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Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. Demo - Supreme demon of pain waves, "heya grumps"
  3. Fire Away grunts, before sliding Ebony and Ivory out of their holsters and taking aim at the she-devil.
  5. Demo - Supreme demon of pain was… a bit surprised really. It wasn’t everyday someone just threatens you at gunpoint, especially someone shorter than you, "Oh... well that's alright by me, bud!" she shrugged, dropping about half of her casual posture to give a bit of jogging rush towards him. She's been shot before, a lot, so she didn't think much. Shame she hasn't been shot by Dante however..
  7. Fire Away waited for her to get close enough before doing anything, fingers kept just over the triggers... And the moment she got close enough - as in, already tackling him or otherwise physically touching him - he proceeded to shove the barrels of his handguns up beneath her cheekbones and fired. Over. And over. And over. And over again.
  9. Demo - Supreme demon of pain's arms were outstretched, a few steps away from giving him a nice big hug. In hindsight, she even felt like she was about to be harsher than she wanted to, after all, breaking stuff wasn't something she was quite so fond o-where's her face? A busted fountain’s worth of viscous and oil colored blood burst forth from her as the mighty guns unloaded, tearing her skin to shreds. Though her muscles were more than enough to easily halt bullets, it seemed these bullets were having none of of it, diamondlike muscle tissue rended from her dense bone structure.
  10. Soon enough, there was only a tattered mess of muscle and skin strewn about from the neck up, clinging weakly to a black skull etched in weird symbols, two dark eyes glaring down at Dante. Her jaw clicked into place, a snort billowing steam through her teeth. She took one more step, intent on giving Dante that hug she now felt he deserved.
  12. What did you know, she could still see... He decided to fix that once the almost-headless she-devil lunged at him again, by taking a deft step into the hug and swinging his right elbow up and into the hole where her nose was supposed to be. Human-level strength alone would've been enough to at least jerk the head back a little with no muscle to absorb the impact... His level of strength, however, was enough to send her skull's momentum suddenly going in the opposite direction of the rest of her body.
  13. And in that same instance he had his left gun raised up and held horizontally, and with just two pulls of the trigger he fired bullets through the much more exposed space of the lower jaw back up into the skull with the express intent of snuffing out the light from the eyes... and also likely ruin the brain, but he didn't care as much about that. He just wanted her blind.
  15. Demo - Supreme demon of pain's skeleton may have been tough, seemingly held together by more than just muscle and the warm cage of flesh, but it wasn't perfect enough it seemed, the blow to the nasal bone snapping her skull back, tearing the fleshy bits that still kept it in a somewhat natural place. Her eyes twitched, rolling awkwardly in their sockets to try and stay focused on him while her arms making more swift, concentrated efforts to get a hold of him, hit him, claw him! She was... having fun really, imagining how dumb she looked right now.
  16. One thing her skeleton did seem to have going for it was a pretty good resistance to him peppering her with those great demon killing bullets, the shots to her skull not even managing to break through despite the close range. There were tiny marks left behind, but nothing spectacularly deep. With a hollow grunt, a hand went up, tearing her own skull from her body before slamming it down, attempting to bludgeon the demon hunter over the head. Why? Fuck it, why not?
  18. Fortunately the mercenary was able to mostly fend off her attempts to claw him by keeping his left elbow out and fending off her ability to bend her arm enough to do so - unfortunately... she then decided to rip off her own skull and beat him with it. Which wouldn't have been an issue in literally any other circumstance, but somehow it... caught him off guard at how ridiculous it looked. In the future he'd wonder why it surprised him, but for that moment... he was in fact beaten with a disembodied skull.
  20. Demo - Supreme demon of pain's eyes lit up with a triumphant glow, one hand setting her skull back onto her shoulders in one swift motion. Almost immediately the tattered, useless flesh began crawling back across it slowly, muscle starting to regrow as she made an attempt to grab hold of Dante. If she managed this, he would be raised high above her head and brought down into a grand suplex. Now, suplexes are bad enough from tall people, much less a nine foot tall demons, but this suplex? She was going to plant Dante like a professional gardener.
  21. Soon her vocal cords had grown into the half reformed head, a toothy grin snapping across her face, "And she sets up the takedown!"
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