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a guest
Dec 18th, 2018
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text 23.24 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Message: ...TradeSkillMaster\Core\Lib\Database\DatabaseQuery.lua:132: Field already exists: firstOperation
  2. Time: 12/18/18 14:13:50 (202468506)
  3. Client: 8.1.0
  4. Locale: enUS
  5. Combat: false
  6. Error Count: 1
  7. Stack Trace:
  8. TSM\Core\Lib\Database\DatabaseQuery.lua:132: <DatabaseQuery.lua:130>
  9. self = {
  10. _sortValueCache = {}
  11. _rootClause = {}
  12. _genericSortWrapper@TSM\Core\Lib\Database\DatabaseQuery.lua:52
  13. _iterDistinctUsed = {}
  14. _isIterating = false
  15. _autoRelease = false
  16. _tempResultRow = {}
  17. _resultIsStale = false
  18. _virtualFieldType = {}
  19. _virtualFieldArgField = {}
  20. _virtualFieldFunc = {}
  21. _joinDBs = {}
  22. _singleSortWrapper@TSM\Core\Lib\Database\DatabaseQuery.lua:55
  23. _joinFields = {}
  24. _resultRowLookup = {}
  25. _result = {}
  26. _select = {}
  27. _queuedUpdate = false
  28. _orderByAscending = {}
  30. (tail call): ?
  31. TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\CraftingReports.lua:33: <CraftingReports.lua:30>
  32. TSM = {}
  33. private = {
  34. craftsQuery = {}
  35. matsQuery = {}
  36. craftProfessions = {}
  37. MatPriceSources = {}
  38. matProfessions = {}
  39. filterText = ""
  40. }
  41. L = {
  42. TSM\Core\UI\Elements\LargeApplicationFrame.lua:127: <LargeApplicationFrame.SetSelectedNavButton>
  43. self = {}
  44. buttonText = "Crafting Reports"
  45. redraw = nil
  46. index = 2
  47. TSM\Core\UI\Elements\LargeApplicationFrame.lua:110: <LargeApplicationFrame.AddNavButton>
  48. self = {}
  49. text = "Crafting Reports"
  50. texturePack = "iconPack.24x24/Inventory"
  51. drawCallback@TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\CraftingReports.lua:30
  52. button = {}
  54. private = {
  55. }
  56. TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:68: <CreateMainFrame>
  57. frame = {}
  58. 1 = {}
  59. 2 = {}
  60. 3 = {}
  61. }
  62. _ = 2
  63. info = {
  64. textureInfo = "iconPack.24x24/Inventory"
  65. name = "Crafting Reports"
  66. callback@TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\CraftingReports.lua:30
  67. }
  68. TSM = {}
  69. MIN_FRAME_SIZE = {
  70. height = 587
  71. width = 820
  72. }
  73. L = {
  74. TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:182: <Core.lua:180>
  75. context = {
  76. openedTime = 202446.722000
  77. }
  78. private = {
  79. fsm = {}
  80. topLevelPages = {}
  81. isVisible = false
  82. }
  83. TSM = {}
  84. (tail call): ?
  85. (tail call): ?
  86. TSM\Core\Lib\FSM\FSM.lua:123: <FSM.lua:111>
  87. self = {
  88. _currentState = "ST_FRAME_OPEN"
  89. _name = "CRAFTING_UI"
  90. _defaultEvents = {}
  91. _context = {}
  92. _inTransition = true
  93. _stateObjs = {}
  94. _handlingEvent = true
  95. }
  96. eventResult = {}
  97. result = {}
  98. currentStateObj = {
  99. _events = {}
  100. _transitionValid = {}
  101. _name = "ST_CLOSED"
  102. }
  103. toState = "ST_FRAME_OPEN"
  104. toStateObj = {
  105. _events = {}
  106. _transitionValid = {}
  107. _onEnterHandler@TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:180
  108. _name = "ST_FRAME_OPEN"
  109. _onExitHandler@TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:193
  110. }
  111. TSM = {}
  112. (tail call): ?
  113. TSM\Core\Lib\FSM\FSM.lua:97: <FSM.lua:83>
  114. self = {
  115. _currentState = "ST_FRAME_OPEN"
  116. _name = "CRAFTING_UI"
  117. _defaultEvents = {}
  118. _context = {}
  119. _inTransition = true
  120. _stateObjs = {}
  121. _handlingEvent = true
  122. }
  123. event = "EV_TRADE_SKILL_SHOW"
  124. currentStateObj = {
  125. _events = {}
  126. _transitionValid = {}
  127. _name = "ST_CLOSED"
  128. }
  129. TSM = {}
  130. (tail call): ?
