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Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. Regis: Geralt… I'd never wish to give the impression I do not enjoy your company - the truth is quite the opposite, in fact - however…
  2. Regis: I suppose not. I was wrong to press you to go. You wished to ask something…?
  3. Regis: Hm, hm. A somewhat… uncomfortable subject.
  4. Regis: As you well know, during my teething years I had a… spell… during which I abused blood. Among vampiric youth I was, all false modesty aside, rather popular. I ran with the plasma crowd. I made a great many acquaintances… one of whom was Dettlaff.
  5. Regis: But… our paths soon diverged. You see, our band had an appetite for chasing youthful capers. Blood-guzzling contests, that sort of thing - "let's turn into bats and terrify the ladies." Dettlaff thought it all foolish. He was right, of course… though I only came to understand this later.
  6. Regis: You know of our exceedingly long lifespans… They allow us plenty of time to change. I, for one, thank the gods for that.
  7. Regis: He'll show.
  8. Regis: Allow me to explain. When speaking of facts, tangible matters, I do indeed strive to express myself precisely and at length.
  9. Regis: However, when our discussions center on affairs of the intuition or things vampiric, my utterances are indeed towards the taciturn. For even the longest discourse would not allow me to explain to my interlocutor any issue of this purview satisfactorily.
  10. Regis: Therefore, I repeat - Dettlaff will show. Sooner or later.
  11. Regis: But while we're at it, be so good and explain to me how it was you acquired that startling scar on your face. Forgive me for being direct, but it's tormented me for some time, now.
  12. Regis: Yes, Geralt?
  13. Regis: Yes, Geralt. It's me.
  14. Regis: All is well, all's in order. Wounds such as these heal on vampires in moments. But we've not seen one another in ages, my friend. At least in human terms, that is.
  15. Regis: I was a bubbling, shapeless smear, having been rather spectacularly melted into a column of a certain castle.
  16. Regis: In somewhat better shape now, as you can see. Hardly peak form, mind you, but were I human, folk would think me a demigod, I daresay.
  17. Regis: No need, Geralt. Bygones. I did not have to join you on that expedition. No one twisted my arm.
  18. Regis: Why do you think I've come? It shall not be easy, as Dettlaff can be rather stubborn. Though you must certainly recall that neither do I surrender readily.
  19. Regis: You might call it that. Though Dettlaff is… how would you humans put it… more bestial than I am. But not to worry, I'm working on him.
  20. Regis: For good reason, I'm sure. Understand, Dettlaff is not some decadent shit who kills for sport or to assuage a dryness of throat or a dullness of mood.
  21. Regis: Precisely what I wish to find out. And then I will convince him of the error of his ways.
  22. Regis: Despite appearances to the contrary, you two are quite alike. You've both noble hearts yet you both are wont to perform ignoble deeds - when circumstances force you to, of course.
  23. Regis: Remember the year 964?
  24. Regis: Blind fear gripped Rivia, Lyria and Spalla. Women and children were dying, their mutilated, dismembered corpses littered the fields.
  25. Regis: It fell to Dettlaff. Who then found a poacher asleep in the brush near his snares and dropped the fiend's corpse at his feet. And thus, a legend was born.
  26. Regis: You err. He slew it for one reason alone - the monster killed a lad who once, in the street, had offered Dettlaff an apple, expecting nothing in return.
  27. Regis: You do not have a monopoly on altruism, my friend.
  28. Regis: Vilgefortz melted my body. Dettlaff found what was left. As per our codex, he had a choice - to leave me where I was, or to care for me, nurture my remains.
  29. Regis: He chose the latter. Regenerated me at no small expense in his own blood. Do you know what that means to a vampire, the gravity of the endeavor?
  30. Regis: Much more than that. The act itself made us blood brethren, a bond so strong humans cannot even imagine. Which is why I know something ill is afoot.
  31. Regis: Each vampire has a unique talent. One they hone over centuries. It's precisely what renders us so difficult to classify. Dettlaff's trump card is his herd instinct, his tribal propensity.
  32. Regis: In point of fact, he prefers the company of lesser vampires and shuns that of humans. If he walks among you, killing egregiously, it can only mean something's upset him. Immensely.
  33. Regis: Well, we share a cause, then. Just like the old days…
  34. Regis: I know you've a contract on his head. Yet your true task is to stop the Beast killing, not necessarily to kill the Beast, am I right?
  35. Regis: Let us find him. By the time we do, I hope I'll have convinced you Dettlaff is no monster.
  36. Regis: Hear that?
  37. Regis: I'd prefer they not find me here. I've makeshift quarters at Mère-Lachaiselongue cemetery. We'll meet there.
  38. Regis: How should I say this… Dettlaff doesn't understand men, their world, its rules, its conventions. He's naïve, in a sense. He doesn't comprehend your games, knows not what it means to lie, deceive.
  39. Regis: I'm suggesting maladjustment can at times breed conflict. But is it the case this time? I cannot say… but intend to find out.
  40. Regis: Yes. So you'll understand Dettlaff is no cold-blooded killer. I believe he's landed in some mess, and he sees no way out.
  41. Regis: I am. Because I know him very well.
  42. Regis: Perhaps you should. Motivations change the contours of all situations. A thief who steals to feed his family versus one who steals out of greed - would you not treat them differently?
  43. Regis: I merely suggest he's not a bloodthirsty monster who murders simply for the joy of it. That's just not him.
  44. Regis: Your powers of deduction seem to have waned not one bit. I'm happy.
  45. Regis: I came here for Dettlaff. I fear he's become entangled, landed himself in serious trouble.
  46. Regis: I had help. From the one you hunt.
  47. Regis: Not the time nor place for such stories. I suspect we'll get a chance to speak at ease and at length later. Now, however, we must deal with the reason that brought us both here.
  48. Regis: I know you're in trouble. I can help.
  49. Regis: No. He's my friend.
  50. Regis: Hahaha. Nothing comes readily to mind.
  51. Regis: But we did not meet so I could prove how very original I am.
  52. Regis: I shall do whatever's in my power. Yet what you want or even need must matter little. What matters is what Dettlaff wants. If he does not wish to be found, you will not find him. Ever. End of story.
  53. Regis: Hm. Vampires can evade detection by the senses, and no divination magic works on us. Even the most precise megascope would be useless…
  54. Regis: Where ever did you get that?
  55. Regis: It's Dettlaff's hand, without a doubt. It will do splendidly.
  56. Regis: You guess correctly. In addition to Dettlaff's tissue, we shall need a powerful occipital lobe stimulant - effectively a poison to make one susceptible to visions.
  57. Regis: Hmm… Given that we lack the time to sleuth this out ourselves, permit me to summon some help.
  58. Regis: A raven. Rather a common sight at this latitude. Very intelligent fowl. I asked him to look for the creatures you mentioned. Him and his brethren.
  59. Regis: Perhaps they'll find one in the area. And I would hazard that a flock of ravens will spy any said creature faster than a solitary witcher would - with all due respect to your skills, my friend.
  60. Regis: It will take them some time, nonetheless, so… perhaps you'd care for a snifter of mandrake?
  61. Regis: Sadly, this is but a weak infusion rather than a proper distillate.
  62. Regis: Now, what could Geralt of Rivia prefer to keep to himself?
  63. Regis: Oh, I understood you far better than you think. Allow me to reveal a secret - my mandrake distillate possesses no particular tongue-loosening powers.
  64. Regis: Those who drink it and talk simply have burdens they wish to lift off their shoulders. The hooch is but a convenient excuse, a cover that justifies their sudden candidness to themselves.
