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  1. ***************************************************************
  2. * SmartSteamEmu v1.3.6 *
  3. * by syahmixp *
  4. ***************************************************************
  6. This is a steam client emulator which enables you to play steam
  7. games without STEAM client and play lobby enabled-games or
  8. online multiplayer games on LAN without any internet connection
  9. or online.
  11. This emulator initially intended only for Age of Empires II HD
  12. to enable lobby features without depending on STEAM. Now the
  13. emulator has been updated and can be used with other steam's
  14. game.
  17. Features:
  18. - Run steam game without steam
  19. - Enables play on LAN without internet connection
  20. - Enables play online with or without 3rd party apps
  21. - Emulates lobby, server browser
  22. - Emulates CS:GO items/inventory
  23. - Stats, Achievements and Save games
  24. - Configurable DLC subscription
  25. - Avatar support
  26. - Plugins support
  27. - Overlay support for DX9/11
  28. - UGC/Steam Workshop partial support
  30. Requirements:
  31. - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86)
  32. - .NET Framework 4 (SSELauncher only)
  33. - Steam games
  35. How to use:
  36. - Extract all files to game directory or any directory.
  37. - Open SmartSteamEmu.ini and edit as neccessary.
  38. - Launch SmartSteamLauncher.exe and not the game executable.
  39. - To use different configuration file, add configuration file path
  40. to launcher parameter.
  41. - Put your plugins into SmartSteamEmu\Plugins folder. SmartSteamEmu
  42. will automatically load the dll files.
  44. Note:
  45. If your games use cracked version that replace steam_api.dll,
  46. make sure you restore the original steam_api.dll file first.
  48. Some games may require pre-cracked file to run the games, but be
  49. sure steam_api.dll is the original.
  51. Some games such as tomb raider that can host private match
  52. require invite friends function to invite others to join their
  53. private match. Since this emulator didn't have any invite friend
  54. implemented, to JOIN the server press SHIFT+TAB simultaneously.
  56. Beginning with version 1.3.5, online mode is introduced (by SSEOverlay
  57. plugins). It will connect to several server (torrent tracker) and
  58. STUN server. If you do not wish to connect to these server, it can
  59. be disabled completely via overlay settings or modifying its setting
  60. file.
  62. Plugin Development:
  63. Plugin is simply a dll file to extend or change the emulator or game
  64. behaviour. The dll will be loaded by SmartSteamEmu via LoadLibrary().
  65. Additionally the plugin can have SmartInit() and SmartShutdown()
  66. exported function. To get better understanding, download the PDK.
  68. PDK can be downloaded here:
  70. ***************************************************************
  72. [Changelog]
  73. Version 1.3.6 (November 18, 2015)
  74. - Implemented AddRequestLobbyListCompatibleMembersFilter
  75. - Ensure item will be final result when generating inventory item
  76. - Ensure friend will receive game info upon startup
  77. - Ensure plugins is unloaded properly
  78. - Minor playtime credit hour changes
  79. - Fixed friends may not appear
  80. - Fixed ip in serverbrowser shows
  81. - Fixed random crash when using server browser and other random crash
  82. - SSELauncher: Added new settings: InjectDll, MaximumConnection
  83. - SSELoader: Added InjectDll (same as /sseinject) to inject SmartSteamEmu directly into process
  84. - SSEOverlay: Show unlocked achievements date on mouse over if description too long
  85. - SSEOverlay: Fix menu not disappear when clicking other button/link
  86. - SSEOverlay: Enable 12/24 hour format switching by clicking on time
  87. - SSEOverlay: Chat message multiline now breaks properly
  88. - SSEOverlay: Fixed midnight shows as 0 instead of 12.
