Guest User


a guest
Nov 21st, 2019
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  1. categories:
  2. commands:
  3. default: true
  4. 1:
  5. - "&e&m---&c&l HELP &e&m---"
  6. - " &b/help - &fShows this help page."
  7. - " &b/warps - &fOpens GUI for all warps."
  8. - " &b/spawn - &fTeleports you to spawn."
  9. - " &b/shop - &fTeleports you to item/spawner shop."
  10. - " &b/crates - &fTeleports you to crates."
  11. - " &b/guns - &fShows all guns."
  12. - " &b/warp guns - &fTeleports you to gun shop."
  13. - " &b/weekly - &fGet your weekly kits."
  14. - " &b/ranks -&f Opens GUI to rank up/view ranks."
  15. - " &b/ct -&f Check your combat time."
  16. - " &b/bal - &fCheck your balance."
  17. - " &b/pay <user> <amount> - &fPay other users."
  18. - " &b/discord - &fLinks you to our discord."
  19. - "&e&m---&c&l HELP &e&m---"
  21. categories:
  22. serverhelp:
  23. default: true
  24. 1:
  25. - "&e&m---&c&l Server Info &e&m---"
  26. - " &bHow do I start? - &fDo /Kit Drugs, walk through the wild portal, and make a farm."
  27. - " &bHow do I craft drugs? - &fType /recipes and look for what you want to make!"
  28. - " &bWhat are drugs? - &fThe center of economy."
  29. - " &bWhat can I do With Drugs? - &fUse them by right clicking or sell them for a profit."
  30. - " &bWhat's the best drug to sell? - &fYou'll have to find that out yourself!"
  31. - " &bWhat do I do with my money? - &fYou can buy storage vaults, spawners, and guns."
  32. - " &bWhat are vaults? - &fType /vaults to learn more!"
  33. - " &bRanks - &fType /ranks to see all ranks and rankup."
  34. - " &bWhat's the point in ranking up? - &fUnlock kits, items, crafting recipes, keys, and land claims."
  35. - " &b - &fPay other users. "
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