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Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. “Meg. What was your mother’s name? I’ll bet that, not only can you not remember.... you never even thought about it until I asked you.”
  3. “You arrived in this world originally, in 2029. When we brought you through, we wanted our own Avatar, our own Craig Reed. We hoped to bring you here and properly train you, before sending you to MegaTokyo. “
  5. “But we got it wrong. What we pulled through didn’t have long to live. Rather than waste a potential, we were able to make a destructive copy of your mind. We found a body capable of housing it, and one which would be immune to the enemie’s glams whilst having it’s own....advantages over baseline human.”
  7. “The first one didn’t go so well. You went insane pretty quickly. The stress of being taken transdimensional, and then awakened in a new body was too much for your psyche. Nevertheless, we had your copy on file, so we reset your memory with the image. Again, you lost your mind soon after. The third image wanted to do nothing more than have sex.“
  9. “Eventually, we began to modify your personality image, to better make it fit. Through trial and error, we were able to extend the psychological lifespan of each succeeding re-image. We removed memories and concepts that anchored you to your previous life, while adding new ones to enable you to accept your body. The mind’s natural ability to cover for it’s failing helped fill the resulting gaps. “
  11. “It required a balance. We needed to anchor your self to this body and provide just enough proof to your mind that you were still the same person, while retaining your unique characteristics and knowledge, and at the same time removing that which would cause psychological trouble, or feelings of longing,”
  13. “It took us over two years to get an image that remained stable. We sent you to Megatokyo with your motorcycle, with instructions to deliver on letter to Lady633, and place another on a specific bridge, then ride off wearing the clothes you’d worn on the night you came through. Five minutes after depositing the letter, your mind was reset back, so that it appeared from your perspective, as if you had just arrived and spontaneously transformed.”
  15. “We doubted your ability to keep this secret from Sylia. So why take the risk?”
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