  131. TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:102: <callback>
  132. private = {
  133. fsm = {}
  134. topLevelPages = {}
  135. isVisible = false
  136. }
  137. TSM\Core\Util\Event.lua:37: <ProcessEvent>
  138. event = "TRADE_SKILL_SHOW"
  139. 1@TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:101
  140. 2@TSM\Core\Service\Crafting\ProfessionState.lua:43
  141. }
  142. _ = 1
  143. callback@TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:101
  144. startTime = 202468500.424277
  145. private = {
  146. processingEvent = true
  147. eventCallbacks = {}
  148. temp = {}
  149. eventQueue = {}
  150. }
  152. TSM = {}
  153. TSM\Core\Util\Event.lua:53: <Event.lua:45>
  154. _ = <unnamed> {
  155. 0 = <userdata>
  156. }
  157. event = "TRADE_SKILL_SHOW"
  158. private = {
  159. processingEvent = true
  160. eventCallbacks = {}
  161. temp = {}
  162. eventQueue = {}
  163. }
  164. Temp Table Info:
  165. [1] TSM\Core\Lib\Delay.lua:101 -> TSM\Core\Service\Crafting\ProfessionScanner.lua:160
  166. [1] TSM\Core\Lib\Delay.lua:65 -> TSM\Core\Lib\Sync\Connection.lua:205
  167. [1] TSM\Core\Lib\Delay.lua:65 -> TSM\Core\Lib\Sync\RPC.lua:28
  168. Object Pool Info:
  169. UI_QueryScrollingTable (1 created, 0 in use)
  170. <none>
  171. EXPIRED_AUCTION_TASK (1 created, 1 in use)
  172. <none>
  173. UI_Texture (4 created, 1 in use)
  174. <none>
  175. EXPIRING_MAIL_TASK (0 created, 0 in use)
  176. <none>
  177. UI_Dropdown (1 created, 0 in use)
  178. <none>
  179. UI_Spacer (3 created, 3 in use)
  180. <none>
  181. UI_Button (9 created, 5 in use)
  182. [2] TSM\Core\UI\Elements\LargeApplicationFrame.lua:97 -> TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:68
  183. UI_ApplicationFrame (1 created, 0 in use)
  184. <none>
  185. UI_Checkbox (1 created, 0 in use)
  186. <none>
  187. DATABASE_QUERY_CLAUSES (46 created, 34 in use)
  188. [2] TSM\Core\UI\Elements\LargeApplicationFrame.lua:127 -> TSM\Core\UI\Elements\LargeApplicationFrame.lua:110
  189. COOLDOWN_TASK (2 created, 2 in use)
  190. [2] TSM\Core\Service\TaskList\Cooldowns.lua:76 -> TSM\Core\Service\TaskList\Cooldowns.lua:35
  191. TABLE_ROWS (19 created, 0 in use)
  192. <none>
  193. UI_PlayerGoldText (1 created, 1 in use)
  194. <none>
  195. DATABASE_QUERY_RESULT_ROWS (4030 created, 201 in use)
  196. [201] ???