  89. - SSEOverlay: Better online player discovery
  90. - SSEOverlay: Some performance optimization
  91. - SSEOverlay: Widen the console window
  92. - SSEOverlay: Added paste support
  93. - SSEOverlay: Added console command get/set_stat
  95. Version 1.3.5 (November 15, 2015)
  96. - Fixed favorites server not saved
  97. - Fixed persona name change not broadcast properly
  98. - Fixed l4d2 and some other games may not be able to join without using public ip
  99. - Fixed some game may not be able to create lobby properly, eg. dirt showdown
  100. - Implemented inventory playtime credit
  101. - Removed online mode (replaced with SSEOverlay online mode)
  102. - Added maximum allowed connections in config file
  103. - SSEOverlay: Added achievements progress bar
  104. - SSEOverlay: Added scrollbar slider
  105. - SSEOverlay: Added online support (enabled by default)
  106. - SSEOverlay: Added console
  107. - SSEOverlay: Show hidden achievements only when achieved
  108. - SSEOverlay: Change screenshots folder from plugin folder to storage folder
  109. - SSEOverlay: Fixed possible crash when showing achievements and other notifications
  110. - SSEOverlay: Fixed some random dx9 crash
  111. - SSEOverlay: Fixed some text truncated on dx11 based games, e.g chat name
  112. - SSEOverlay: Fixed crash on exit
  113. - SSEOverlay: Fixed invite friends doesn't open overlay
  114. - SSEOverlay: Fixed missing friends join game menu on server based game
  115. - SSEOverlay: Fixed invite name
  116. - SSEOverlay: Many minor bug fixes - Empty achievement window, menu not disappear, Ach progress not in percent, window not reposition on resize
  118. Version 1.3.4 (October 29, 2015)
  119. - Added inventory support (payday 2)
  120. - Updated to latest steam interfaces
  121. - SSEOverlay: Fixed font loading issues on DX11
  122. - SSEOverlay: Fixed crash when overlay is not loading
  123. - SSEOverlay: Fixed rare crash when hooking DX9
  124. - SSEOverlay: Fixed overlay not working properly when using steam_api replacement
  126. Version 1.3.3-fix1 (October 23, 2015)
  127. - Fix crash on payday 2 card select
  128. - SSEOverlay: Fix crash on dx11 overlay with ZAT
  130. Version 1.3.3 (October 21, 2015)
  131. - Fixed some crashes during exit
  132. - Fixed loading 8bit jpeg image
  133. - Fixed payday 2 do nothing after selecting card
  134. - Added DisableGC to disable GameCoordinator emulation
  135. - Changed default avatar picture to "?"
  136. - SSELauncher: Added DisableGC option
  137. - SSEOverlay: Added DX11 support
  138. - SSEOverlay: Fixed x64 pointer issue causing crash
  139. - SSEOverlay: Fixed dx9 calling wrong function causing crash on certain games
  140. - SSEOverlay: Changed font symbol to texture
  142. Version 1.3.2 (September 23, 2015)
  143. - Fixed PDK bugs, GetSettingString returns corrupted buffer and some enhancement
  144. - Fixed get image buffer overflow
  145. - Fixed some missing callbacks
  146. - Achievements/stats now handled correctly if SSEOverlay able to fetch data
  147. - SSELoader: Fixed rapidly close and open games might open game using steam
  148. - SSELauncher: Fixed crash when adding game
  149. - SSEOverlay:
  150. - Fixed dx9 resources not released (minimize/fullscreen switch will fail)
  151. - Fixed "X" close window button displayed as "[]"
  152. - Fixed overlay renderer messed with games graphics
  153. - Added Stats, Chat, Invite, Join, Nickname and Settings
  154. - Added scrolling support (only works on certain games)
  155. - A lot of UI/UX improvements, feels lot more natural now
  157. Version 1.3.1 (September 16, 2015)
  158. - Advance user can manually supply AppTicket and DisableHooks
  159. - Fixed interface logging show empty line
  160. - Fixed SteamFriends::GetFriendCoplayGame return current appid
  161. - Fixed steam pipe wrongly assigned causing problems with callbacks
  162. - Fixed minidump option isn't read as boolean, set it to "true" will turned it off
  163. - Fixed SteamUtils::GetImageXxx may not return data if called from another pipe
  164. - Fixed improper plugins exception message will crash the emulator
  165. - Fixed stale packet blocks new packet from being received
  166. - Fixed lobby and stats data not persisted across pipe
  167. - Fixed network callback listener
  168. - Fixed callback posted by plugins will be freed
  169. - Fixed callresult will fail when game attempt to read it before it finish
  170. - Fixed various steam HTTP interface bugs
  171. - Added HTTP request limit
  172. - Limit DOW chat leaderboard
  173. - Implemented UsetStats::IndicateAchievementProgress
  174. - Fixed UserAchievementStored_t callback doesn't get emitted
