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May 19th, 2019
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  1. command /kit [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. wait 3 second
  4. if arg 1 is not set:
  5. if arg 2 is not set:
  6. open chest with 3 rows named "Kits" to player
  7. format slot 10 of player with leather helmet named "&b&lKIT &7&l- &b&lPvP" with lore "&7Tryk her for at modtage dette kit. || &8&oDette kit kan alle tage!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kit pvp"]
  8. stop
  9. if arg 1 is "pvp":
  10. if player's inventory contains 1 nether star:
  11. remove 1 nether star from player's inventory
  12. give player a diamond sword named "&b&lPvP"
  13. give player a bow named "&b&lPvP"
  14. give player a fishing rod named "&b&lPvP"
  15. give player 64 cooked porkchop named "&b&lPvP"
  16. give player 64 arrow named "&b&lPvP"
  17. give player a iron helmet named "&b&lPvP"
  18. give player a iron chestplate named "&b&lPvP"
  19. give player a iron leggings named "&b&lPvP"
  20. give player a iron boots named "&b&lPvP"
  21. send "&8&l(&b&lKIT &7&l- &b&lMENU&8&l) &7Du modtog nu kit &b&lPvP&7!" to player
  22. stop
  23. if arg 1 is "mazer":
  24. if player has permission "mazer":
  25. if player's inventory contains 1 nether star:
  26. remove 1 nether star from player's inventory
  27. give player a diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&6&lMazer"
  28. give player a bow named "&6&lMazer"
  29. give player a fishing rod named "&6&lMazer"
  30. give player 64 cooked porkchop named "&6&lMazer"
  31. give player 64 arrow named "&6&lMazer"
  32. give player a diamond helmet of protection 1 named "&6&lMazer"
  33. give player a iron chestplate named "&6&lMazer"
  34. give player a diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&6&lMazer"
  35. give player a iron boots named "&6&lMazer"
  36. send "&8&l(&b&lKIT &7&l- &b&lMENU&8&l) &7Du modtog nu kit &6&lMazer&7!" to player
  37. stop
  38. else:
  39. send "&8&l(&b&lKIT &7&l- &b&lMENU&8&l) &cDu har ikke adgang til Kittet &6&lMazer&c!" to player
  40. stop
  41. if arg 1 is "special":
  42. if {kit:special:%player%} is true:
  43. if player's inventory contains 1 nether star:
  44. remove 1 nether star from player's inventory
  45. give player a diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&e&lSpecial"
  46. give player a bow of power 2 named "&e&lSpecial"
  47. give player a fishing rod named "&e&lSpecial"
  48. give player 64 cooked porkchop named "&e&lSpecial"
  49. give player 64 arrow named "&e&lSpecial"
  50. give player a diamond helmet of protection 1 named "&e&lSpecial"
  51. give player a diamond chestplate named "&e&lSpecial"
  52. give player a diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&e&lSpecial"
  53. give player a diamond boots named "&e&lSpecial"
  54. set {kit:special:%player%} to false
  55. set {minutter:kits:%player%} to 30
  56. send "&8&l(&b&lKIT &7&l- &b&lMENU&8&l) &7Du modtog nu kit &e&lSpecial&7! &8(&cHUSK! &7Du skal være på i &630 &7Minutter fra nu af, før du kan tage dette kit igen!&8)" to player
  57. stop
  58. else:
  59. send "&8&l(&b&lKIT &7&l- &b&lMENU&8&l) &cDu har ikke adgang til Kittet &e&lSpecial &7lige nu! &8(&7Du skal stadig vente &6%{minutter:kits:%player%}% &7Minutter endu!&8)" to player
  60. stop
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