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a guest
Mar 27th, 2017
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  1. # _ _ ____ _ _____ _
  2. # /\ | | (_) _ \ | | | __ \ | |
  3. # / \ _ __ | |_ _| |_) | ___ | |_| | | | ___| |_ ___ _____
  4. # / /\ \ | '_ \| __| | _ < / _ \| __| | | |/ _ \ | | | \ \/ / _ \
  5. # / ____ \| | | | |_| | |_) | (_) | |_| |__| | __/ | |_| |> < __/
  6. # /_/ \_\_| |_|\__|_|____/ \___/ \__|_____/ \___|_|\__,_/_/\_\___|
  8. ### AntiBotDeluxeEX Config
  9. #
  10. # NOTE: Most of these configurations here have been tried and tested to work.
  11. # It is not recommended that you change them unless you are
  12. # getting bots joining your server.
  13. #
  15. # Please insert your MySQL Data to store the datas
  16. # It is not needed!
  18. MySQL:
  19. UseMySQL: true
  20. Login:
  21. Username: "minecraft_abd"
  22. Password: "xxxxxxxxxx"
  23. Host: ""
  24. Port: 3306
  25. Database: "minecraft_abd"
  27. # General Settings
  28. General:
  29. Prefix: "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  30. Log: true
  31. Debug: false
  32. MaxPlayersPerIP: 2
  33. MinimumAllowedTPS: 18.0
  34. MaxPlayersPerSecond: 5
  35. MaxConnectionsPerSecond: 3
  38. # Warmup means that the Plugin waits a certain amount of time before start checking
  39. # Useful when your server has a lot of poeple joining after restart
  40. Warumup:
  41. UseWarmup: false
  42. WarmupTime: 20
  45. # Autowhitelisting whitelists a player if he played on a server and did some things to be sure his is not a bot
  46. AutoWhitelist:
  47. AutoWhitelist: true
  48. AutoWhiteListTimeInMinutes: 5
  50. # General Country Settings
  51. CountrySettings:
  52. # The Method is the way the plugin checks a player, if it is on blacklist the plugin will blacklist the countries
  53. # you indicated below, if it is on whitelist only the players from the indicated countries will be able to join
  54. # Example - Blacklist: Player A from Germany joins a Server where Germany is Blacklisted = Disallow
  55. # Example - Whitelist: Player B from Germany joins a Server where Bulgaria is Whitelisted and Germany not = Disallow
  56. # Example - Whitelist: Player C from Bulgaria joins a Server where Bulgaria is Whitelisted = Allow
  58. CheckingMethod: Blacklist
  60. # Which Countries are blacklisted / whitelist (List:
  61. Countries:
  63. # Manage in which Priority the Plugin should Check
  64. CheckPriorities:
  65. # - AlreadyOnlinePrevention
  67. # This Setting is about Proxy prevention
  68. ProxySettings:
  70. #This Services can return false positives, try to remove one of this links or contact the support of the website.
  72. #Put here your own proxy services in the following syntax:
  73. # For using " replace it with ~
  74. # For using : replace with ^
  76. ProxySites:
  77. - "<appears>yes</appears>"
  78. - ""
  79. - ""
  81. # Do not change this if you dont know what this is!
  82. ProxyServices:
  83. - ""
  84. - ""
  85. - ""
  86. - ""
  87. - ""
  88. - ""
  89. # If you having Problems with Bots add this to the list:
  90. # - ""
  93. # Block APN's to prevent servers from botting
  94. APN:
  95. - OVH
  96. - INFOLINK
  97. - TELEF
  98. - CHINANET
  99. - GoDaddy
  102. - "contabo"
  103. - "server"
  105. BlacklistSettings:
  106. DownloadBlacklists: true
  107. Blacklists:
  108. - ""
  109. - ""
  110. - ""
  111. - ""
  112. - ""
  113. - ""
  114. - ""
  115. - ""
  116. - ""
  117. - ""
  118. - ""
  119. - ""
  120. - ""
  121. - ""
  122. - ""
  124. AdminAlerts:
  125. GeoCheck: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cGeoCheck &7[&e%country%&7]"
  126. ServerListPing: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cServerListPing"
  127. MaxPlayersPerIP: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cMaxPlayersPerIP &7[&e%ipcount%&7]"
  128. MaxPlayersPerSecond: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cMaxPlayersPerSecond &7[&e%playercount%& &7- &ep/s &7]"
  129. ServerPerformance: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got fetched &7- &cServerPerformance &7- Server is running quite slow %tps%"
  130. ProxyDetecting: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cProxyDetecting"
  131. DNSDetection: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cDNSDetection"
  132. APNDetection: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cAPNDetection &7[&e%apn%&7]"
  133. BlacklistCheck: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cBlackListCheck"
  134. AlreadyOnlinePrevention: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cAlreadyOnlinePrevention"
  135. MaxConnections: "%prefix%&9%name% &7[&e%ip%&7] &9got detected &7- &cMaxConnections - Added him to the Blacklist"
  136. Whitelisted: "%prefix%&9%name% &9got whitelisted automatically"
  139. KickMessages:
  140. ServerListPing:
  141. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  142. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  143. - " "
  144. - "&7Please add this Server to your Minecraft Serverlist"
  145. - "&eMultiplayer -> Add Server -> YOURIP"
  146. - " "
  147. - "&7Click Refresh and try again!"
