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a guest
Nov 14th, 2012
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  1. *** SexyFemalePlate2
  2. Chief Brigadier Leggings
  3. Bloodfist Breastplate
  4. Truesilver Breastplate
  5. Truesilver Gauntlets
  6. Enchanted Thorium Breastplate
  7. Enchanted Thorium Leggins
  8. Imbued PLate Armor
  9. Commander's Armor
  10. Hyperion Armor
  11. Grimscale Armor
  12. Knight's Breastplate
  13. Shattered Hand Breastplate
  14. Khan'aish Breastplate
  15. Shattered Hand Breastplate
  16. Khan'aish Breastplate
  17. Talonguard Armor
  18. Marauder's Tunic
  19. Heavy Lamellar Chestpiece
  20. Alabaster Breastplate
  21. Gothic Plate Armor
  22. Valorous Chestguard
  23. Chromite Chestplate
  24. Embossed Plate Armor
  25. Field Plate Armor
  26. Jouster's Chestplate
  27. Fel Iron Breastplate
  28. Thick Obsidian Breastplate
  29. Heavy Earthforged Breastplate
  30. Flamebane Breastplate
  31. Slatesteel Breastplate
  32. Drakescale Breastplate
  33. Adamantite Breastplate
  34. Warleader's Breastplate
  35. Exalted Harness
  36. Cloudkeeper Legplates
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