  197. UI_ActionButton (1 created, 0 in use)
  198. <none>
  199. UI_AlphaAnimatedFrame (3 created, 2 in use)
  200. [2] TSM\Core\UI\Elements\LargeApplicationFrame.lua:91 -> TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:68
  201. DATABASE_QUERIES (25 created, 19 in use)
  202. <none>
  203. UI_Frame (14 created, 4 in use)
  204. [2] TSM\Core\UI\Elements\LargeApplicationFrame.lua:102 -> TSM\Core\UI\CraftingUI\Core.lua:68
  205. UI_Text (8 created, 4 in use)
  206. <none>
  207. GROUP_IMPORTS (0 created, 0 in use)
  208. <none>
  209. UI_Input (1 created, 0 in use)
  210. <none>
  211. UI_TabGroup (1 created, 0 in use)
  212. <none>
  213. GATHERING_ALT_TASK (0 created, 0 in use)
  214. <none>
  215. UI_LargeApplicationFrame (1 created, 1 in use)
  216. <none>
  217. TSM Thread Info:
  218. {
  220. isImmortal=false,
  221. createCaller="TSM\\Core\\Service\\Crafting\\PlayerProfessions.lua:45",
  222. startCaller="TSM\\Core\\Service\\Crafting\\PlayerProfessions.lua:70",
  223. state="DEAD",
  224. cpuTimeUsed=1769.4044551551,
  225. cpuPct="5.0%",
  226. realTimeUsed=35089.248070091,
  227. eventNames={
  228. },
  229. backtrace={
  230. }
  231. }
  232. }
  233. TSM Debug Log:
  234. 14:13:50.349 [INFO:78] PV crafting/crafting_reports
  235. 14:13:50.343 [INFO:78] PV crafting
  236. 14:13:50.343 [INFO:118] [CRAFTING_UI] ST_CLOSED -> ST_FRAME_OPEN
  237. 14:13:50.343 [INFO:93] [CRAFTING_UI] EV_TRADE_SKILL_SHOW
  239. 14:13:40.496 [WARN:216] Script handler (OnHide) for frame (base) took 76.99ms
  240. 14:13:40.494 [INFO:118] [CRAFTING_UI] ST_FRAME_OPEN -> ST_CLOSED
  241. 14:13:40.494 [WARN:40] Event (TRADE_SKILL_CLOSE) callback took 74.54ms
  246. 14:13:40.419 [INFO:118] [PROFESSION_STATE] ST_SHOWN -> ST_CLOSED
  248. 14:13:40.419 [INFO:86] [CRAFTING_UI] EV_TRADE_SKILL_CLOSED (ignored - handling event)
  249. 14:13:40.419 [INFO:93] [CRAFTING_UI] EV_FRAME_HIDE
  250. 14:13:33.365 [INFO:93] [SNIPER] EV_MSG
  251. 14:13:33.365 [INFO:93] [SHOPPING] EV_MSG
  252. 14:13:30.879 [WARN:163] Delay callback (PROFESSION_SCAN_DELAY) took 176.98ms
  253. 14:13:30.879 [INFO:291] Scanned Tailoring (failed to scan 0)
  254. 14:13:30.605 [WARN:163] Delay callback (PROFESSION_SCAN_DELAY) took 174.61ms
  255. 14:13:30.605 [INFO:291] Scanned Tailoring (failed to scan 1)
  256. 14:13:30.331 [WARN:163] Delay callback (PROFESSION_SCAN_DELAY) took 179.69ms
  257. 14:13:30.331 [INFO:291] Scanned Tailoring (failed to scan 2)
  258. 14:13:30.054 [WARN:163] Delay callback (PROFESSION_SCAN_DELAY) took 323.11ms
  259. 14:13:30.054 [INFO:291] Scanned Tailoring (failed to scan 27)
  260. 14:13:29.622 [WARN:163] Delay callback (PROFESSION_SCAN_DELAY) took 168.69ms
  261. 14:13:29.622 [INFO:291] Scanned Tailoring (failed to scan 361)
  262. 14:13:29.288 [WARN:163] Delay callback (PROFESSION_SCAN_DELAY) took 337.30ms
  264. 14:13:29.271 [INFO:291] Scanned Tailoring (failed to scan 469)
  265. 14:13:28.854 [WARN:163] Delay callback (PROFESSION_STATE_TIME) took 34.66ms
  268. 14:13:28.820 [INFO:102] Showing profession: Tailoring
  270. 14:13:28.819 [INFO:93] [PROFESSION_STATE] EV_FRAME_DELAY
  273. 14:13:28.758 [WARN:40] Event (TRADE_SKILL_SHOW) callback took 33.74ms
