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Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. @echo off
  2. TITLE Compiling: m0d_s0beit_sa hook loader
  3. COLOR 1F
  4. :: header text
  5. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  6. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  7. echo make.bat for m0d_s0beit_sa hook's ASM loader    by nuckfuts
  8. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  11. :: init our batch environment
  12. SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
  13. :: check for config file
  14. IF EXIST .\make_settings.cfg GOTO cfg_init
  15. echo make_settings.cfg not found.
  16. :cfg_new1
  17. IF EXIST .\make_settings.cfg DEL .\make_settings.cfg
  18. echo Creating a new make_settings.cfg...
  19. :cfg_msm1
  20. :: MASM32 installation search
  21. echo Searching for MASM32 install...
  22. FOR %%F IN ("%path:;=" "%") DO (
  23.     SET msm_dir=%%~F
  24.     IF EXIST "!msm_dir!\ml.exe" IF EXIST "!msm_dir!\rc.exe" IF EXIST "!msm_dir!\cvtres.exe" IF EXIST "!msm_dir!\link.exe" GOTO cfg_msm2
  25. )
  26. ::
  27. :: possibly here will go a hard-drive scanning feature to find MASM when it's not in path
  28. ::
  29. :: MASM32 not found, show error
  30. GOTO err_msm1
  31. :cfg_msm2
  32. SET msm_dir="%msm_dir:~0,-4%"
  33. echo msm_dir;%msm_dir%>>.\make_settings.cfg
  34. echo MASM32 installation found at: %msm_dir%
  35. :: return if called as sub
  36. IF NOT '%RETURN%'=='' SET tmp=%RETURN% & SET RETURN= & GOTO !tmp!
  37. :cfg_new9
  38. :: config creation done, no need to init from file, done
  39. echo make_settings.cfg creation complete.
  40. GOTO cfg_done
  43. :cfg_init
  44. :: init from config file
  45. FOR /F "eol= tokens=1,2* delims=;" %%i IN (.\make_settings.cfg) DO (
  46.     IF NOT '%%i'=='' SET %%i=%%j
  47. )
  48. :chk_msm
  49. IF '%msm_dir%'=='' echo MASM32 directory not found in config. & SET RETURN=chk_msm & GOTO cfg_msm1
  52. :chk_done
  53. :: done checking the config file
  54. :cfg_done
  55. :: configuration totally done
  56. :init_end
  57. :: final init procedure
  58. SET bin_dir=%msm_dir:~1,-1%\bin
  59. SET lib_dir=%msm_dir:~1,-1%\lib
  60. SET inc_dir=%msm_dir:~1,-1%\include
  63. :src_chk
  64. :: check for needed source files
  65. IF EXIST .\m0d_s0beit_sa.asm IF EXIST .\m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.rc IF EXIST .\ IF EXIST .\image.lib IF EXIST .\UacSucks.manifest GOTO src_ok
  66. GOTO err_src1
  67. :src_ok
  68. :: source code is ok
  71. :: compiling resource, Pelles Resource Compiler is preferred and auto-detected
  72. echo.
  73. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  74. echo Compiling resources...
  75. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  76. IF EXIST "%bin_dir%\porc.exe" echo Pelles Resource Compiler & echo Copyright (c) Pelle Orinius & echo. & "%bin_dir%\porc.exe" /v m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.rc & echo.
  77. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO errasm
  78. IF NOT EXIST "%bin_dir%\porc.exe" "%bin_dir%\rc.exe" m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.rc
  79. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO errasm
  82. :: compiling executable, the latest JWasm with MASM32 v10+ files is prefered and auto-detected
  83. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  84. echo Compiling executable...
  85. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  86. IF EXIST "%bin_dir%\jwasm.exe" "%bin_dir%\jwasm.exe" /c /coff /Cp /I"%inc_dir%" m0d_s0beit_sa.asm
  87. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO errasm
  88. IF NOT EXIST "%bin_dir%\jwasm.exe" "%bin_dir%\ml.exe" /c /coff /Cp /I"%inc_dir%" m0d_s0beit_sa.asm
  89. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO errasm
  92. :: linking executable, the latest Pelles Linker with MASM32 v10+ files is preferred and auto-detected
  93. echo.
  94. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  95. echo Linking executable...
  96. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  97. IF EXIST "%bin_dir%\polink.exe" echo Pelles Linker & echo Copyright (c) Pelle Orinius & echo. & "%bin_dir%\polink.exe" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /RELEASE /VERSION:4.0 /LIBPATH:"%lib_dir%" /OUT:"m0d_s0beit_sa.exe" m0d_s0beit_sa.obj m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.res
  98. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO errlink
  99. IF NOT EXIST "%bin_dir%\polink.exe" "%bin_dir%\link.exe" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /RELEASE /VERSION:4.0 /LIBPATH:"%lib_dir%" /OUT:"..\..\..\bin\m0d_s0beit_sa.exe" m0d_s0beit_sa.obj m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.res
  100. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO errlink
  101. GOTO :put_bin
  104. :err_src1
  105. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  106. echo ERROR: Source code not found or incomplete.
  107. IF NOT EXIST .\m0d_s0beit_sa.asm echo m0d_s0beit_sa.asm not found.
  108. IF NOT EXIST .\m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.rc echo m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.rc not found.
  109. IF NOT EXIST .\ echo not found.
  110. IF NOT EXIST .\image.lib echo image.lib not found.
  111. IF NOT EXIST .\UacSucks.manifest echo UacSucks.manifest not found.
  112. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  113. GOTO end
  114. :err_msm1
  115. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  116. echo ERROR: MASM32 not fully installed / not in PATH.
  117. IF NOT EXIST "%msm_dir%\ml.exe" echo ml.exe not found.
  118. IF NOT EXIST "%msm_dir%\rc.exe" echo rc.exe not found.
  119. IF NOT EXIST "%msm_dir%\cvtres.exe" echo cvtres.exe not found.
  120. IF NOT EXIST "%msm_dir%\link.exe" echo link.exe not found.
  121. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  122. goto end
  123. :errasm
  124. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  125. echo ERROR: Compiling failed.
  126. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  127. GOTO end
  128. :errlink
  129. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  130. echo ERROR: Linking failed.
  131. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  132. GOTO end
  135. :put_bin
  136. del .\m0d_s0beit_sa_rsrc.res
  137. del .\m0d_s0beit_sa.obj
  138. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  139. echo The project has been built successfully.
  140. echo -----------------------------------------------------------
  143. :end
  144. pause
  145. cls
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