  175. - Updated to latest steam interfaces
  176. - Updated PDK, added more interface and expose more emulator internals
  177. - Bundled SSEOverlay.dll as default plugins
  178. - SSELauncher: Automated apps/games configuration
  179. - SSELauncher: Auto DLC for Dead Rising 2/OTR
  180. - SSELauncher: Launcher position and size now saved
  181. - SSELauncher: Added sort by and group by
  182. - SSELauncher: Added categories
  183. - SSELauncher: Added non-steam apps options (will launch directly)
  184. - SSELauncher: Added hide missing shortcut
  185. - SSELauncher: Added tray icon and launch menu and hide to tray options
  186. - SSELauncher: Added option to stay on top
  187. - SSELauncher: Redesign steam_api.dll status and some small GUI changes
  188. - SSELauncher: Launcher now DPI aware
  190. Version 1.3.0 (July 1, 2015)
  191. - Limit CSGO items as games cannot handle more than 2005 items
  192. - Fixed public ip retrieval thread deadlocked
  193. - Fixed new DOTA 2 crash on startup and added partial GC support
  194. - Fixed stats not updated for Killing Floor 2
  195. - Fixed save game issue with Dead Rising 2 OTR
  196. - Added FailOnNonExistenceStats options to prevent loop
  197. - Changed storage folder structure
  198. - SSELauncher: Improved startup time by loading icon asynchronously
  199. - SSELauncher: Added relative path support when game is inside launcher directory
  200. - SSELauncher: Added SmartSteamEmu new FailOnNonExistence options
  202. Version 1.2.9 (May 25, 2015)
  203. - Fixed crashing when loading file without valid data pointer
  204. - Fixed crashing with payday 2 when buying from contract broker
  205. - Fixed server browser favorites/history may not showing anything
  206. - Fixed other possible crash
  208. Version 1.2.8 (May 24, 2015)
  209. - Added SteamStub/DRM bypasser
  210. - Added partial steam.dll emulation
  211. - Added ParanoidMode - warn if steam is running
  212. - Added remote player manager
  213. - Fixed crash when using SteamAchievementManager (SAM)
  214. - Fixed probable crash at various network location and other places
  215. - Fixed get friend appid return 0
  216. - Fixed lobby owner cannot join own lobby
  217. - Fixed steam_api.dll replacement (SmartSteamEmu.dll renamed to steam_api.dll) crash
  218. - Fixed server browser favorites and history merged together
  219. - Fixed CS:GO nametag doesn't get removed when applied
  220. - Fixed server browser cannot query some of the master server
  221. - Rewrite leaderboard and added option to disable leaderboard
  222. - Ensure proper cleanup when exiting
  223. - Enable persona state again
  224. - Updated to latest steam interfaces
  225. - Minor changes: Prioritize appid from env than steam_appid.txt, fixed logging, synchronization
  226. - SSELauncher: Fixed broadcast address and masterserver entry got duplicates everytime you open the launcher.
  227. - SSELauncher: Fixed cancelling game renaming will cause game name to be empty
  228. - SSELauncher: Added option - Disable Leaderboard, Paranoid Mode, Admin password
  229. - SSELauncher: Set default button on settings page
  231. Version 1.2.7 (May 14, 2015)
  232. - Added player management, allowing to ban user
  233. - Added delay when retrieving or uploading fake leaderboard
  234. - Fixed x64 packet corruption and x86/x64 packet inconsistency
  235. - LAUNCHER: Immediately save all settings
  236. - LAUNCHER: Added player management tab
  237. - LAUNCHER: Added persist options
  238. - LAUNCHER: Fixed desktop shortcut launch loader instead of games
  239. - LAUNCHER: Single Instance
  240. - LAUNCHER: Other minor adjustment and fix
  242. Version 1.2.6 (May 8, 2015)
  243. - Introducing SSELauncher! No more headache configuring games with SmartSteamEmu
  244. - Fixed hang when joining game, moved public ip query into background thread.
  245. - Fixed cs:go unable to join game (kicked, must join through lobby)
  246. - Fixed player not removed when disconnected, visible in server browser
  247. - Fixed some crash when querying server
  248. - Fixed favorites server browser save duplicates entry
  249. - Fixed creating minidump might causes memory corruption
  250. - Fixed hanging when exiting
  251. - Fixed stats may not be loaded by some games
  252. - Fixed sending wrong packet when querying other stats
  253. - Fixed HTML surface interface unable to be retrieved using steam api replacement
  254. - Added DirectPatch from old SmartSteam
  255. - Implemented query server listener
  256. - Implemented average stats
  257. - CS:GO client now able send items/weapon skins to dedicated server
  258. - Rewrite loader, fixed a lot of stuff such as truncated path, overflow, etc.