  278. 14:13:28.724 [WARN:40] Event (TRADE_SKILL_SHOW) callback took 153.01ms
  279. 14:13:28.578 [INFO:78] PV crafting/crafting_reports
  280. 14:13:28.572 [INFO:78] PV crafting
  281. 14:13:28.572 [INFO:118] [CRAFTING_UI] ST_CLOSED -> ST_FRAME_OPEN
  282. 14:13:28.571 [INFO:93] [CRAFTING_UI] EV_TRADE_SKILL_SHOW
  284. 14:13:26.018 [INFO:651] Stopping the scheduler
  285. 14:13:26.018 [INFO:575] Thread finished: PLAYER_PROFESSIONS [DEAD,16.4%]
  286. 14:13:19.541 [WARN:163] Delay callback (reagentBankSlotScan) took 25.40ms
  287. 14:13:19.523 [INFO:93] [DESTROYING] EV_BAG_UPDATE
  288. 14:13:19.474 [WARN:163] Delay callback (reagentBankSlotScan) took 34.31ms
  289. 14:13:19.453 [INFO:93] [DESTROYING] EV_BAG_UPDATE
  290. 14:13:19.439 [WARN:163] Delay callback (TSM\Core\UI\AuctionUI\Core.lua:34) took 45.53ms
  291. 14:13:19.394 [WARN:163] Delay callback (processItemInfo) took 381.30ms
  292. 14:13:18.941 [INFO:93] [SNIPER] EV_MSG
  293. 14:13:18.941 [INFO:93] [SHOPPING] EV_MSG
  294. 14:13:18.896 [WARN:163] Delay callback (TSM\Core\Lib\Inventory\GuildTracking.lua:61) took 20.12ms
  296. 14:13:18.801 [INFO:118] [DESTROYING] ST_FRAME_OPEN -> ST_FRAME_CLOSED
  297. 14:13:18.801 [INFO:93] [DESTROYING] EV_FRAME_TOGGLE
  298. 14:13:18.800 [INFO:78] AC ADDON_ENABLE 3076
  299. 14:13:18.800 [WARN:57] OnEnable (AuctionDB) took 2064.07ms
  300. 14:13:18.123 [INFO:44] Got AppData for Twisting Nether (isCurrent=true, 1 |4Hr:Hr; 15 |4Min:Min; ago)
  301. 14:13:18.033 [INFO:44] Got AppData for US (isCurrent=false, ?)
  302. 14:13:18.032 [INFO:44] Got AppData for EU (isCurrent=false, 12 |4Hr:Hr; 2 |4Min:Min; ago)
  303. 14:13:16.736 [WARN:57] OnEnable (Cooldowns) took 36.15ms
  304. 14:13:16.690 [WARN:57] OnEnable (Queue) took 862.99ms
  305. 14:13:15.826 [WARN:57] OnEnable (BagTracking) took 101.77ms
  307. 14:13:15.802 [INFO:78] PV destroying
  309. 14:13:15.802 [INFO:93] [DESTROYING] EV_BAG_UPDATE
  310. 14:13:15.278 [INFO:78] AC ADDON_INITIALIZE 1102
  311. 14:13:15.268 [INFO:595] Starting scheduler
  312. 14:13:15.267 [WARN:39] OnInitialize (Crafting) took 327.77ms
  313. 14:13:14.924 [WARN:39] OnInitialize (Transactions) took 85.95ms
  314. 14:13:14.838 [WARN:39] OnInitialize (Auctions) took 76.01ms
  315. 14:13:14.721 [WARN:39] OnInitialize (ItemInfo) took 463.89ms
  316. 14:13:14.314 [INFO:127] Imported 44218 items worth of data
  317. 14:13:14.246 [WARN:39] OnInitialize (Inventory) took 38.23ms
  318. 14:13:14.208 [WARN:39] OnInitialize (TradeSkillMaster) took 32.10ms
  319. Addons:
  320. _NPCScan.Overlay ( [Not Loaded]
  321. ACP (r259 )
  322. AdiBags (v1.9.11) [Not Loaded]
  323. AdiBags_Archaeology (8.0-release1) [Not Loaded]
  324. AdiBags_AzeriteGear (0.2) [Not Loaded]
  325. AdiBags_Expansion_Trade_Goods (1.2) [Not Loaded]
  326. AdiBags_Bound (v1.1) [Not Loaded]
  327. AdiBags_Lowlevel (0.3) [Not Loaded]
  328. AdiBags_TSM (0.4) [Not Loaded]
  329. AdiBags_fishing (2.0) [Not Loaded]
  330. AdiBags_Garrison (v1.6) [Not Loaded]
  331. AdiBags_Hearthstones (7.3-release1) [Not Loaded]
  332. AdiBags_Herbalism (v1.0) [Not Loaded]
  333. AdiBags_lootboxes (0.8-7.3-release) [Not Loaded]
  334. AdiBags_Outfitter (v1.5.2) [Not Loaded]
  335. AdiBags_PT3Filter (v1.4.2) [Not Loaded]
