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Apr 8th, 2019
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  1. # CodeUHC Plugin
  2. # Price: 5$
  3. # Twitter: @SoyCode_
  6. wmu: false
  7. wrs: false
  8. wgen: true
  9. settings:
  10. main-chat-color: RESET
  11. secondary-chat-color: GOLD
  12. name-server: §6§lZentix
  13. spawnLocation:
  14. x: 0
  15. y: 64
  16. z: 0
  17. using-world-border-plugin: true
  18. scoreboard:
  19. scoreboard-title: '&6&lZENTIX &f&lUHC'
  20. scoreboard-lines: '&7&m--------------------'
  21. scoreboard-ip:
  22. scoreboard-ts:
  23. scenario-in-board: ' &6- %scenario%'
  24. messages:
  25. death-by-killer: '&c%victim% &ewas killed by &a%killer%'
  26. death: '&c%victim% &edied.'
  27. timebomb-explode: '&7[&6&lTimeBomb&7] &e%player%''s &fcorpse has exploded!'
  28. death-kick: '&b&lThanks for playing! Better luck next time.'
  29. scatter-kick: '&7The scatter is &c&lrunning&7, buy rank for join when scatter is
  30. running.'
  31. started-kick: '&7The game is already &c&lstarted&7, buy rank for join when game
  32. is started.'
  33. whitelist-kick: '&7The whitelist is &a&lON&7, buy rank for join when server is whitelisted.'
  34. serverfull-kick: '&7The server is &c&lfull&7, buy rank for join when the server
  35. is full.'
  36. mapgenerating-kick: '&7The map is &c&lgenerating&7, buy rank for join when the map
  37. is loading.'
  38. noclean-message: '&a[No Clean] You have been protected for 20 seconds.'
  39. noclean-lost: '&a[No Clean] You have lost your protection.'
  40. noclean-damage: '&a[No Clean] You can''t hurt this player.'
  41. prefixs:
  42. prefix: '&6&lZentix&f&lUHC §8» '
  43. errorprefix: '&c&lError §8» '
  44. borderprefix: '&6&lBorder §8» '
  45. host-prefix: '&6Host &8:|: &e'
  46. moderator-prefix: '&bUHC-Mod &8:|: &b'
  47. spectator-prefix: '&bSpectator &8:|: &b'
  48. helpop-prefix: '&7[&5Request&7] '
  49. joinmessages:
  50. join-staff: '&6&lStaff: &a&l%player% &fhas joined to the UHC! '
  51. other-configuration:
  52. scatter-ticks: 20
  53. practice-scatter-size: 60
  54. mapsize: 2000
  55. broadRules:
  56. every: 5
  57. rules:
  58. - '&4&lZENTIX UHC RULES!'
  59. - '&7[&cRule #1&7] &fPortal Trap/Camping is not allowed!'
  60. - '&7[&cRule #2&7] &fStalking/iPvP will be sanctioned.'
  61. - '&7[&cRule #3&7] &fHacking is not allowed'
  62. - '&7[&cRule #4&7] &fAll types of mining is allowed.'
  63. - '&7[&cRule #5&7] &fUse /helpop to request help to the staff.'
  64. - '&7[&cRule #6&7] &fCamping is not allowed when the border is 100x100.'
  65. - '&7[&cRule #7&7] &fSkyBases is not allowed when the border is 100x100.'
  66. - '&7[&cRule #8&7] &fBorder Trap is allowed only when the border is greater than
  67. 500x500'
  68. - '&7[&cRule #9&7] &fThe host will assign the fights when the deathmatch will be
  69. activated.'
  70. - '&7[&cRule #10&7] &fIf you relog when finalheal you do not receive it.'
  71. - '&7[&cRule #11&7] &fThe use of any illegal client/mod will be sanctioned.'
  72. - '&7[&cRule #12&7] &fThe worldborder will teleport you inside the new border if
  73. you are outside it'
  74. - '&7[&cRule #13&7] &fThe 500 and 100 shrinks are random.'