  65. Regis: Anything in particular interest you?
  66. Regis: Unable to focus your thoughts at the moment? I understand. I, too, am anxious to know the news…
  67. Regis: Dead certain. Let's wait a bit longer. It'll return soon, don't doubt that for a moment.
  68. Regis: Ever vigilant, even in his sleep. Quite vampire-like, in fact. Are you absolutely certain they don't administer a few of our genes during the Trial of the Grasses?
  69. Regis: You were right. No kobolds or mamunes - for miles around--
  70. Regis: Allow me to finish. You see, there's this spotted wight. It haunts an abandoned residence in the Caroberta Woods.
  71. Regis: Then it seems you must revise your knowledge of spotted wights. For somehow this one managed to survive your brethren's onslaught.
  72. Regis: Hm. It seems I know this home it haunts - recall a tale about it… Locals believe the place cursed. Perhaps that's how the wight survived, entirely unmolested…
  73. Regis: Do you imagine the wight will simply sell you some?
  74. Regis: For a moment there I imagined you asking the wight to spit into a vial. Quite amusing as a thought. But the salivary glands will do fine, indeed.
  75. Regis: Yes, till later. I shall start by perusing some tomes.
  76. Regis: We require one last ingredient. Alas, obtaining it could prove a trifle toilsome. Thus I hope to identify a suitable alternative.
  77. Regis: And to you, my friend.
  78. Regis: I don't recall much in particular. Really don't attach much importance to such things. It was mentioned to me, as an anecdote, no more…
  79. Regis: Hmm… I believe it had a relation to hunger… or no, perhaps greed, rapacity? Someone was punished for something…
  80. Regis: Sorry, Geralt, I try not to clutter my mind with the details of every far-fetched tale I happen to hear.
  81. Regis: What are your thoughts?
  82. Regis: Ah, professional curiosity. Personally I've nothing against you delving into this dilemma, but please remember we need the wight's saliva. Nothing beyond that.
  83. Regis: What's your point?
  84. Regis: I sincerely doubt it. Ravens are devilishly intelligent creatures. And they've highly developed observational skills.
  85. Regis: The area around the estate, it's covered in… spoons.
  86. Regis: Spare me the skeptical smile, I'm but the bearer of this news. Perhaps this spotted wight is a hoarder? Or the spoons are somehow related to the curse?
  87. Regis: One question to ask one as fascinating as you, Geralt? Cruel parsimony, I'd say. But I shall do my best to make it count.
  88. Regis: If you were to die and be reborn as I was… in your new life, would you choose to be a witcher?
  89. Regis: Ever tried?
  90. Regis: Thank you for being honest. Honesty's an attribute of the truly brave - and thus a privilege of the very few.
  91. Regis: Many things interest me, but we've not much time left. Please answer.
  92. Regis: As I'm sure you can surmise, at first I was thoroughly absorbed with recovering. As it is, I've still not recovered completely. Yet I was so weak the first year that I could not stand nor move on my own.
  93. Regis: Dettlaff bore my weakness bravely, showed great patience. If not for him, I wouldn't be here, and I'd have regenerated far slower.
  94. Regis: Once I could at last stand unassisted, I set off for Brugge, for my one-time home of Dillingen. There I led the peaceful life of a rural healer and surgeon, enjoying my neighbors' respect and, in fact, constituting the exact opposite of the monstrous vampire the populace imagines.
  95. Regis: Perhaps a dash. But what of you? Where have you been? Ever find your Cirilla?
  96. Regis: Oo, seems I certainly missed quite a bit while I was… absent!
  97. Regis: You wish me to tell you if the human belief in the gods is well founded. That I do not know. We vampires differ exceedingly from you humans.
  98. Regis: Our matter, that of which we are composed, can exist without form. We require neither a heart nor a brain nor air to breathe.
  99. Regis: As humans understand death - yes.
  100. Regis: Hm. It's rather hard to explain. I felt something very unsettling. Something I cannot even name, for I did no reasoning.
  101. Regis: Only after rebirth did I begin to understand that what I had felt was cold and unimaginable fear. If not for Dettlaff, I might have drowned in an eternity of icy terror.
  102. Regis: Hmm… Indeed, it's… it's hard to compare to anything I know. Yet you are aware we don't see death as you do. The way you cling to life - we find it entirely peculiar. You are mortals, ergo it's a foregone conclusion - you will die. It's but a question of time.
  103. Regis: Thus I often find myself wondering why you try so very hard. To die at twenty years, forty, even a hundred - what's the difference? They're all but the blink of an eye.
  104. Regis: Very true. One's outlook can indeed change much.
  105. Regis: Starting all anew is a very broad concept. What exactly do you mean?
  106. Regis: All addictions are a form of slavery. Readdiction's not a risk I'm willing to take just to test a hypothesis about corporeal regeneration and whether propensities carry over.
  107. Regis: Not to worry, Geralt. Curiosity's a natural reaction under the circumstances. Apart from which, I've always valued that trait in you.
  108. Regis: A difficult and laborious process, but one that's possible - as my presence proves. But, but, but… I've heard you too had quite the adventure - they say you lost your memory.
  109. Regis: Yes, you humans are rather buggered in those terms. To strip you of life is, well, just plain easy. I've always pitied you in that regard.
  110. Regis: We vampires are much harder nuts to crack. If a member of another race kills one of us, we can be reborn with a living higher vampire's help.
  111. Regis: However, if one of our own strikes the deadly blow, death is permanent. There can be no rebirth. One of the chief reasons why vampires long ago swore never to fight one another.
  112. Regis: I love a challenge! In that case, my ears are cocked - what must I do?
  113. Regis: I agree wholeheartedly. I also believe it wise at times to share one's secrets, unburden oneself to those one can trust.
  114. Regis: I prefer almost always to ask indirectly. It seems a test of intelligence - one you just passed.
  115. Regis: Geralt of Rivia, do I detect a guilty conscience? Word is only those ashamed of the truth seek to conceal it.
  116. Regis: You've heard of Covinarius' theory of tissue memory retention?
  117. Regis: He did prove it. Just never managed to publish his findings. He and I corresponded, you see, after we became friends. Thus I know he completed his research and performed the first tests.
  118. Regis: It's complicated, so without delving into details, it is possible to use any piece of tissue to reconstruct what a whole body experienced.
  119. Regis: We must brew a decoction which Covinarius gave a rather poetic name - Resonance. Once imbibed, it sends one into a trance similar to that induced by narcotics.
  120. Regis: This triggers visions of events linked to strong emotions experienced by the tissue's owner. Picture it as dreaming a fragment of someone's life.
  121. Regis: Indeed. Though I also hope Resonance will reveal the location of Dettlaff's hideout.
  122. Regis: It comes from our home - where we lived before the Conjunction of Spheres. It's actually mine. I received it from a dear old friend.
  123. Regis: You might call him a… humanist. He saw us, vampires, as guests here, guests who owe their hosts, meaning you humans and the Elder Races, respect.
  124. Regis: Precisely. And the reason why I, in turn, gave it to Dettlaff - to remind him of the ideals my old friend championed.
  125. Regis: If I'm to be entirely candid, there is indeed one. But believe me, we will be better off never availing ourselves of it. It is a last resort. Absolutely.
  126. Regis: Agh. There is a being who can summon Dettlaff. Possesses the authority, even the power, to force him to appear in a given place.
  127. Regis: But the very act of contacting this being, well, it's akin to walking a slack line extended over a chasm filled with molten lava.
  128. Regis: An exercise as perilous to me as it would be to you - a risk I'm unwilling to take. I beg you, let's do it my way - it'll be both quicker and easier.