  336. AdiBags_ArmourType (v1.0) [Not Loaded]
  337. AdiBags_Revelry (0.9k) [Not Loaded]
  338. AdiBags_TackleBox (1.0.2) [Not Loaded]
  339. AdiBags_TSMAuctions (v1.0) [Not Loaded]
  340. AdiBags_ByExpansion_WoW (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  341. AdiBags_ByExpansion_TBC (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  342. AdiBags_ByExpansion_Wrath (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  343. AdiBags_ByExpansion_Cata (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  344. AdiBags_ByExpansion_MoP (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  345. AdiBags_ByExpansion_WoD (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  346. AdiBags_ByExpansion_Legion (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  347. AdiBags_ByExpansion_BfA (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  348. AdiBags_ByExpansion (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  349. AdvancedInterfaceOptions (1.2.9) [Not Loaded]
  350. AllTheThings (1.7.9) [Not Loaded]
  351. Altoholic (r190) [Not Loaded]
  352. Alts (8.1.2) [Not Loaded]
  353. AngryKeystones () [Not Loaded]
  354. AstralKeys (3.1) [Not Loaded]
  355. Auctionator (8.1.0)
  356. AuctionatorMiniFeatures (8.0v1-release) [Not Loaded]
  357. AutoBar ( [Not Loaded]
  358. AutoFlood (v1.2.0.16) [Not Loaded]
  359. AzeritePowerWeights (8.1.3) [Not Loaded]
  360. AzeriteTooltip (1.92) [Not Loaded]
  361. Azeroth Auto Pilot (8.1006) [Not Loaded]
  362. BadBoy (v8.1.1) [Not Loaded]
  363. BadBoy_CCleaner (v8.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  364. BadBoy_Guilded (v8.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  365. BadBoy_History (v8.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  366. BadBoy_Ignore (v8.0.0-1-gca14741) [Not Loaded]
  367. BadBoy_Levels (v8.0.0-1-gd479894) [Not Loaded]
  368. Bartender4 (4.8.1) [Not Loaded]
  369. Bazooka (v2.8.8) [Not Loaded]
  370. BigWigs (v123-2-g30fb138) [Not Loaded]
  371. BPGUF (r18) [Not Loaded]
  372. bobSatchels (1.23) [Not Loaded]
  373. Boss_shieldsmonitor (1.11) [Not Loaded]
  374. Broker_Everything (3.5.13-release) [Not Loaded]
  375. !BugGrabber () [Not Loaded]
  376. BugSack (v8.0.2) [Not Loaded]
  377. BuyEmAll (3.5.0) [Not Loaded]
  378. CanIMogIt (8.0.0v1.13) [Not Loaded]
  379. CollectionShop (3.06) [Not Loaded]
  380. ColorPickerPlus () [Not Loaded]
  381. DataStore (r65) [Not Loaded]
  382. DejaAutoMark (800r101) [Not Loaded]
  383. Details () [Not Loaded]
  384. Details_DmgRank () [Not Loaded]
  385. Details_DeathGraphs () [Not Loaded]
  386. Details_DpsTuning () [Not Loaded]
  387. Details_EncounterDetails () [Not Loaded]
  388. Details_RaidCheck () [Not Loaded]
  389. Details_RaidPowerBars () [Not Loaded]
  390. Details_TargetCaller () [Not Loaded]
  391. Details_TimeLine () [Not Loaded]
  392. Details_TimeAttack () [Not Loaded]
  393. Details_TinyThreat () [Not Loaded]
  394. Details_Vanguard () [Not Loaded]
  395. Details_Streamer () [Not Loaded]
  396. Details_RaidInfo-BlackrockFoundry (r5) [Not Loaded]
  397. Details_RaidInfo-Highmaul (r5) [Not Loaded]
  398. Details_RaidInfo-SiegeOfOrgrimmar (r5) [Not Loaded]
  399. Details_RaidInfo-ThroneOfThunder (r5) [Not Loaded]
