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a guest
Mar 31st, 2018
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  1. The below python script is use to auto login on jump server from local system and form tunnel with storage box without any addition package on any servers
  2. Install paramiko module on local machine.
  3. Run the below script from local machine.
  4. import paramiko
  5. from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder
  6. with SSHTunnelForwarder(
  7. ('servername', 22), #jump server address
  8. ssh_username='ajay.prajapati',
  9. ssh_pkey=paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file("/root/.ssh/id_rsa"),
  10. #ssh_private_key_password="*******",
  11. remote_bind_address=("*.*.*.*", 22), #storage box ip address
  12. local_bind_address=('', 10023)
  13. ) as tunnel:
  14. client = paramiko.SSHClient()
  15. #client.load_system_host_keys()
  16. client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
  17. client.connect(hostname='', username="root", password="****", port=10023, look_for_keys=False)
  18. # do some operations with client session
  19. stdin, stdout, stderr = (client.exec_command('./')) # it will run the which is on storage box.
  20. print stdout.readlines()
  21. print stderr.readlines()
  22. client.close()
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