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a guest
Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. te <- structure(list(Syllable = c("[pa]", "[ta]", "[ka]", "[pa]", "[ta]",
  2. "[ka]", "[pa]", "[ta]", "[ka]", "[pa]"), PA = c(15.9252335141423,
  3. 2.17504491982172, 5.26727958979289, 4.48590068583509, 2.1316282072803e-13,
  4. 14.1415335887116, 3.51720477328246, 0.839953301362556, 5.74712643678048,
  5. 7.01396701583887), transient_mean = c(4.43699436235785, 4.8733556527069,
  6. 5.52844792982797, 3.63255704032305, 4.99835680315547, 5.5387775503751,
  7. 3.19517346916471, 4.40360523945946, 4.14203491258186, 3.51900453101706
  8. ), transient_sd = c(0.871280094068596, 1.51392328075964, 2.65764846931951,
  9. 1.25416942799974, 1.13391173514884, 1.75904804912773, 1.54594113209317,
  10. 1.69526308849507, 1.73693971862859, 1.31626295142865)), class = c("tbl_df",
  11. "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -10L))
  13. > te
  14. # A tibble: 10 x 4
  15. Syllable PA transient_mean transient_sd
  16. <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
  17. 1 [pa] 1.59e+ 1 4.44 0.871
  18. 2 [ta] 2.18e+ 0 4.87 1.51
  19. 3 [ka] 5.27e+ 0 5.53 2.66
  20. 4 [pa] 4.49e+ 0 3.63 1.25
  21. 5 [ta] 2.13e-13 5.00 1.13
  22. 6 [ka] 1.41e+ 1 5.54 1.76
  23. 7 [pa] 3.52e+ 0 3.20 1.55
  24. 8 [ta] 8.40e- 1 4.40 1.70
  25. 9 [ka] 5.75e+ 0 4.14 1.74
  26. 10 [pa] 7.01e+ 0 3.52 1.32
  28. > te %>%
  29. + spread(Syllable,PA:transient_sd)
  30. Error: `var` must evaluate to a single number or a column name, not an integer vector
  31. Call `rlang::last_error()` to see a backtrace
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