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a guest
Jan 22nd, 2020
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  1. pikachu:
  2. Type: MPET
  3. MPet:
  4. Type: Pikachu
  5. Anchor: ZOMBIE
  6. ShowName: true
  7. Display: '&e&lPikachu'
  8. Health: 100
  9. Damage: 25
  10. Drops:
  11. - exp 10-50 1
  12. - money 100-1000 1
  13. - cmd{c="say <> matou um macaco inocente"}
  14. Options:
  15. MaxCombatDistance: 25
  16. PreventOtherDrops: true
  17. AttackSpeed: 4
  19. Ash2:
  20. Type: Husk
  21. Display: '&c&LAsh'
  22. Health: 600
  23. Damage: 28
  24. Disguise:
  25. Type: player
  26. Skin: 'Burno'
  27. Player: '&c&LAsh'
  28. Equipment:
  29. - diamond_sword:0
  30. Skills:
  31. - effect:sound{s=entity.wither.death;v=1.3;p=0.01} @self ~onDeath
  32. - effect:lightning{repeat=20,repeatInterval=1} @PIR{r=100} ~onDeath
  33. - throw{velocity=3;velocityY=1} @target ~onAttack 0.6
  34. - effect:sound{s=entity.wither.ambient;v=1.3;p=0.01} @self ~onTimer:150 0.4
  35. - message{m="&a&l<> has &a<mob.thp>/1550 HP"} @PlayersInRadius{r=27} ~onTimer:390
  36. - teleport @target ~onTimer:200 0.4
  37. - summon{mob=pikachu;amount=1;noise=5;r=1} @self ~onTimer:200 0.5
  38. AIGoalSelectors:
  39. - 0 clear
  40. - 1 randomstroll
  41. - 2 meleeattack
  42. AITargetSelectors:
  43. - 1 players
  44. Options:
  45. MovementSpeed: 0.4
  46. Silent: true
  47. ShowHealth: true
  48. KnockbackResistance: 0.2
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