  259. - Loader now has unicode support
  260. - Loader now restore steam registry properly
  261. - Many minor fix (log output, stack overflow, ugc crash)
  263. Version 1.2.5 (April 12, 2015)
  264. - Revised almost all matchmaking, networking and game server implementation
  265. - Implemented lobby filter
  266. - Implemented app install directory
  267. - Added lobby join timeout
  268. - Added GenerateRandom steam id option
  269. - Added custom save game folder location
  270. - Added persona name and path unicode support (save smartsteamemu.ini as Unicode encoding)
  271. - Added partial portal 2 items support
  272. - Added warning (log) when set an invalid manual steam id
  273. - Added Dragon Ball Xeno Verse ability to load any user save game file
  274. - Added log file marker
  275. - Fixed remote storage return empty/corrupted filename
  276. - Fixed online packet splitting again
  277. - Fixed game server doesn't remove player when disconnected
  278. - Fixed LAN query missing server name
  279. - Fixed loader launch and start in parameter
  280. - Fixed PersonaName accountname fallback
  281. - Ensure stats is saved when exiting
  282. - LAN server browser improvement and stability
  283. - LAN players query support
  284. - Implemented -appid command line support
  285. - Implemented -language command line support
  286. - Improved items/inventory speed
  287. - dproto >= 0.9.543 support
  288. - Updated configuration layout
  289. - Update protocol version, prevent connection to/from older emulator
  290. - Some minor fix
  292. Version 1.2.4 (March 26, 2015)
  293. - Corrected internet server browser ping a bit
  294. - Fixed Tomb Raider cannot launching
  295. - Fixed crash when sending empty packet (CS:GO crash)
  296. - Fixed CS:GO empty weapon texture when giving random item
  297. - Fixed lobby transfer doesn't transfer app id
  298. - Fixed server browser socket doesn't close when done
  299. - Fixed avatar not showing again
  300. - Implemented internet server browser quick refresh
  301. - Implemented favorites server browser
  302. - Implemented multiple lobby creation
  303. - Enable Payday 2 HoxHud by default
  304. - Enable lobby invites
  305. - Split online mode relay packet when its too large
  306. - Transfer lobby when connection lost instead of closing it
  307. - Prevent connection from old emulator
  309. Version 1.2.3 (March 24, 2015)
  310. - Added community (item) support for Payday 2
  311. - Fixed p2p session bug causing some games unable to communicate
  312. - Fixed crash on Payday 2 when joining lobby
  313. - Fixed p2p packet read starvation
  314. - Fixed GS logging and exception
  315. - Fixed GS Lan response
  316. - Fixed lobby id instance
  317. - Fixed avatar disappear and constantly loading on some games
  318. - Fixed set lobby owner on own lobby causing it to be closed
  319. - Fixed game got "player left lobby" message when other player exiting/lost connection even without joining the lobby
  320. - Fixed possible crash due to race condition
  321. - Rewrite internet server browser
  322. - Minor GS behavior change
  323. - Implemented lobby invite for supported games
  324. - Implemented CS:GO item rename/name tag
  325. - Corrected CS:GO item paint kit when giving random item
  327. Version 1.2.2 (March 9, 2015)
  328. - Quick fix for version 1.2.1
  329. - Fixed loading file (items/savegame/etc) issue
  330. - Fixed authentication, game cannot create lobby
  331. - Fixed launcher command line concatenation issue
  332. - Fixed GS logon
  333. - Added knives for CS:GO
  335. Version 1.2.1 (March 8, 2015)
  336. - Fixed socket port initialization may not connect to other user
  337. - Added online mode - experimental, disabled by default
  338. - Added virtual port for GS and P2P instead of opening new port
  339. - Added internet server browser
  340. - Added support for LumaEmu steam id generation
  341. - Added disable friend - as requested by anssik
  342. - Added launcher command line - as requested by ortakey
  343. - Added "common" user folder - as requested by arbiter1of1
  344. - Implemented all user stats interface member
  345. - Implemented get launch query parameter
  346. - Implemented CS:GO items/inventory/StatTrak/Random Awards
  347. - Fixed random crash due to race condition at various place
  348. - Fixed UGC crash - thanks to arbiter1of1
  349. - Fixed launcher doesn't restore x64 steamclient original registry value
  350. - Fixed network data may be ignored after game destructing some steam user interface
  351. - Fixed image transformation algorithm, yellowish avatar
  352. - Fixed launcher truncated start in path
  353. - Fixed CS:GO hang when there is UGC map
  354. - Change lobby now only respond to same appid
  355. Special thanks to:
  356. shmelle - providing server browser code
  357. arbiter1of1 - testing games and with UGC
  358. Shlak and [x3r0] - For giving hints with CS:GO items/inventory/StatTrak
  360. Version 1.2.0 (February 14, 2015)
  361. - Added more missing interface (HTMLSurface, Inventory, Video)
  362. - Added game server tags support
  363. - Added/Implemented more steam api exported function
  364. - Fixed/Added some missing game callback
  365. - Fixed "AccountName" may use old account name
  366. - Fixed RunFrame() doesn't get called in some interfaces.
