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May 6th, 2018
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  1. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - ---
  2. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Service: "Photon Socket Server" starting
  3. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Config File: C:\Users\Carlos\Downloads\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\bin_Win64\PhotonServer.config
  4. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Will produce at most: 10 crash dumps
  5. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Action: run as exe
  6. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Server Starting...
  7. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Tick count: 34883796 (wraps in: 49.3065 days)
  8. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Tick count 64: 34883796
  9. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Photon Version:
  10. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - PID: 2628
  11. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Config File: C:\Users\Carlos\Downloads\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy\bin_Win64\PhotonServer.config
  12. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Will NOT log unimportant exceptions
  13. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Not using performance counters as they are not currently installed. Run the service with /InstallCounters to install them.
  14. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Shutdown timeout enabled: 30000ms
  15. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Starting I/O thread pool with 2 threads
  16. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Using Standard allocator
  17. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Max message size: 512000
  18. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Starting business logic thread pool with the following settings
  19. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - InitialThreads: 4 threads
  20. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - MinThreads: 4 threads
  21. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Thread pool is fixed size
  22. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Starting ENet thread pool with the following settings
  23. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - InitialThreads: 2 threads
  24. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - MinThreads: 2 threads
  25. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Thread pool is fixed size
  26. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - OnlyDispatchTimers: False
  27. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - S2S: flow control: Max pending writes: 50
  28. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - S2S: flow control: Max queued buffers: 200
  29. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - S2S: flow control: Max pending writes MUX: 500
  30. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - S2S: flow control: Max queued buffers MUX: 2000
  31. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - S2S: MaxInboundMessageSize: 512000
  32. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - S2S: MaxOutboundMessageSize: 512000
  33. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - S2S: No inactivity timeout
  34. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - WebSocket S2S: MaxInboundMessageSize: 512000
  35. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - WebSocket S2S: MaxOutboundMessageSize: 512000
  36. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - WebSocket S2S: No inactivity timeout
  37. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Max Reliable Data In Transit (awaiting ACKs) per peer : 51200 bytes
  38. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Per peer bandwidth limit
  39. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Transmit Rate Limit: 256 KB/Sec
  40. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Limit period: 200ms
  41. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Limit per period: 52428 bytes
  42. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Max queued data for transmission per peer: 512000 bytes
  43. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Minimum retransmit timeout: 200
  44. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - No Maximum retransmit timeout
  45. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Minimum ENet timeout: 5000ms
  46. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Maximum ENet timeout: 30000ms
  47. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Max Inbound Reliable Data Queued (awaiting resends of earlier sequence numbers) per peer : 163840 bytes
  48. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - No RTT ACK adjustment timeout
  49. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Outbound ENet: MaxInboundMessageSize: 512000
  50. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Outbound ENet: MaxOutboundMessageSize: 512000
  51. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - About to load runtime: PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager from PhotonHostRuntime, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=02C301B61B060C4D
  52. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - CLRBaseDirectory set to "C:\Users\Carlos\Downloads\Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\deploy"
  53. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Optimising event broadcast for 20 or more peers
  54. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Start: About to load CLR - versions available:
  55. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - v2.0.50727
  56. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - No preference in configuration file, will load latest.
  57. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - About to load version: "v2.0.50727"
  58. 3796: 10:07:09.588 - Loaded version: "v2.0.50727"
  59. 3796: 10:07:09.885 - Photon host runtime loaded
  60. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - LICENSE: No license file was found. Starting with Bootstrap License.
  61. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - License is valid.
  62. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - Licensed for 20 concurrent connections.
  63. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Max Reliable Data In Transit (awaiting ACKs) per peer : 51200 bytes
  64. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Per peer bandwidth limit
  65. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Transmit Rate Limit: 256 KB/Sec
  66. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Limit period: 200ms
  67. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Limit per period: 52428 bytes
  68. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Max queued data for transmission per peer: 512000 bytes
  69. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Minimum retransmit timeout: 200
  70. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - No Maximum retransmit timeout
  71. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Minimum timeout: 5000ms
  72. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Maximum timeout: 30000ms
  73. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - ENet: Max Inbound Reliable Data Queued (awaiting resends of earlier sequence numbers) per peer : 163840 bytes
  74. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - No RTT ACK adjustment timeout
  75. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - About to load application: Master from Photon.LoadBalancing
  76. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - Auto restart is enabled for application, existing connections will be terminated during restart
  77. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - Application will restart 1000ms after the last change detected
  78. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
  79. 3796: 10:07:17.432 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
  80. 3796: 10:07:17.901 - Taking reference on default app domain
  81. 3796: 10:07:17.916 - Master:2 - Start() failed.
