Guest User


a guest
Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. settings:
  2. mysql:
  3. host:
  4. port: 3306
  5. database: 'database'
  6. user: 'user'
  7. password: 'password'
  8. server:
  9. login: LoginServer
  10. after: Lobby
  11. time:
  12. register: 30
  13. login: 30
  14. captcha: true
  15. messages:
  16. isnotlogin: '&eYou must be logged in to post a chat!'
  17. premium:
  18. successful:
  19. title: '&a&lWelcome!'
  20. subtitle: '&aYou signed the premium account!'
  21. unsuccessful:
  22. '1': '&cAuthentication servers do not respond, we can not verify your account!'
  23. register:
  24. title: '&6&lRegister using'
  25. subtitle: '&e/register <password> <repeat password> <captcha>'
  26. captcha: '&c&k||||||||||||||||||||||||||&r &c&lCAPTCHA: &7%captcha% &c&k||||||||||||||||||||||||||'
  27. successful:
  28. title: '&a&lWelcome!'
  29. subtitle: '&aRegistered successfully!'
  30. unsuccessful:
  31. '1': '&cRegister time has passed!'
  32. '2': '&eYou are not player!'
  33. '3': '&eYou are already registered!'
  34. '4': '&eEnter the password, repeat password and captcha!'
  35. '5': '&ePassword is too short! A minimum of 3 characters!'
  36. '6': '&eThe password is too long! A maximum of 20 characters!'
  37. '7': '&ePasswords do not match!'
  38. '8': '&eCaptcha code is wrong!'
  39. login:
  40. title: '&6&lLogin using'
  41. subtitle: '&e/login <password>'
  42. successful:
  43. title: '&a&lWelcome!'
  44. subtitle: '&aLogin successfully!'
  45. unsuccessful:
  46. '1': '&cLogin time has passed!'
  47. '2': '&eYou are not player!'
  48. '3': '&eYou are not registered yet!'
  49. '4': '&eYou are already logged in!'
  50. '5': '&eEnter the password!'
  51. '6': '&eYou have entered the wrong password!'
  52. changepassword:
  53. successful:
  54. title: '&a&lSuccessful!'
  55. subtitle: '&aPassword has been changed!'
  56. unsuccessful:
  57. '1': '&eYou are not player!'
  58. '2': '&eYou are not registered yet!'
  59. '3': '&eEnter the new password, repeat new password and old password!'
  60. '4': '&ePassword is too short! A minimum of 3 characters!'
  61. '5': '&eThe password is too long! A maximum of 20 characters!'
  62. '6': '&ePasswords do not match!'
  63. '7': '&eOld password does not match!'
  64. unregister:
  65. successful:
  66. '1': '&eThe player has been unregister'
  67. '2': '&cYou unregister!'
  68. unsuccessful:
  69. '1': '&eYou are not player!'
  70. '2': '&eYou do not have permission to this command!'
  71. '3': '&eEnter the name of the player!'
  72. '4': '&eYou can not unregister premium player!'
  73. '5': '&eThis player he was never on the server!'
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