  367. - Fixed controller initialization
  368. - Fixed friend flags and relationship
  369. - Fixed game server give outdated connection info
  370. - Fixed game server doesn't transmit moddir, causing some game to ignore the server
  371. - Fixed game server listed as "Friend"
  372. - Fixed some game waiting for auth ticket response forever
  373. - Fixed logon response transmit too early, some game just missed it
  374. - Fixed authentication problem causes some game unable to join the server
  375. - UGC behaviour changed
  377. Version 1.1.9 (February 11, 2015)
  378. - Storage(save games) now can be changed to app data (default).
  379. - Ability to use your computer name/account name for persona name.
  380. - Updated to latest steam interface.
  382. Version 1.1.8 (September 7, 2014)
  383. - Automatically find interface version based on original steam_api.dll
  384. - Fixed remote storage increasing file count
  385. - Fixed remote storage file stream memory leak
  386. - Fixed rare crash when using as steam_api.dll replacement
  388. Version 1.1.7 (August 14, 2014)
  389. - Fixed UGC crash.
  390. - Fixed some games save UGC on wrong path.
  391. - Added more API for plugins.
  393. Version 1.1.6 (August 13, 2014)
  394. - Added UGC/Steam Workshop partial support.
  395. - Fixed plugins search path when turning on SeparateStorageByName.
  396. - Fixed default avatar doesn't get loaded when turning on SeparateStorageByName.
  398. Version 1.1.5 (August 7, 2014)
  399. - This version introduces plugins development kit.
  401. Version 1.1.4 (August 6, 2014)
  402. - Added missing SteamUtils007 interface.
  403. - Added plugins support.
  404. - Fixed exception log doesn't give exact problem.
  406. Version 1.1.3 (July 27, 2014)
  407. - Added steam_api.dll replacement partial support
  408. - Added x64 build (Untested)
  409. - Added manual steam id support
  410. - Updated interface
  412. Version 1.1.2 (January 1, 2013)
  413. - Fixed local user data folder doesn't get created
  414. - Fixed cs:go crash when starting with -steam parameter
  415. - Updated interface
  417. Version 1.1.1 (October 23, 2013)
  418. - Fixed resident evil 6 multiplayer disconnect
  419. - Fixed avatar loading only accept absolute path
  420. - Fixed stats interface causing crash
  421. - Fixed others doesn't received lobby update
  422. - Fixed closing audio device when in-game voice disabled
  423. - Fixed lobby member limit always return zero
  424. - Fixed lobby initialization
  425. - Fixed lobby gives incorrect data when retrieving game server
  426. - Fixed lobby signal received when user not in lobby
  427. - Fixed crash when retrieving stats with empty key
  428. - Fixed all memory leaks
  429. - Fixed steam pipe count
  430. - Added new configuration section for log and debug
  431. - Added more log output
  432. - Added log output filter
  433. - Added lobby connection lost handling
  434. - Rewrite all interfaces
  435. - Rewrite the emulator core
  436. - Implemented user data folder
  437. - Implemented friend stats
  438. - Implemented lobby owner transfer
  439. - Implemented directory support for remote storage
  440. - Implemented DLC list
  442. Version 1.1.0 (October 16, 2013)
  443. - Added support to change quick join hotkey
  444. - Added support to change avatar filename
  445. - Added support to override achievements
  446. - Updated network library
  447. - Fixed some random crash
  448. - Fixed language doesn't get changed on some games
  449. - Fixed some leaks
  450. - Fixed lobby data doesn't get updated
  451. - Implemented HTTP interface
  452. - Implemented more friends function
  453. - Implemented dummy leaderboard
  454. - Implemented new user interface v17
  455. - Implemented in-game voice support (experimantal)
  457. Version 1.0.9 (October 7, 2013)
  458. - Added registry restoration after launcher closed
  459. - Fixed wrong interface version given causing crash in some games
  460. - Fixed empty interface (remote/screenshot) given causing crash in some games
  461. - Fixed random crash around lobby
  462. - Fixed steam pipe
  463. - Fixed server browser crash
  464. - Fixed virtual port overflow
  465. - Implemented friend rich present
  467. Version 1.0.8 (October 5, 2013)
  468. - Added minidump creation during crash
  469. - Added loader support for launching with different configuration file using command line
  470. - Added support for networking manual override