  129. Regis: What of my privacy? I value it rather deeply. Unmolested, especially by unwanted guests - that's my preferred state. Besides, I knew you'd find a way to get in.
  130. Regis: Better than you. No sign of the wight's brew or its salivary glands, I see.
  131. Regis: I shall set up my gear, start brewing Resonance. No reason to delay.
  132. Regis: Beyond this wall lies…
  133. Regis: My, I feel honored. A man with such a wealth of experience, yet I'm about to show him something new. Now to open it.
  134. Regis: Hm, you've clearly honed your sense of humor. But we are not cannibals, Geralt. I took a fragment of tissue from the hand. It will suffice to prepare some Resonance.
  135. Regis: I cremated it, as our codex commands. A raven told me you'd acquired the necessary ingredient.
  136. Regis: My watchers. Were something to go wrong, I could then arrive quickly to help.
  137. Regis: That, I fear, might prove troublesome. You see, to use the concoction to summon the memories of one, the solution must contain the blood of another specimen of the same species.
  138. Regis: It's not that simple, I'm afraid. While you were away I tried my damndest to identify a replacement, but alas, none such exists.
  139. Regis: The blood must be in an agitated state. As I'm certain you know, higher vampires can change their corporeal shell. As our flesh changes, so does our blood's chemical composition.
  140. Regis: To make a long story short, I shall need to induce in myself a state of strong psychokinetic arousal. In brief, madness, rabidity. And that stands to be very, very dangerous.
  141. Regis: We shall visit Tesham Mutna, an ancient vampire estate. There we will find cages suspended in the air. I will enter one, be confined. You will lure beasts there.
  142. Regis: Beasts you will then kill. The bloodletting should prove profuse. Abundant enough so that the blood's scent will drive me mad, wild.
  143. Regis: In a moment. Just one last thing…
  144. Regis: Blood. The last favor the raven did me. I've also taken some sangurium, a solution that sharpens one's sense of smell. One drop of blood shall smell like a gallon to me, now.
  145. Regis: Your outrage warms my heart, Geralt, but you must remain calm. I had no choice.
  146. Regis: As things stand, the die is cast. High time we set off for Tesham Mutna. My head's spinning already, and you're starting to smell quite tasty…
  147. Regis: We have arrived. The sacrificial chamber of torture and torment lies underground.
  148. Regis: Correct. I told you there'd be danger.
  149. Regis: I can only hope I do. Please, let's go? The longer we delay, the less control I shall have of my faculties. I'd really prefer not to hurt you.
  150. Regis: It is a place of torment, a torture chamber. Long ago, shortly after we'd arrived in this world, one among us named Khagmar developed such a taste and lust for human blood that in one night he could imbibe an entire village.
  151. Regis: This brought trouble on the entire species. Common folk wearied quickly of living in constant fear. They began to hunt us, seek the aid of mages and witchers in tracking us down.
  152. Regis: But they were bothersome. Forgive the comparison, but when did you last enjoy mosquito buzzing around your head? In any case, the other vampires decided something had to be done, Khagmar had to be caught and punished.
  153. Regis: A torture chamber was thus outfitted in the dungeons of Tesham Mutna. Inside it, a cage made entirely of a special alloy of silver, dalvinite and meteorite steel.
  154. Regis: Khagmar was captured and locked in the cage. Sat there over two centuries, driven to fury time after time, never able to escape. Thus I know the cage will withstand the fury to which we shall drive my humble being.
  155. Regis: I understand completely. Do tell me when you're ready to set off.
  156. Regis: True. But I shall be highly agitated, in a state of fury. You know better than I that fury cannot be controlled..
  157. Regis: If you've ever seen an enraged vampire, you know very well that all who find themselves nearby will be in grave danger.
  158. Regis: That makes two of us. But worry not. I've thought it through very thoroughly. Details to follow, soon.
  159. Regis: I try not to overdo it. But they can be so useful. As they were now, when I merely needed to be sure I could arrive in time should things go sour.
  160. Regis: Ah, there you are! Might we set off for Tesham Mutna now?
  161. Regis: It's an ancient form of protection against unwanted guests. The mechanism which releases the latch reacts only to a higher vampire's blood.
  162. Regis: It shall always be so. During the Conjunction, the gate from our world into this one opened upon this land and no other. This was the first place we saw.
  163. Regis: Yes. A great many beings have breathed their last here.
  164. Regis: The author observed humans, their behavior, over the many years he spent breeding them. Morally suspect though it may be, it's a thorough survey of the topic.
  165. Regis: It's forged of an alloy of silver, dalvinite, and meteorite steel. It will hold.
  166. Regis: I told you - Khagmar thrashed about inside it for over two centuries. Appearances can be deceiving.
  167. Regis: Ahh, disgraceful, excruciatingly so, this particular page from our history… I'd rather not summon the demons of the past, if it's all right with you.
  168. Regis: They're emblems, symbols of hmm… what you would call tribes, dispersed throughout the world after the Conjunction. My ancestors placed them here to remind us all where we came from.
  169. Regis: It's the symbol of the Tdet. Those who went east, beyond the Blue Mountains.
  170. Regis: Ammurun. They ventured beyond the sea.
  171. Regis: Gharasham. My tribe, and Dettlaff's. We both remained in this part of the world.
  172. Regis: Indeed… Though I personally did not lay a hand to it.
  173. Regis: Yes, well… You see, humanitarians is something my ancestors were not. They concluded Khagmar would best be punished if he were tormented with the scent of blood he could not taste.
  174. Regis: Thus, they also kept humans here, humans whose blood they slowly let. Khagmar ranted and raged in pain as those… those humans slowly bled to death…
  175. Regis: I'd like to be able to turn back time, deny it, but alas… I can do neither. Feel shame for my brethren, that is all I can do.
  176. Regis: Well, that was awkward. Fine. I prepared the bait, please be so kind and place it. Ideally at the tunnel entrances - the scent will spread most effectively, then.
  177. Regis: Place the bait at the tunnel entrances. Monsters will catch its scent more quickly.
  178. Regis: It was the natural order of things - the place reeked of death and attracted necrophages.
  179. Regis: How I feel is unimportant. My blood, agitated and transformed - that's what matters. It's what we need to save Dettlaff.
  180. Regis: It's not far now, Geralt.
  181. Regis: I certainly hope so. The meat's stench is so thick I wager it carries clear to Novigrad.
  182. Regis: And what would you do once I uttered it?
  183. Regis: Please, Geralt. You won't be able to. We must forge through this, that is all.
  184. Regis: Aaaaarrrggh!
  185. Regis: It… it grows… worse and worse… but I shall overcome…
  186. Regis: Aaaarrrrrgghhh!
  187. Regis: I shall enter the cage. You must chain me inside. The bars are made of an alloy that will prevent me from transforming into mist.
  188. Regis: I shall be in great pain, my sole thought being to stop that pain. I cannot know what I will do.
  189. Regis: We must hurry. The beasts have caught the scent. Also, my head's started spinning.
  190. Regis: Someone who's never experienced a vampire's bloodlust… does not know the true meaning of thirst.
  191. Regis: Aaaaarrrggh!
  192. Regis: Aaaaarrrggh!
  193. Regis: That smell!
  194. Regis: Grrrrrhrrrrr!
  195. Regis: Aaaaarrrggh!
  196. Regis: Aaaaarrrggh!
  197. Regis: Aaaarrrrrgghhh!
  198. Regis: The concoction…
  199. Regis: Far from ideal and some time must pass before I fully recover, but yes, a bit better. Thank you.
  200. Regis: Are you certain you followed the formula? The proportions were exact, the brewing time precise?
  201. Regis: This is important, Geralt. The slightest deviation could cost even a witcher dearly.
  202. Regis: Very well… In that case, let's begin.
  203. Regis: Awake at last. You writhed like a squirrel caught in a snare. I'd begun to fear they were death throes, that you'd… departed.