  148. GeoCheck:
  149. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  150. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  151. - " "
  152. - "&7We do not allow your Country on this Server"
  153. - " "
  154. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  155. MaxPlayersPerIP:
  156. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  157. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  158. - " "
  159. - "&7Too much Players from your Network are connected"
  160. - " "
  161. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  162. MaxPlayersPerSecond:
  163. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  164. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  165. - " "
  166. - "&7Too much Players are connecting at the same time"
  167. - " "
  168. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  169. ServerPerformance:
  170. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  171. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  172. - " "
  173. - "&7Our Server is running slow, try it again in a few seconds!"
  174. - " "
  175. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  176. BlacklistCheck:
  177. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  178. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  179. - " "
  180. - "&7Your IP Address is blocked on this Server."
  181. - " "
  182. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  183. ProxyDetecting:
  184. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  185. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  186. - " "
  187. - "&7Your IP Address is detected as an proxy."
  188. - " "
  189. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  190. DNSDetection:
  191. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  192. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  193. - " "
  194. - "&7Your IP Address is detected as an proxy / dns."
  195. - " "
  196. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  197. APNDetection:
  198. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  199. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  200. - " "
  201. - "&7Your Hosting Provider is blocked."
  202. - " "
  203. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  204. MaxConnections:
  205. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  206. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  207. - " "
  208. - "&7You are connecting too fast."
  209. - " "
  210. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  211. AlreadyOnlinePrevention:
  212. - "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe&eE&6X &8\xbb &b"
  213. - "&7You've got kicked from our System"
  214. - " "
  215. - "&7This user is already online."
  216. - " "
  217. - "&7If you think that is an issue contact us!"
  220. Messages:
  221. NoPermission: "&cYou don't have the &apermission&c to &eperform&c this &ocommand"
  222. OpenGui: "&7Loading &bDeluxe&7-&aGUI&7 from &e[&7%sender%&e]"
  223. OpenGuiOther: "&aSuccesfully &7loaded the &bDeluxe&7-&aGUI &7for &e[&7%player%&e]"
  224. RemoveNotification: "&7Switched &cBot&7-Notification &7to: &cNot Receiving notifications!"
  225. AddNotification: "&7Switched &cBot&7-Notification &7to: &aReceiving notifications!"
  226. ChangedNotification: "&aYou have changed the &cBot&7-&cNotification &7from [&e%player%&7]"
  227. IsInBlacklist: "&cThis player is already in the &7Blacklist&c!"
  228. IsntInBlacklist: "&cThis player isn't in the &7Blacklist&c!"
  229. AddedToBlacklist: "&aPlayer has been &eadded&a to the &7Blacklist&a!"
  230. RemovedFromBlacklist: "&aPlayer has been &eremoved&a from the &7Blacklist&a!"
  231. IPIsInBlacklist: "&cThis IP is already in the &7Blacklist&c!"
  232. IPIsntInBlacklist: "&cThis IP isn't in the &7Blacklist&c!"
  233. IPAddedToBlacklist: "&aIP has been &eadded&a to the &7Blacklist&a!"
  234. IPRemovedFromBlacklist: "&aIP has been &eremoved&a from the &7Blacklist&a!"
  235. PlayerWasNotOnlineSinceYet: "&cThe &eplayer&c haven't been online on your &7server&c, yet!"
  236. BlacklistsDownloading: "&7Blacklists are still downloading [&b%percent%&7%&7] &e%count% &7left!"
  237. CouldntFindPlayer: "&cThe player &7[&e%player%&7] &cisn't online on this server!"
  238. AddedToWhitelist: "&aPlayer has been &eadded&a to the &fWhitelist&a!"
  239. RemovedFromWhitelist: "&cPlayer has been &eremoved&c from the &fWhitelist&c!"
  243. ConsoleCleaner:
  244. IgnoreStrings:
  245. - "UUID of player"
  246. - "logged in with entity id"
  247. - "com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@"
  248. - "lost connection"
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