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a guest
Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. (21:22:51) *** Tournament Commands ***
  2. (21:22:51) join: joins a tournament
  3. (21:22:51) unjoin: unjoins a normal tournament during signups only, leaves an event tour
  4. (21:22:51) queue: lists upcoming tournaments
  5. (21:22:51) viewround: views current round
  6. (21:22:51) iom: views list of ongoing matches
  7. (21:22:51) ipm: views list of matches yet to start
  8. (21:22:51) history: views recently played tiers
  9. (21:22:51) touradmins: lists all users that can start tournaments
  10. (21:22:51) leaderboard [tier]: shows tournament rankings, tier is optional
  11. (21:22:51) eventleaderboard: shows the event leaderboard
  12. (21:22:51) monthlyleaderboard [month] [year]: shows tour rankings for the current month, or the current month and year if specified
  13. (21:22:51) tourinfo [name]: gives information on a person's recent tour wins
  14. (21:22:51) viewstats: views tournament stats
  15. (21:22:51) viewseeds [tier]: views seed rankings for that tier
  16. (21:22:51) activeta: lists active tournament admins
  17. (21:22:51) rules: lists the tournament rules
  18. (21:22:51) touralerts [on/off]: Turn on/off your tour alerts (Shows list of Tour Alerts if on/off isn't specified)
  19. (21:22:51) addtouralert [tier] : Adds a tour alert for the specified tier
  20. (21:22:51) removetouralert [tier] : Removes a tour alert for the specified tier
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