  204. Regis: What did you see?
  205. Regis: Hm. Interesting. And entirely unlike the Dettlaff I know. See anything else?
  206. Regis: Peculiar…
  207. Regis: Hm. That would be even odder…
  208. Regis: Perhaps we should have a chat with the lad, though I would expect no breakthroughs.
  209. Regis: I shall join you later, if it's no trouble. I don't yet feel strong enough to venture out.
  210. Regis: Why the uncertainty?
  211. Regis: Clearly the situation provoked such emotions in Dettlaff. Keep in mind, he did later murder de la Croix.
  212. Regis: Killing someone who's grown dear to us, it's bound to elicit strong emotion. Vampires are no different in that regard.
  213. Regis: Did you see anything else?
  214. Regis: We need not discuss it.
  215. Regis: What would you have done?
  216. Regis: I did not wish you to use any other way. Did that occur to you?
  217. Regis: I told you, the pain is my way of paying my debt - the enormous debt I owe Dettlaff. If I had to do it again… I would, in a heartbeat.
  218. Regis: Not now, Geralt… I could not move a step without your assistance.
  219. Regis: It seems you're having a rough go of it…
  220. Regis: I am, thank you. The local necropolis - the air does wonders for me. Now, if I might intercede, I daresay I've the right question to ask.
  221. Regis: Young man, do you see this vial? One drop added to your boot polish will help you wipe even the most encrusted boot clean as the dome of Saint Lebioda's Cathedral.
  222. Regis: With it, you will serve three times as many patrons at a fraction of the effort. Earn piles more coin. I'm prepared to give you this vial… if you tell me where the man we seek lives.
  223. Regis: In point of fact, he's a friend. Yet we had a falling out of sorts and would like to straighten matters out.
  224. Regis: Thank you. Perhaps later.
  225. Regis: Finding the right approach - that's the trick to dealing with children.
  226. Regis: We shall talk later. Let's find Dettlaff. We're close, I can feel it.
  227. Regis: We've no time to lose. It's not far, from what the lad said.
  228. Regis: I find these puppets rather disturbing…
  229. Regis: Indeed. I'm not certain why, but it reminds me of home. Our true home, from before the Conjunction of Spheres.
  230. Regis: I don't know. As I said, I never met her.
  231. Regis: Who?
  232. Regis: You might just as well stand out in the street, pound on a drum and holler, "Dettlaff, I'm coming for you!" A bit more finesse, I implore you.
  233. Regis: Give me a moment.
  234. Regis: I considered it briefly, but ultimately concluded it would be terribly dull.
  235. Regis: Come.
  236. Regis: *Sniff* No. He's not here. But he was here recently, his scent is still strong.
  237. Regis: Even if he's not here, surely he's left behind some clue as to his whereabouts.
  238. Regis: This is no time for idle chatter. We must find Dettlaff.
  239. Regis: I don't rightly know.
  240. Regis: Really, now, Geralt, must you?
  241. Regis: Where've you gone? Geralt, we've not finished yet. Argh, I expect you to return.
  242. Regis: Nazair. But I fear it means very little - anyone could have imported such ink.
  243. Regis: Look, this slip is stained.
  244. Regis: Perhaps… Yet perhaps also worth remembering.
  245. Regis: Let's get to work.
  246. Regis: A handful. But mind telling me why you ask?
  247. Regis: No, Geralt. I know him. In a fit of rage, out of passion - I could believe he could kill. But murder, a series, no less, planned out? It's simply not him.
  248. Regis: A hideout in the city, learning his victim's habits, noting down their names… No. Someone is controlling him. Of this I am certain.
  249. Regis: All noted down using one and the same Nazairi ink. And not in his handwriting.
  250. Regis: But enough to ascertain Dettlaff's innocence. Clearly.
  251. Regis: So it would seem… But this illuminates a path of action for us. We must find Rhenawedd, render the blackmail senseless. The lunatic or tics will thus lose hold on Dettlaff.
  252. Regis: He will not. I shall convince him to stay his hand, assure him you're a friend seeking to help. I'll await him here - he's sure to return sooner or later.
  253. Regis: He will.
  254. Regis: No. He'll sense you from a mile off, simply fail to appear. I'd better stay alone, you must trust me on this.
  255. Regis: So be it. We'll await you here. Dettlaff and I both.
  256. Regis: I trust you to convince her. And then…
  257. Regis: It's a rather bold plan, but… were we to find Rhenawedd, we would strip the blackmailers of their hold on Dettlaff.
  258. Regis: Why is that?
  259. Regis: Hm. Astute. Now that I think of it, I'm beginning to wonder if…
  260. Regis: Precisely. The plot thickens.
  261. Regis: Right you are.
  262. Regis: His one-time lover. The sole human woman with whom he was very close.
  263. Regis: Because she accepted him. With her aid and care, he found a place for himself in this hostile world. She began the work that I strive to continue.
  264. Regis: Never had the pleasure, alas. She deserted him a time before he came round to save me. Though he always claimed she'd gone missing.
  265. Regis: I know humans better than he does. Their capacity to be disloyal, dishonest. I also know she took her things - not something one associates with the kidnapped or those who disappear against their will.
  266. Regis: I'll save you the trouble of asking - no, I don't know why she left. I can, however, hazard a guess that Dettlaff grew angry one day, showed another, more monstrous side. Dettlaff's anger could frighten anyone off, though most who see it get no chance to flee.
  267. Regis: Is that so hard to believe? Do you know no humans who've struggled with just such a thing? And Dettlaff is so much more emotional than most humans.
  268. Regis: Not only was she his beloved, his lover, his mate. She was a member of his pack. And one never leaves one's pack voluntarily.
  269. Regis: Hard to argue with that. And hard to foresee what he's prepared to do to free her, get her back.
  270. Regis: As would you be for Yennefer. He kills for he cares for her deeply, and that blood, those individuals… they mean nothing to him.
  271. Regis: Exactly.
  272. Regis: Geralt, as you rightly noted, we are vampires, not miracle workers.
  273. Regis: He searched, for months on end before giving up. Clearly Rhenawedd knew him all too well, enough to cover her tracks, leave no way for him to find her.
  274. Regis: None to be found. Apparently she disappeared one day. Her belongings disappeared with her. Not a scenario one associates with kidnapping. In my humble opinion, she left on her own, scared off, perhaps, by a bout of Dettlaff's rage that revealed his other, more monstrous side.
  275. Regis: There you have it. Proof positive Dettlaff killed not of his own accord. A blackmailer's sunk his claws into him.
  276. Regis: Indeed, Dettlaff gains foes occasionally, but they never live long.
  277. Regis: Possible in theory… but I know of none. It would have to be someone devilishly dangerous. As you well know, having faced Dettlaff yourself.
  278. Regis: Whoever it is, it is someone new.
  279. Regis: Dettlaff's victims, one and all. But that's not his hand.
  280. Regis: Uh, my very dear friend, Dettlaff van der Eretein, an arrival from Nazair. We are lending our combined resources to the witcher's hunt.
  281. Regis: Don't be fooled, dear. Geralt has many merits. He merely hides them from the world very diligently.
  282. Regis: You're well aware there are men… and witchers… who have done worse in defense of their loved ones? Am I right, Geralt?