  82. Exception:
  83. System.BadImageFormatException: Não foi possível carregar arquivo ou assembly 'Photon.LoadBalancing' ou uma de suas dependências. Não é possível carregar este assembly, pois ele foi compilado em um tempo de execução mais recente que o carregado.
  84. Nome do arquivo: 'Photon.LoadBalancing'
  85. em System.Reflection.Assembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection)
  86. em System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection)
  87. em System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection)
  88. em System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(String assemblyString)
  89. em PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager.PhotonPlainAppDomainBehavior.Start(String assemblyName, String typeName, String instanceName, String applicationName, IPhotonApplicationSink sink, ILogToUnmanagedLog logger, IControlListeners listenerControl)
  90. em PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager.Start(String assemblyName, String typeName, String instanceName, String applicationName, IPhotonApplicationSink sink, ILogToUnmanagedLog logger, IControlListeners listenerControl)
  92. AVI: o log de ligações de assembly está desativado.
  93. Para ativar o log de falhas de assembly, defina o valor do Registro [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) como 1.
  94. Observação: há alguma penalidade para o desempenho associada ao log de falha de ligação de assembly.
  95. Para desativar esse recurso, remova o valor do Registro [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].
  97. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Master:2 - Stop() failed.
  98. Exception:
  99. System.Exception: Stop: unable to call the Application.TearDown() - undefined photonControl.
  100. em PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager.PhotonPlainAppDomainBehavior.Stop()
  101. em PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager.Stop()
  102. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - ERROR: Failed to start application: "Master" in app domain: 2
  103. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - CService::OnException() - Exception: CManagedHost::StartApplication() - Failed to start application in AppDomain: 2 - Não foi possível carregar arquivo ou assembly 'Photon.LoadBalancing' ou uma de suas dependências. Não é possível carregar este assembly, pois ele foi compilado em um tempo de execução mais recente que o carregado.
  104. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Server shutting down...
  105. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Shutdown monitoring enabled, 30000ms before process abort
  106. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Notifying CLR applications of shutdown...
  107. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - RequestStop: defalt app domain
  108. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Shutting down WebSocket Outbound Connection Manager...
  109. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Shutting down TCP Outbound Connection Manager...
  110. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Shutting down ENet Outbound Connection Manager...
  111. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Disconnecting all outbound peers...
  112. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Shutting down ENet host...
  113. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Disconnecting all peers...
  114. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Shutting down socket servers...
  115. 3796: 10:07:17.932 - Shutting down ENet thread pool...
  116. 3252: 10:07:17.932 - CManagedHost::OnDefaultAction() - OPR_AppDomainUnload - eUnloadAppDomain
  117. 1380: 10:07:17.948 - Unloading Domain: ApplicationName = 'Master', DomainId='2'
  118. 3252: 10:07:17.948 - CManagedHost::OnDomainUnload() - 2
  119. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Shutting down TCP inactivity timers...
  120. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Shutting down CLR applications...
  121. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Shutting down business logic thread pool...
  122. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Shutting down I/O thread pool...
  123. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying servers
  124. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying WebSocket Outbound Connection Manager
  125. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying TCP Outbound Connection Manager
  126. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying TCP inactivity timer
  127. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying ENet timer wheel
  128. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying ENet host
  129. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying ENet outbound host
  130. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying HTTP inactivity timer
  131. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying HTTP host
  132. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying HTTP Chunk host
  133. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Flushing ENET buffer allocator...
  134. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Flushing TCP buffer handle allocator...
  135. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Flushing stream socket allocator...
  136. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Flushing inbound datagram socket allocator...
  137. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Flushing outbound datagram socket allocator...
  138. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying CLR dispatcher
  139. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying CLR applications
  140. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - ~CCLRApplicationCollection() - Waiting up to 10 seconds for the CLR to release all of our objects
  141. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - ~CCLRApplicationCollection() - Done. All objects released
  142. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - ~CManagedHost() - Release default app domain
  143. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - CManagedHost::OnDomainUnload() - 1
  144. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - ~CManagedHost() - Waiting up to 10 seconds for CLR shutdown...
  145. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - ~CManagedHost
  146. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying ENet thread pool
  147. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying Business logic thread pool
  148. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying I/O thread pool
  149. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying ENet buffer allocator
  150. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying TCP buffer allocator
  151. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying TCP socket allocator
  152. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying ENet inbound socket allocator
  153. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying ENet outbound socket allocator
  154. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Destroying shared datagram flow control data
  155. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Shutdown complete...
  156. 3796: 10:07:17.948 - Service shutting down: failed to start application. Errorcode: 108
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