  75. - '&7[&cRule #14&7] &fIf you want to see the game configuration use /config'
  76. - '&7[&cRule #15&7] &fUse /helpop to request help to the staff.'
  77. - '&7[&cRule #16&7] &fDo not forget to thanks the host!'
  78. playerJoin:
  79. - '&7&m=------------------------------------='
  80. - ' &7&l&nWelcome to ZentixUHC'
  81. - '&bHost &f<host>'
  82. - '&r'
  83. - '&bScenarios: &f<scenarios>'
  84. - ' '
  85. - '&7&m=------------------------------------='
  86. scoreboard-lobby-espanol:
  87. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  88. - '&cJugadores: &f<players>'
  89. - '&cDonadores: &f<donators>'
  90. - '&cTipo: &f<type>'
  91. - '&cEmpezando: &7&o%starttime%'
  92. - ''
  93. - '&cGamemodes:'
  94. - '%scenarios%'
  95. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  96. - '&b&'
  97. scoreboard-lobby-english:
  98. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  99. - '&cPlayers: &f<players>'
  100. - '&cDonators: &f<donators>'
  101. - '&cType: &f<type>'
  102. - '&cStarting: &7&o%starttime%'
  103. - ''
  104. - '&cGamemodes:'
  105. - '%scenarios%'
  106. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  107. - '&b&'
  108. scoreboard-ingame-espanol:
  109. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  110. - '&cTiempo: &f<time>'
  111. - '&cRestantes: &f<remaining>'
  112. - '&cAsesinatos: &f<kills>'
  113. - '&cAsesinatos en equipo: &f<teamkills>'
  114. - '&cBorde: &f<border> <bordercount>'
  115. - '&cDeathmatch: &f<deathmatch>'
  116. - '&cNo Clean: &f<noclean>'
  117. - '&cProteccion: &f<protection>'
  118. - ''
  119. - '&f&'
  120. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  121. scoreboard-ingame-english:
  122. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  123. - '&cGame Time: &f<time>'
  124. - '&cRemaining: &f<remaining>'
  125. - '&cKills: &f<kills>'
  126. - '&cTeam Kills: &f<teamkills>'
  127. - '&cBorder: &f<border> <bordercount>'
  128. - '&cDeathmatch: &f<deathmatch>'
  129. - '&cNo Clean: &f<noclean>'
  130. - '&cProtection: &f<protection>'
  131. - ''
  132. - '&f&'
  133. - '&7&m-*-----------------*-'
  134. tweet-normal:
  135. - ZentixUHC NA [1.7-1.8] (Miami)
  136. - ' '
  137. - ' Gamemodes: <scenarios>'
  138. - ' Opens: <time>'
  139. - ' Type: <mode> '
  140. - ' '
  141. -
  142. solo-winner:
  143. - Congratulations to <player> for winning the UHC
  144. - ''
  145. - 'Wins: <wins>'
  146. - 'Kills: <kills>'
  147. - ''
  148. - ¡Thanks for playing this uhc!
  149. team-winner:
  150. - Congratulations to <players> for winning the UHC
  151. - ''
  152. - 'Team Kills: <kills>'
  153. - ''
  154. - Thanks for playing this uhc
  155. whitelist-remove:
  156. - The whitelist was removed
  157. - ''
  158. - 'Gamemodes: <scenarios>'
  159. - 'Type: <mode>'
  160. - ''
  161. - You have 6 minutes to enter the server
  162. - ''
  163. -
  164. respawn-player:
  165. - ⚠ The player <player> has been respawned ⚠
  166. - ''
  167. - '» IP:'
  168. - ''
  169. - ➥ You have 5 minutes to enter the server
  170. stats:
  171. enabled: false
  172. SQL:
  173. ip: localhost
  174. database: databasehere
  175. table: tablenamehere
  176. user: userforDatabase
  177. password: passForUser
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