  471. - Added resident evil 6 save game patch to load any others save game
  472. - Fixed crash when retrieving others persona name
  473. - Fixed validation issue causes game waiting for authentication result
  474. - Fixed lobby data retrieval always fail
  475. - Fixed lobby data notification spam for some games
  476. - Fixed empty value on configuration file doesn't uses default value
  477. - Fixed game doesn't get notified when connection with other was lost
  478. - Implemented partial matchmaking/game server browser support
  479. - Implemented user source retrieval
  480. - Implemented multiple local user
  481. - Implemented lobby member data
  482. - Implemented lobby data request notification
  483. - Implemented some missing steam interfaces
  485. Version 1.0.7 (October 2, 2013)
  486. - Added different method of generating steam id
  487. - Updated interfaces
  489. Version 1.0.6 (May 14, 2013)
  490. - Fixed most memory leaks
  491. - Fixed crash on exit for some games
  492. - Fixed issue around lobby and game server
  493. - Fixed remote storage quota false report
  494. - Fixed crash on some games due to HTTP emulation
  495. - Fixed socket deadlock causing networking failure
  496. - Fixed corrupted save game issue
  498. Version 1.0.5 (Mei 8, 2013)
  499. - Fixed remote storage bug causing some games doesn't work properly
  500. - Fixed language doesn't properly detected by some games
  502. Version 1.0.4 (Mei 7, 2013)
  503. - Reworked the networking
  504. - Added SHIFT+TAB to join lobby (emulate invites)
  505. - Added avatar support
  506. - Added more logging output
  507. - Added partial IPC support
  508. - Added game server steam id support
  509. - Added alternate socket listen port
  510. - Implemented some missing interfaces and functions
  511. - Fixed lost pid causes new game process failed to launch
  512. - Fixed crash when requesting lobby list
  513. - Fixed lobby doesn't delete some lobby data
  514. - Fixed some memory and handle leaks
  515. - Fixed invalid peer's steam id on some games
  516. - Fixed remote storage cache causing file count increases
  517. - Fixed aggresive discovery loop
  518. - Fixed cannot connect to secure server, plugin detected
  520. Version 1.0.3 (April 27, 2013)
  521. - Added logging enable/disable support
  522. - Added DLC configuration
  523. - Added configuration support for boolean value "true/false" or 0/1
  524. - Added option to create secure/insecure server
  525. - Fixed some games cannot found lobby again
  526. - Fixed incorrect p2p data length given to games causing crash on some games
  527. - Fixed p2p handshaking causes some games to wait
  528. - Fixed remote storage give incorrect file count due to cache deduplication
  529. - Fixed remote storage give directory names to game
  530. - Fixed achievements bug
  531. - Fixed game waiting for data due to unimplemented method
  533. Version 1.0.2 (April 26, 2013)
  534. - Added remote storage support
  535. - Added per user directory for stats/achievements/storage/save games support
  536. - Added launcher persistent mode
  537. - Added Support for absolute path on "Target" launcher settings
  538. - Added some logging
  539. - Added app id verification before launch
  540. - Added support to turn on low violence
  541. - Added support to change language
  542. - Fixed some lobby issue
  543. - Fixed some games doesn't found any lobby
  544. - Fixed some games fail to launch due to incorrect pid given
  545. - Fixed some games fail to launch caused by no app id found
  546. - Remove lobby app id verification
  548. Version 1.0.1 (April 25, 2013)
  549. - Add support for stats and achievements
  550. - Add support for overriding app id
  551. - Fix cannot join created lobby
  552. - Fix PersonaName not being read correctly
  553. - Fix game doesn't transmit some lobby data
  554. - Fix lot of crash and memory corruption
  556. Version 1.0.0 (April 20, 2013)
  557. - Added support for older games
  558. - Fixed some crashing
  559. - Replaced old loader with new one
  561. Initial Release (April 17, 2013)
  562. - Lobby support for Age of Empires II HD
  564. ***************************************************************
  566. Credits:
  567. Thanks to OSW members and supporting friends
  568. Thanks to Mitsukarina for helping and maintaining SSELauncher
  569. Thanks to Sisah for helping and maintaining SSEOverlay
  570. and to all developers.
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