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Mar 18th, 2018
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  1. harut2k - Today at 5:39 PM
  2. Hello there :) name?
  3. harut2k - Today at 6:30 PM
  4. Did I mention in my post I'm clingy af?
  5. You missed a call from harut2k.Today at 7:26 PM
  6. goobbits - Today at 7:58 PM
  7. hey you still there? it says you're offline ;~;
  8. harut2k - Today at 7:58 PM
  9. yes
  10. I'm always here for you
  11. goobbits - Today at 7:58 PM
  12. aww thankies ^_^
  13. how are you feeling today?
  14. harut2k - Today at 7:59 PM
  15. borderline insanity, eyesights getting worse due to stress, not very well lmao
  16. Tell me more about you, because if we talk about me itll get a bit too depressing
  17. harut2k - Today at 8:00 PM
  18. just fyi Im a bit sad atm, I'm not always gloom and doom
  19. goobbits - Today at 8:00 PM
  20. why do you keep doing that do you have mpd
  21. harut2k - Today at 8:00 PM
  22. idk what mpd is but Im guessing I dont have it.
  23. tl;dr I went from a bunch of friends, gf and family, job , university down to no friends, no gf, no family, no job and community college
  24. so it's something that will eventually go away.
  25. goobbits - Today at 8:02 PM
  26. did you move?
  27. harut2k - Today at 8:02 PM
  28. Yep,
  29. do you like voice calling?
  30. pls reply im depressed
  31. goobbits - Today at 8:07 PM
  32. did nobody else add you
  33. harut2k - Today at 8:07 PM
  34. one transgendered dude from sweden
  35. but he wouldn't voice call so it didn't workout....
  36. goobbits - Today at 8:08 PM
  37. so you need to voice call for you to be friends with someone, huh
  38. harut2k - Today at 8:08 PM
  39. No, it's just that 1)he was a guy 2)the timezones were an issue 3)he alsowouldnt voice call
  40. We can be friends but pls send long replies or quick ones. im not like this on college days because I get socializing from college, but
  41. on weekends I dont so I get insanely lonely
  42. goobbits - Today at 8:09 PM
  43. you should try adding people instead of just posting your own post
  44. it's really successful
  45. you seem like you need big help and i'm not equipped to do it
  46. harut2k - Today at 8:10 PM
  47. big help?
  48. nah just someone to talk to, and I have added people before
  49. goobbits - Today at 8:10 PM
  50. just needing someone to talk to doesn't look like this
  51. i'm not trying to be mean to you, but it's true
  52. harut2k - Today at 8:11 PM
  53. they usually dont initiate conversation and I get the feel they dont like me so I stop talking
  54. You caught me at a super bad moment (._. )
  55. goobbits - Today at 8:11 PM
  56. i mean you're kind of a normie for 4chan, no?
  57. there are pretty few people that don't just watch anime/play video games
  58. harut2k - Today at 8:11 PM
  59. i watchanime
  60. and I dont think im normie, just someone who likes socializing.
  61. I did find a nice girl who i talk to but
  62. shes usually busy and I am barely able to holdmyself back from constantly bugging her
  63. so i need like 1-2 more people.
  64. goobbits - Today at 8:13 PM
  65. what do you actually do online
  66. harut2k - Today at 8:14 PM
  67. I swear Im not always this autistic
  68. Online? I watch youtube, anime, and I used to play video games
  69. Right now though Im so sad I cant do anything, literally.
  70. goobbits - Today at 8:15 PM
  71. wait are you using that as your example of non autism
  72. harut2k - Today at 8:15 PM
  73. yes...? is it still autistic?
  74. goobbits - Today at 8:16 PM
  75. i mean it's kind of simple isnt it
  76. that's like small talk
  77. you don't know that person at all
  78. one simple question
  79. harut2k - Today at 8:16 PM
  80. because we usually voice call
  81. goobbits - Today at 8:16 PM
  82. you both answered
  83. and then moved on
  84. harut2k - Today at 8:16 PM
  85. uhhhh let me see if I can find some "normal"
  86. conversation
  87. Nope, the other person I talk to I also dont do text with
  88. soooooo you'll have to just take my word for it
  89. goobbits - Today at 8:18 PM
  90. i mean idc either way this is pretty low pressure
  91. so its fine harut
  92. harut2k - Today at 8:18 PM
  93. whats low pressure?
  94. goobbits - Today at 8:19 PM
  95. our conversation
  96. harut2k - Today at 8:19 PM
  97. I'm pretty sure I fucked this conversation up right from the get-go,,,,,
  98. do you want to try voice?
  99. goobbits - Today at 8:19 PM
  100. im listening to music atm and i'm really enjoying it
  101. do you like metal
  102. harut2k - Today at 8:20 PM
  104. YouTube
  105. Robert Springer
  106. Wilbert Eckart & Volksmusik Stars - House of the Rising Sun
  107. this is a good song
  108. I just listen to random music my friends would send me
  109. now you send a song
  110. goobbits - Today at 8:22 PM
  112. YouTube
  113. universalmindx69
  114. Abiotic - Vermosapien
  115. here u go ^_^
  116. harut2k - Today at 8:23 PM
  117. this is.... this is blasphemy.... CALL THE PRIEST!
  118. but yes it is good,
  119. I listen to a lot of Armenian music so idk if you'd like them
  120. goobbits - Today at 8:26 PM
  121. thats like bongos and drums?
  122. harut2k - Today at 8:27 PM
  123. Nooo, we have a thing called a "Duduk" which is in most of our songs
  124. goobbits - Today at 8:28 PM
  125. oh i see it's a woodwind, neat
  126. harut2k - Today at 8:29 PM
  127. Are you christian/religious? if you are you'd love the lyrics
  128. YouTube
  129. AsatryanProduction
  130. Artash Asatryan - Hors Xorhrdov / Official Music Video / Full HD
  131. Start from 0:30
  132. goobbits - Today at 8:30 PM
  133. are YOU religious?
  134. harut2k - Today at 8:30 PM
  135. Uh, no I'm an atheist but I temporarily convert back to christian when I listen to this song
  136. The lyrics are insanely good,
  137. goobbits - Today at 8:32 PM
  138. ah yeah that's interesting
  139. i almost feel the light of god
  140. harut2k - Today at 8:33 PM
  141. Yep, you should learn Armenian just to understand this one song
  142. Where are you from?
  143. goobbits - Today at 8:33 PM
  144. california
  145. harut2k - Today at 8:33 PM
  146. los angeles...?
  147. goobbits - Today at 8:34 PM
  148. no i live in sacramento
  149. harut2k - Today at 8:37 PM
  150. Kewlllllll so tell me a bit about yourself? You basically have like 75% of my life in the post,
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