  283. Regis: We shall return forthwith.
  284. Regis: An exceptional conversation, don't you think? Vampires, a witcher and the duchess of Toussaint - my, my.
  285. Regis: Geralt, allow me to explain…
  286. Regis: But that is precisely what I'm doing. Dettlaff believes you'll succeed in your task. And he'll not need to kill anymore…
  287. Regis: That is, not until he gets his hands on the men who kidnapped his Rhena.
  288. Regis: That's splendid news. If they are there, Rhena must be there as well.
  289. Regis: Do you mean to say your task now is to extract two women from the castle?
  290. Regis: Geralt, you must trust me. I've got a way with--
  291. Regis: Alone?
  292. Regis: I hope you know what you're doing… Fine. I shall see to Dettlaff. Good luck, my friend.
  293. Regis: Contrary to what common folk believe, choosing a wine is not nearly as easy as it might seem. Especially a wine to be served to two exquisite ladies.
  294. Regis: I met her years ago, before I met you. And before she settled in Beauclair. We'd not seen one another in, oh - I can't begin to tell you in how long.
  295. Regis: But I shall tell you all about her… some other day.
  296. Regis: It would be quite some coincidence, indeed… No, a dutiful little bird told us.
  297. Regis: Aaarghh!
  298. Regis: Onward!
  299. Regis: Come, Geralt, we must hurry.
  300. Regis: We thought you could use our help, so--
  301. Regis: Now we need only find Anna Henrietta's sister. Where should we look? Do you know?
  302. Regis: Then speak, and let's grab her. Time is short.
  303. Regis: My friend, please… you must listen to what Geralt has to say.
  304. Regis: He did not wish to act rashly. He's gone to soothe his nerves.
  305. Regis: I cannot say. He can be unpredictable when fury consumes him.
  306. Regis: Come again? After what he just…?
  307. Regis: Well, it truly does seem the best option.
  308. Regis: We've discovered Syanna blackmailed the vampire, ordered him to kill those men.
  309. Regis: She is his missing lover. Staged her own abduction to force him to do her bidding.
  310. Regis: Your Grace… I know this vampire and--
  311. Regis: Dettlaff.
  312. Regis: Your Grace, we have three days to bring him Syanna and--
  313. Regis: I cannot let them see me, recognize the vampire in me. Apologies Geralt, you must manage alone. I'm certain you will.
  314. Regis: Hm. How… how do your employers customarily react when you fail to meet their expectations?
  315. Regis: And rulers?
  316. Regis: Your Grace, it seems Syanna tricked Dettlaff, used him to murder the knights who escorted her into exile. We have reason to believe that--
  317. Regis: Do you think Her Grace's nerves have been calmed?
  318. Regis: Yes… Well, even I must admit Dettlaff's actions were highly inappropriate, reprehensible, even.
  319. Regis: Are you upset?
  320. Regis: Hmm, let's see… You're returning from your hunt empty-handed. No trophy. No new lead to boast of, then pursue.
  321. Regis: Mh, yes, of course. The excuse you resort to whenever you'd rather not talk about something.
  322. Regis: In due course. But first, Geralt… I'd like you to consider the alternative. After all, you could fulfill Dettlaff's demand and liberate his beloved Syanna.
  323. Regis: You know what I would opt for. Should we free Syanna and arrange for her to meet with Dettlaff, there's a good chance we'll all survive this ordeal, Dettlaff included.
  324. Regis: Should you decide your sword is the sole solution, I shall not stand in your way.
  325. Regis: Certainly hope so. Now please tell me… what is it you intend to do?
  326. Regis: You won't make me beg. I knew you wouldn't.
  327. Regis: Of course. Many hands make light work.
  328. Regis: I see… Alas.
  329. Regis: You know what to do. You must see Orianna, ask her to introduce you to the Unseen Elder. She might agree.
  330. Regis: Now? Whatever I can to limit the number of human victims to a minimum.
  331. Regis: Should you learn where the Elder dwells, do whisper a word to the ravens. I'll come and help.
  332. Regis: Even though. Good luck, Geralt.
  333. Regis: Not an easy choice. Understood.
  334. Regis: Permit me to leave you to wrestle with this dilemma. I'm needed in the city. I cannot stop what is happening, but I can try to limit the number of victims.
  335. Regis: Once you've decided… and learned something, perhaps, whisper a word to the ravens. I shall find you.
  336. Regis: You see, somewhere nearby lives an unusual denizen, one of the Unseen - ancient and powerful vampires, among the oldest and strongest.
  337. Regis: Toussaint is this Unseen Elder's territory. All vampires owe him fealty while they're here. He need but say the word, designate a time and place, and Dettlaff will be forced to appear.
  338. Regis: We must find him, first.
  339. Regis: The Elder does not see arrivals unless he absolutely must. But locals, Orianna, for instance… You know, she too is--
  340. Regis: I don't know. You'll have to improvise, I suppose.
  341. Regis: It's hard to believe, I know, but… Dettlaff is not actually evil, merely impulsive. He needs but meet with her, speak with her… and he will spare the city.
  342. Regis: I do not recall ever suggesting we ask her permission.
  343. Regis: It seems unlikely in the extreme that--
  344. Regis: I vow that not a hair on her head shall come to any harm.
  345. Regis: I trust I've dispelled your doubts, then?
  346. Regis: Hardly a reservation. More of an excuse. I'm certain you'll find her, you must merely decide you wish to.
  347. Regis: There, you see? I knew you'd think of something. Bravo.
  348. Regis: I believe he suspects something. He must. And he seeks to understand what happened.
  349. Regis: What can I say… Moderation was never his strong suit.
  350. Regis: Syanna failed to appear as summoned. And… there. Dettlaff was not making idle threats.
  351. Regis: That… is not exactly true.
  352. Regis: There is a certain staggeringly dangerous, mind you, way to force Dettlaff to reveal himself… and incite him to fight.
  353. Regis: Is that how I put it? Do forgive me, then, I've misled you terribly. The word "dangerous" is simply a scandalous understatement in this case.
  354. Regis: Syanna failed to appear as summoned. And… there. Dettlaff was not making idle threats.
  355. Regis: Hurry. Damien could be in danger.
  356. Regis: Do you think so? He seemed battle-hardened, more than a few scraps under his belt…
  357. Regis: We must put him down before he kills again.
  358. Regis: As a rule, they don’t.
  359. Regis: I told you. He's exceptional. He manages to bend them to his will, control them with his thoughts.
  360. Regis: They'll continue attacking until he orders them to back down - or until he dies.
  361. Regis: It's a massacre…
  362. Regis: No answer… but he's not among the dead, either…
  363. Regis: Hm. He didn't suffer long, at least.
  364. Regis: We must hurry. Each moment's delay means another death.
  365. Regis: If we'd only arrived a bit earlier…
  366. Regis: *Sniff* That scent… It's Damien's blood. He was wounded.
  367. Regis: They should not have come out to fight. They'd have done better to stay inside, behind locked doors and barred windows..
  368. Regis: They must have realized they could not hold this position.
  369. Regis: The door won't hold up long. Let's get to work.
  370. Regis: Pointless. That's no obstacle to a vampire.
  371. Regis: Geralt? Care to come back?
  372. Regis: This is not the best time for chit-chat, Geralt.
  373. Regis: We must focus on Damien. Time's running out.
  374. Regis: Hm, well… I understand. I'll not mention it again.
  375. Regis: I'd not be able to talk as a puff. And, as you know, talking is something I very much like to do.
  376. Regis: I shall await you at our destination, if it's all the same to you. So, see you… though, try not to make me wait too long.
