'
  152. permission-required: false
  153. permission-required: false
  154. Teampannel:
  155. command: /teampannel
  156. type: ICON_MENU
  157. iconmenu_title: '&f&lTeampannel &cSweetMaedchen'
  158. iconmenu_size: 54
  159. iconmenu_commands:
  160. - '4:SKULL_ITEM%$player:0:/skull:&4&l$player:&7Gibt dir den Kopf von &c$player'
  161. - '10:WATCH:0:%openiconmenu%/zeit:&e&lZeit'
  162. - '12:DRAGON_EGG:0:/list:&a&lOnline Spieler'
  163. - '14:PAPER:0:%openiconmenu%/wl:&4&lWhitelist'
  164. - '16:BOOK_AND_QUILL:0:%openiconmenu%/teampannelreload:&f&lReloads'
  165. - '28:GOLD_PICKAXE:0:%openiconmenu%/teamgm:&6&lGamemode'
  166. - '30:BOOK:0:/coming:&c&lComing soon...'
  167. - '32:BOOK:0:/coming:&c&lComing soon...'
  168. - '34:BOOK:0:/coming:&c&lComing soon...'
  169. - '53:BARRIER:0:/shop:&4&lClose'
  170. permission-required: true
  171. permission-node: system.teampannel
  172. Teampannelwl:
  173. command: /wl
  174. type: ICON_MENU
  175. iconmenu_title: '&f&lTeampannel &8by &cSweetMaedchen'
  176. iconmenu_size: 27
  177. iconmenu_commands:
  178. - '12:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14:/whitelist off:&c&lWhitelist aus!'
  179. - '13:BOOK:0:/kickall:&e&lAlle kicken!'
  180. - '14:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14:/whitelist on:&a&lWhitelist an!'
  181. permission-required: true
  182. permission-node: system.teampannelwl
  183. Teampannelzeit:
  184. command: /zeit
  185. type: ICON_MENU
  186. iconmenu_title: '&f&lTeampannel &8by &cSweetMaedchen'
  187. iconmenu_size: 54
  188. iconmenu_commands:
  189. - '12:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14:/night:&0&lNacht!'
  190. - '14:STAINED_GLASS_PANE:5:/day:&e&lTag!'
  191. - '30:GHAST_TEAR:0:/rain:&7&lRegen!'
  192. - '32:DOUBLE_PLANT:0:/sun:&e&lSonne!'
  193. - '39:STRING:0:/thunder true:&8&lGewitter ein!'
  194. - '41:STRING:0:/thunder false:&8&lGewitter aus!'
  195. permission-required: true
  196. permission-node: SkyPvP.teampanneltime
  197. Teampannelreload:
  198. command: /teampannelreload
  199. type: ICON_MENU
  200. iconmenu_title: '&f&lTeampannel &8by &cSweetMaedchen'
  201. iconmenu_size: 45
  202. iconmenu_commands:
  203. - '9:BOOK:0:/essentials reload:&e&lEssentials!'
  204. - '10:BOOK:0:/nte reload:&e&lNTE!'
  205. - '11:BOOK:0:/pex reload:&e&lPEX!'
  206. - '12:BOOK:0:/worldedit reload:&e&lWorldedit!'
  207. - '13:BOOK:0:/worldguard reload:&e&lWorldGuard!'
  208. - '14:BOOK:0:/hd reload:&e&lHologramme!'
  209. - '15:BOOK:0:/ast reload:&e&lAST!'
  210. - '16:BOOK:0:/1vs1 reload:&e&l1vs1!'
  211. - '17:BOOK:0:/shopkeepers reload:&e&lShopkeepers!'
  212. - '27:BOOK:0:/citizens reload:&e&lCitizens!'
  213. - '28:BOOK:0:/mychat reload:&e&lMyChat!'
  214. - '29:BOOK:0:/itemeditor reload:&e&lItemeditor!'
  215. - '30:BOOK:0:/MyCMD-reload all:&e&lMyCMD!'
  216. permission-required: true
  217. permission-node: system.teampannelrl
  218. Teampannelgm:
  219. command: /teamgm
  220. type: ICON_MENU
  221. iconmenu_title: '&f&lTeampannel &8by &cSweetMaedchen'
  222. iconmenu_size: 27
  223. iconmenu_commands:
  224. - '10:GRASS:0:/gamemode 0:&2&lSurvival'
  225. - '12:GOLD_PICKAXE:0:/gamemode 1:&e&lCreative'
  226. - '14:BARRIER:0:/gamemode 2:&a&lAdventure'
  227. - '16:POTION:8270:/gamemode 3:&7&lSpectator'
  228. permission-required: true
  229. permission-node: system.teampannelgm
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