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Jun 22nd, 2017
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  12. PANEL 1: REAL LIFE: Close up of the cane, you can see part of Iris' body as she examines it.
  13. PANEL 2: REAL LIFE: (a) More floor scuffs - vague idea of two feet planted in Douglas' defensive stance from the previous page, (b) with a concentration of scuffs around where the heels would be. (c) As you move further down, burn marks around where he made a new stance with his heels dug in. They vaguely form a straight line. (d) A long gap, followed by two streaks that show heels dragged along the ground before leading to Douglas' fallen body.
  14. OSRIC THOUGHTS: Cane over there. He didn't walk... (paired with (a))
  15. OSRIC THOUGHTS: But he did move. (paired with (b))
  16. OSRIC THOUGHTS: Pinned against the wall, he gambled with a wild counterstrike. (paired with (c))
  17. OSRIC THOUGHTS: Lost his balance. Thrown backward.
  18. PANEL 3: FLASHBACK, in multiple floaters:
  19. (a + b1) Douglas is shoved backwards by the onslaught, but unharmed.
  20. (a + b2) Sweating. Scared.
  21. (c) Pinned to the wall, he swings his cane like a bat, a pressure wave of blue fire brushing aside the lightning and slicing away towards the shadowy, pink-eyed figure.
  22. (d1) As the one lightning stream is knocked aside, a second one jets in.
  23. (d2) He blocks, but sloppy - the cane is blown up over head, and it is implied he keeps flying.
  24. PANEL 4: Wide and ultra short. Tight crop of Douglas' corpse from overhead, make sure to include the head.
  25. OSRIC THOUGHTS: Douglas wasn't expecting the attack, but he broke them out. Did they know each other?
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