  377. Regis: I've looked into it already.
  378. Regis: Mhm. I managed to convince Damien to help us. He claims Syanna was last seen in the palace playroom.
  379. Regis: Perhaps, I don't know. We must see for ourselves. Come.
  380. Regis: Excellent decision.
  381. Regis: For the sake of you both.
  382. Regis: To meet the Unseen Elder is to face mortal danger - I've said so all along and never in jest. You are a friend, a dear friend. I'd rather you not risk your neck unnecessarily - I think it's natural, I think it's obvious. Obviously natural. Especially when we've an alternative. An entirely reasonable one.
  383. Regis: Oh? Did she not divulge where you might find the Unseen?
  384. Regis: I admit I'd heard rumors, but… preferred to lend them no credence.
  385. Regis: I see. I'm prepared to set out at any time, but…
  386. Regis: Perhaps we could give it one more try? I mean, we were so close…
  387. Regis: Yet perhaps you'd care to reconsider once more?
  388. Regis: In meeting the Unseen Elder you will risk all. You cannot be certain to leave with your life. Yet if we meet Dettlaff's demand, the killing will cease at once.
  389. Regis: You've met with Orianna. How did it go?
  390. Regis: So, you decided to talk to Orianna after all… How did you fare?
  391. Regis: Greetings, Geralt.
  392. Regis: We must be close.
  393. Regis: Listen.
  394. Regis: As I said, he despises guests.
  395. Regis: Spureni veres nac atranes. Avile cleva Regis, etu--
  396. Regis: Uuuugh… Echhh…
  397. Regis: We ask only that you summon him. We… we shall see to the rest.
  398. Regis: I will be anathema. This I know. And still I ask you to summon Dettlaff.
  399. Regis: Tesham Mutna.
  400. Regis: I thank you.
  401. Regis: Oooph… That went better than I expected it would.
  402. Regis: Ah. Yes… high time. Do… do you wish to go to Tesham Mutna right away?
  403. Regis: And yet you survived.
  404. Regis: Though you are risking your life. The question is why. This contract… it goes well beyond what witchers customarily handle. I cannot abandon the matter, for Dettlaff and I are bound by blood, but you… you could simply walk away.
  405. Regis: So why, my friend? Why stay and risk your hide?
  406. Regis: Perhaps you should simply step off it?
  407. Regis: You believe it will be worth all this?
  408. Regis: I… Hm. I'm not certain I know what to say.
  409. Regis: I am grateful, Geralt.
  410. Regis: No. They vary. Some are conceited, others imperious, but… most can be reasoned with.
  411. Regis: But him… It was clear each word was a great effort. Interacting with others, it seems it causes him physical pain.
  412. Regis: Monsters. No euphemism required, you needn't seek one.
  413. Regis: I dare say it was worse for us. You arrived by the thousands, we were but a handful. Not much choice - assimilate with you… or shut ourselves off from the world. Like him.
  414. Regis: Geralt, imagine the least comfortable situation you could ever find yourself in. What would it be? I don't mean a moment of pain, with death knocking at your door, just a circumstance of great unease.
  415. Regis: Very well. Now imagine you're stuck there - not for an hour, not for an evening, but for all time.
  416. Regis: And should you fall out of character for but a moment, should you so much as scratch yourself where the stitching chafes, all around you will scream, "Monster! Monster!" And they'll turn on you and tear you to shreds.
  417. Regis: I couldn't have put it better myself.
  418. Regis: In a sense, yes. Just slammed shut, sealed tight.
  419. Regis: Ah. I sincerely doubt it. And I think in truth the Elder knows that as well.
  420. Regis: Hm. To stay with the "gate" analogy - no door is ever completely impermeable. Smells come through, for instance. And when the wind rises, some dust might be blown through the cracks. A palpable trace of things on the other side.
  421. Regis: It's not much… but it is something.
  422. Regis: Probably not. Yet… we must try nonetheless.
  423. Regis: I will be anathema. This I know. And still I ask you to summon Dettlaff.
  424. Regis: It worked. And a good thing, too, I'd be hard pressed to seep through this gate as a puff of fog.
  425. Regis: Hmm… vampires?
  426. Regis: Only that he takes unkindly to guests. Especially the unannounced.
  427. Regis: Hm. The custom when meeting an Unseen Elder is to bestow upon him a stone symbolizing peace. Yet this type of stone occurs only in Haakland.
  428. Regis: Alas, just so. Thus I fear we must rely on my personal charm.
  429. Regis: I'll fly ahead. Reconnoiter a bit.
  430. Regis: I see you've strayed from the course… Very well, go wild. I shall await you on the other side.
  431. Regis: Then we must give them a proper welcome.
  432. Regis: Hm. It's somewhat more complex.
  433. Regis: I don't doubt your intelligence, but… well, it's just hard to explain to a human.
  434. Regis: This world is a foreign land to us. Unpleasant. Hostile, even.
  435. Regis: The Elder does what he can to isolate, protect himself. And we, as all guests, hinder him in this endeavor.
  436. Regis: Geralt! Over here.
  437. Regis: Ahem. Might I suggest you use Orianna's key?
  438. Regis: Let's find the Unseen One first. Then we'll talk.
  439. Regis: Geralt, I adore our conversations, I do. But this is simply not the right time.
  440. Regis: Hmm… vampires?
  441. Regis: Isn't it? Offers a lovely view of the valley. On a clear day you can see the outlines of Dun Tynne.
  442. Regis: Yes. Quite the shame.
  443. Regis: Hinthial cesu, themias.
  444. Regis: You know why… The duchess would not release her.
  445. Regis: Dettlaff… please. All this for one woman…?
  446. Regis: Hm. A bit.
  447. Regis: Though… perhaps I was fooling myself, latching on to the notion because I badly wished to believe there was some way to fix everything.
  448. Regis: However, matters have simply gone too far. I must come to terms with that.
  449. Regis: Ehh, so sensitive, so aware… Honestly, what did Dettlaff ever see in you?
  450. Regis: What did you do…?
  451. Regis: I'm sorry… I swore to protect her, I know… but it happened so fast.
  452. Regis: What have we done…?
  453. Regis: Geralt, you will face--
  454. Regis: I doubt he'll be in the mood for jests.
  455. Regis: Akh akh akh!
  456. Regis: Agh. Leave him to me.
  457. Regis: Begone.
  458. Regis: I insist.
  459. Regis: I'm sorry.
  460. Regis: And… you've our gratitude. You helped us a great deal.
  461. Regis: So be it. But try not to tarry.
  462. Regis: And ours will follow right after it. Yet still we are prepared to take the risk.
  463. Regis: I fear we waste our time here. Come, Geralt.
  464. Regis: We know it. But we do not agree with it.
  465. Regis: I see the harlotsbrood came close to slaughtering you as well.
  466. Regis: Not at all.
  467. Regis: I'm not sure it will help, but I suppose there's no harm in leafing through them.
  468. Regis: Charming.
  469. Regis: Perhaps not so much…
  470. Regis: Tsk, tsk. Once you're labeled a black sheep, it's so hard to shed that reputation.
  471. Regis: I'm beginning to suspect Isabelle de Roquefort wrote in her diary after taking a powerful hallucinogenic. Cannabis rudelaris, for instance, or…
  472. Regis: Wait. Artorius was the court mage here, a specialist in illusions. Which means…
  473. Regis: A book as the key to an illusion. My, my, this grows more interesting by the minute.
  474. Regis: Hm, Curse of the Black Sun - it was no doubt then that she was diagnosed with the syndrome's symptoms.
  475. Regis: In the melodious tongue of our none too friendly neighbors to the south, the word describes the many-petaled flower that blooms in that place we so unmelodiously call the crotch.
  476. Regis: Not impossible. She would be safe there… and isolated. We must see.
  477. Regis: At your service.
  478. Regis: Mirror, mirror on the wall… I despise these things.
  479. Regis: A rocking horse. Rather worn. I suppose it got a lot of use…
  480. Regis: Did you expect something? Apart from the dust swept under there by a lazy chambermaid?
  481. Regis: Here. The playroom's beyond this door.
  482. Regis: Beyond the door's the playroom. Found one of my brethren sniffing about. I made sure he'd stay out of our way.
  483. Regis: Careful!
  484. Regis: Kind of you to summon me. I thank you wholeheartedly.
  485. Regis: We should look around at least.
  486. Regis: Indeed, pleasant. It's a shame the mechanism's damaged.
  487. Regis: … hide from your governess. Which luckily she noted down in her diary, thus I knew where to await you.
  488. Regis: Never mind that… Has the young lady agreed to help clean up the mess she's made?
  489. Regis: Would you prefer I treated you like the lying manipulator you are?
  490. Regis: Apologies. I forgot myself. Ahem…
  491. Regis: I shall do my utmost.
  492. Regis: I suggest we postpone any further discussion.
  493. Regis: More searching and less chatting, Geralt, please.
  494. Regis: Come, then.
  495. Regis: Acceptable, I suppose. I shall await by the bootblack's stand.
  496. Regis: Then I invite you to join me for one. I'm certain to dig up a flask. Or two. Or three.
  497. Regis: I can't help myself. Just so glad to see you.
  498. Regis: While you vegetated in that correctional facility? I used the time to think. Wish to know what I thought about?
  499. Regis: The relationship between two numbers - Dettlaff's four victims and the Five Chivalric Virtues. As you've no doubt noted, there's a difference of one.
  500. Regis: Belief's got nothing to do with it. It's cold logic, deduction. Syanna went to great lengths to make folk believe the Beast was punishing those who betrayed the Virtues.
  501. Regis: Were I in her shoes, I'd make sure the number of victims matched. Are you not at all curious who was meant to be the fifth?
  502. Regis: Then you'll come with me for another chat with the bootblack. You see, I've learned he delivered the notes to Dettlaff. Our search starts with him.
  503. Regis: It was nothing. True, he was not at first terribly eager to face the duchess… but I managed to persuade him his person was indispensable.
  504. Regis: Yet he so rarely is, poor man.
  505. Regis: My, what a smashing ensemble. You wear it well.
  506. Regis: This particular witcher has an inborn intolerance for formal occasions. Yet he's to attend just such an event shortly. I expect that's the source of his prickliness.
  507. Regis: So, try not to take things personally, master tailor. Rather pity him, for in truth stage fright overwhelms him. He trembles at the thought that he has no notion how to behave in the presence of Her Grace's majesty.
  508. Regis: Hmph, a tradition which values appearances ahead of all else, which calls for lordly, glistening triviality and misplaced generosity…
  509. Regis: I've had no reprieve, either. And I keep thinking of the last great virtue - compassion… It's the one piece of the puzzle that never seemed to fit.
  510. Regis: It's not a question of belief, superstition or old wives' tales. It's a conclusion derived through exercising pure logic.
  511. Regis: Syanna planned everything in advance. Had we not stopped her, surely there'd have been a fifth victim. One the gossips would have associated with a lack of compassion.
  512. Regis: Do you care not a whit who else was in her black book? We've some time before the ceremony. We could still chat with that boot-cleaning urchin.
  513. Regis: He was the one to pass the victims' names to Dettlaff… Perhaps we missed something?
  514. Regis: Fine. I shall await you there, shoot the breeze with the charming lad to pass the time.
  515. Regis: You're entitled to your opinion. I, however, will check this. Should you change your mind, you know where to find me.
  516. Regis: While you basked in glory and tried on new formal wear, I conducted a little investigation of my own. You'd be very proud to see how I conducted myself.
  517. Regis: I began by concocting an ample supply of boot wash for our enterprising young friend.
  518. Regis: I'd observed that among street folk, amidst their society as a whole, reciprocity takes precedence over all other codes and thus no good deed goes unrewarded.
  519. Regis: Of course, the same holds true for malicious or destructive deeds.
  520. Regis: When the bootblack arrived to collect his bucketful, he hinted he knew more. Simply put, we'd failed to ask the proper questions when we'd chatted earlier. It took a bit more tongue-loosening, but ultimately he spoke.
  521. Regis: He admitted he'd handed Dettlaff the letters. He knew this information was valuable to me. In providing it, he was simply repaying me.
  522. Regis: Hardly. It's the tone I ever adopt when I find myself pondering. Which, believe it or not, happens quite a lot.
  523. Regis: Besides, I've no need for a new outfit as I shall not be attending the ceremony.
  524. Regis: Because unlike you, I don't have to. I shall begin to pack my belongings, instead. I trust you'll join me later, once you're richer by a medal and a fascinating new experience?
  525. Regis: Then I shall take advantage as well. A friend of mine used to say boots should be as clean as the souls that wear them.
  526. Regis: Geralt, allow me to ask a question… Listen, lad. I'll be glad to mix another batch of that boot shine for you…
  527. Regis: But you must focus now and tell us all you know. Where can we find the beggars?
  528. Regis: Thanks, kid. For your trouble.
  529. Regis: You've made some nice improvements… I'm rather impressed, both pleasing to the eye and functional.
  530. Regis: The young master and I were just discussing the curious composition of the local soil.
  531. Regis: Geralt! I'm pleased you had a change of heart.
  532. Regis: We must visit the shelter, look around inside.
  533. Regis: I agree completely, young man - loess is clearly more adhesive than loam.
  534. Regis: Where else he might be found? Alas, I've not a clue. I know he works each day from dawn to dusk - but never at night.
  535. Regis: It should be right around here.
  536. Regis: We should step aside, good fellow. My friend is perfectly capable of settling this unfortunate dispute on his own.
  537. Regis: What is it? Another name, truly?
  538. Regis: Well, well… I… I must say even I did not expect this…
  539. Regis: "This time you will see to our duquessa." It seems we underestimated Syanna rather grossly.
  540. Regis: "Yet first you must snap her neck." Puzzling.
  541. Regis: Indeed. The logical conclusion, Geralt.
  542. Regis: Had she managed to fulfill her plan, none would have questioned the reasons, most would have thought Anna Henrietta had died for her sins.
  543. Regis: She was known to show a hard heart on many occasions. Ample proof of a lack of compassion.
  544. Regis: Yes, yes and yes. All seem likely. And none are mutually exclusive. But if you'd like to know for certain, you could always ask her yourself.
  545. Regis: Praiseworthy, I suppose. Sometimes one should stare evil in the face.
  546. Regis: She used my friend as her tool for killing. I believe I've every right to condemn her. But I support your lust for the truth.
  547. Regis: Some philosophers think empirical examination the sole path to knowledge.
  548. Regis: I believe you mentioned the duchess keeps Syanna locked up?
  549. Regis: Of course not. I shall await you at Mère-Lachaiselongue. I'll not risk entering the palace after Dettlaff and his minions' rampage.
  550. Regis: Besides, I vastly prefer the company of a simple mug of mandrake brew to that of the duchess' vile sister.
  551. Regis: I've never been fond of categorical statements of that kind. But I admit I could not vouch for my behavior in her presence.
  552. Regis: She treated Dettlaff cruelly, caused his death in the end. And now this…? Atop all that? No, Geralt. I will not go with you. I will await you at the cemetery.
  553. Regis: You assume correctly. I shall await you at Mère-Lachaiselongue, with a hot mug of mandrake brew to keep me company.
  554. Regis: …Talk to you? Would it harm you in any way to try?
  555. Regis: What can I say? The road to truth is oft muddy, rutted and largely unpleasant.
  556. Regis: Yes, yes and yes. All those make sense. And none are mutually exclusive.
  557. Regis: Now we drink. Unless, that is, you feel a witcherly duty to see the duchess and tell her what we just learned.
  558. Regis: Heh. Why not admit you're simply afraid of her reaction?
  559. Regis: I cannot. At times one must abandon grand politics for a bit of simple pleasure. I believe this is one of those times.
  560. Regis: As you wish. I shall await you at Mère-Lachaiselongue, a mug of mandrake brew to keep me company.
  561. Regis: No. After the horror Dettlaff brought down upon the city - and in light of Syanna's death - I think it wiser not to appear at the palace.
  562. Regis: Before heading to the palace, you might wish to see if Anna Henrietta is not at the city cemetery. She's spent a great deal of time at her sister's grave these last days.
  563. Regis: I believe we may dare to assume so. Syanna's death was also the death of the duquessa's only natural rival. She is in no danger, for now.
  564. Regis: Alas, the matter's ceased to be a tantalizing brainteaser and has turned incredibly grave. We've proof of a plot to assassinate Toussaint's ruler, we've proof of a coup d'état.
  565. Regis: Are you well, my friend?
  566. Regis: Well, I saw your opponents gain the upper hand, so I took the liberty of jumping in. They shan't bother us anymore. We can now have a calm conversation with the proprietor.
  567. Regis: Stylish crypt, quite subdued. Yes, this is the kind of eternal resting place I dream of.
  568. Regis: Serious, Geralt, serious. It's remarkably peaceful, subtly charming to the hilt - a perfect match for the duchess' dignity.
  569. Regis: Ahh, you humans, you'll never cease to amaze me. To feel despair in the face of natural processes to which you are predestined… tsk, tsk.
  570. Regis: I've come to take you from this place, my friend. Daresay you deserve a speck of respite after the mad whirl of the last few days.
  571. Regis: Hmm, and if I were to add jimsonweed in the last phase? Could be an intriguing blend, that.
  572. Regis: Perhaps for you, as you ducked out early. The others are probably just getting started. The drunkenness never ends in this quaint realm…
  573. Regis: Ah, this place is like a strong wine, Geralt. Good in small sips.
  574. Regis: *Sniff sniff* Mmm, supreme bouquet. Firm, defined beginning, then develops gently, rising to a startling finish. Don't you think?
  575. Regis: Then it is high time you started your education. After all, the Corvo Bianco Vineyard is now yours. By the way, I left a gift for you at your new home. On the nightstand.
  576. Regis: A trifle. That will nonetheless be useful should you need mutagens.
  577. Regis: Incidentally, have you thought about what you'll do with your prize? Shall you hang your swords over the mantle and take to pruning vines?
  578. Regis: Oh, stop, please. Sounds so sentimental my fangs have begun to hurt. Then what? Will you begin writing your memoirs, like Dandelion?
  579. Regis: I can remember a night, not too far from here, if I'm not mistaken. We hid in a cave while a blizzard raged all about. Does that sound at all familiar?
  580. Regis: Our encounter with Vilgefortz, that is something I do not remember so fondly. But that first stay in Beauclair, far calmer than this one.
  581. Regis: Appearances, Geralt. Appearances, like mamunes and dopplers, deceive. So what did become of Vilgefortz?
  582. Regis: So we shall, my friend. We have witnessed - and, in fact, on several occasions incited - many great and weighty events. After all that toil, I believe we deserve a bit of a rest.
  583. Regis: I do. I must find Dettlaff. Help him. I certainly owe him that much.
  584. Regis: Do I detect a note of sarcasm?
  585. Regis: Distance is of the essence. I thought I might venture south.
  586. Regis: Why ever not? The Nilfgaardians are a modern society. None there believe in vampires anymore. This fact alone could be very useful to one wishing to remain incognito.
  587. Regis: Huh. I'm flattered, Geralt, I am. But no, I, too, was not made to saunter about in a robe and slippers.
  588. Regis: Rather droll, isn't it, that each time we meet something harrowing must happen.
  589. Regis: Ah, roadsides, bedrolls and the sky above. I sense some poetry coming on… which of course brings to mind Dandelion.
  590. Regis: How do you find my personal brew? Not too strong?
  591. Regis: Credit the local mandrake, of the Alrauna Diavolis variety, for that. The tubers which grow in this area's volcanic soil have an altogether unique flavor profile and display a remarkably uncommon dark-brown tint.
  592. Regis: Indeed. It might be wise to stockpile some roots for the future. Would you care to accompany me?
  593. Regis: Not a problem. I never forget matters of safety and hygiene in alchemy. Here, gloves and a mask. Don them and you shall be in no danger.
  594. Regis: Ehh, Geralt… Even were I generously to assume it had simply slipped your mind that I am a vampire and thus need no light to see…
  595. Regis: … I'd never believe you had also forgotten that you, likewise, have absolutely no trouble seeing in the dark. So, shall we?
  596. Regis: Of all the places to wind up behind bars, Toussaint was a good choice. No other ruler I know would change their mind so quickly.
  597. Regis: Especially given it wasn't about just anyone, but the duchess' very own sister…
  598. Regis: As you know, I had little sympathy for Syanna. Nonetheless I very much regret I could not keep her safe. To you, her ultimate fate - does it still bring on the occasional pang of regret?
  599. Regis: Well then - drink up.
  600. Regis: No. He had a score to settle with Syanna. By his reckoning he did just that.
  601. Regis: He has no reason to attack anyone else. Or to remain in Beauclair any longer.
  602. Regis: … whichever of them it was.
  603. Regis: You need not.
  604. Regis: Did I decide to stand against him? Ahh, I felt rage had consumed him completely. He'd crossed the line beyond which he could no longer control himself.
  605. Regis: He'd have remained the Beast, irrational, unfit to reason with, incapable of experiencing any of the emotions which, for simplicity's sake, we shall call human.
  606. Regis: I do not wish such a life upon anyone. And especially not on a friend.
  607. Regis: Forgive me, but I doubt you truly do. And it's very difficult to explain. Let's say I felt the solution I chose to be better for all involved… and for Dettlaff himself most of all.
  608. Regis: That she was. I do admit it. Though in her case it would have been better if she had been a tad more philosophical, pausing from time to time to reflect on the propriety of her actions.
  609. Regis: I fear there are worries for which, quite simply, there is no other medicine.
  610. Regis: A mass outburst of emotion? Well… it seems her subjects have adopted some of their recent ruler's traits.
  611. Regis: I did. And I do truly rue her passing.
  612. Regis: Then let us drink.
  613. Regis: That she was. I do admit it. Though in her case it would have been better if she had been a tad more philosophical, pausing from time to time to reflect on the propriety of her actions.
  614. Regis: There exist worries for which there quite simply is no other medicine.
  615. Regis: Am I to understand she didn't throw her arms about you and shower you with thanks for saving her from her murderous sister?
  616. Regis: Alas… We've a very simple code of honor, we vampires. So simple you might call it trivial. Either one is with us - unconditionally, regardless of the circumstances - or…
  617. Regis: They will not. Fortunately, we've another rule - an unwritten one, and just as trivial as the first. It is neatly summarized in the saying, "Out of sight, out of mind."
  618. Regis: That is why I must leave Toussaint. For a vastly long time, most like.
  619. Regis: Ah… Let us make for my camp. I've an overwhelming desire to have another drink.
  620. Regis: This moonlight makes me oh so dreamy.
  621. Regis: No. I was thinking about… oh, how anything can look interesting when properly lit.
  622. Regis: You've not an ounce of refinement in you, have you?
  623. Regis: I did what I had to do.
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