  400. Details_ChartViewer () [Not Loaded]
  401. eAlignUpdated (8.0.1) [Not Loaded]
  402. EasyScrap (19) [Not Loaded]
  403. EasyDeleteConfirm () [Not Loaded]
  404. ElitismHelper (0.10.0) [Not Loaded]
  405. ErrorFilter (v3.6) [Not Loaded]
  406. ExRT (4000) [Not Loaded]
  407. FarmHud (8.0-8-release) [Not Loaded]
  408. FishingBuddy (1.9.23) [Not Loaded]
  409. FB_OutfitDisplayFrame (1.9.1) [Not Loaded]
  410. FB_TrackingFrame (1.9) [Not Loaded]
  411. GatherMate2 (1.43.4) [Not Loaded]
  412. GatherMate_Sharing (v1.11) [Not Loaded]
  413. Gnosis (r198) [Not Loaded]
  414. GottaGoFast (30200) [Not Loaded]
  415. GottaGoFastHistory (30200) [Not Loaded]
  416. GTFO (4.46.11) [Not Loaded]
  417. HHTD (2.4.9) [Not Loaded]
  418. HandyNotes (v1.5.3) [Not Loaded]
  419. HandyNotes_BrokenShore (v1.29) [Not Loaded]
  420. HandyNotes_LegionClassOrderHalls (r97) [Not Loaded]
  421. HandyNotes_LegionInstanceWorldQuests (v1.16) [Not Loaded]
  422. HandyNotes_SuramarShalAranTelemancy (v1.19) [Not Loaded]
  423. HandyNotes_TravelGuide (v1.9.2) [Not Loaded]
  424. HandyNotes_Achievements (0.4.22) [Not Loaded]
  425. HandyNotes_BattleForAzerothAchievments (v7) [Not Loaded]
  426. HandyNotes_BattleForAzerothTreasures (1) [Not Loaded]
  427. HandyNotes_BFA_HF_Tracker (8.0.5) [Not Loaded]
  428. HandyNotes_EverShiftingMirror (1.0.3) [Not Loaded]
  429. HandyNotes_FieldPhotographer ( [Not Loaded]
  430. HandyNotes_HigherLearning ( [Not Loaded]
  431. HandyNotes_MoleMachine (1.1.3) [Not Loaded]
  432. HandyNotes_WarfrontTreasures (1) [Not Loaded]
  433. HandyNotes_WellRead ( [Not Loaded]
  434. HandyNotes_WitheredArmyTraining (1) [Not Loaded]
  435. HandyNotes_BoralusRP (0.320) [Not Loaded]
  436. HandyNotes_Argus (0.20.0) [Not Loaded]
  437. HandyNotes_AzerothsTopTunes (v1.2.2) [Not Loaded]
  438. HandyNotes_CamelFigurines (1.3) [Not Loaded]
  439. HandyNotes_Directions (1) [Not Loaded]
  440. HandyNotes_DraenorTreasures (1.21) [Not Loaded]
  441. HandyNotes_DungeonLocations (1.44) [Not Loaded]
  442. HandyNotes_EagleFlightNetwork (v1.0) [Not Loaded]
  443. HandyNotes_EliteBattlePets (1) [Not Loaded]
  444. HandyNotes_Guild (1.10) [Not Loaded]
  445. HandyNotes_HallowsEnd (v1.4.3-3-ge4e6e9f) [Not Loaded]
  446. HandyNotes_HigherDimensionalLearning (1) [Not Loaded]
  447. HandyNotes_Kosumoth (1) [Not Loaded]
  448. HandyNotes_LegionRaresTreasures (1.1) [Not Loaded]
  449. HandyNotes_LegionMagePortals (v2) [Not Loaded]
  450. HandyNotes_LegionTownPortals (0.0.1) [Not Loaded]
  451. HandyNotes_LegionTreasures (1) [Not Loaded]
  452. HandyNotes_LongForgottenHippogryph (1) [Not Loaded]
  453. HandyNotes_Lorewalkers (1) [Not Loaded]
  454. HandyNotes_LostAndFound (1) [Not Loaded]
  455. HandyNotes_LunarFestival (v1.5-1-g963e849) [Not Loaded]
  456. HandyNotes_PetDailies () [Not Loaded]
  457. HandyNotes_SummerFestival (v1.5-1-ga5d88e7) [Not Loaded]
  458. HandyNotes_SuramarLeylines (1) [Not Loaded]
  459. HandyNotes_SuramarLocations (0.0.1) [Not Loaded]
  460. HandyNotes_SuramarTelemancy (1) [Not Loaded]
  461. HandyNotes_TimelessIsle_RareElites (2.31) [Not Loaded]
  462. HandyNotes_TimelessIsleChests (1.20) [Not Loaded]
  463. HandyNotes_TimelessTreasures (1.0.7) [Not Loaded]
  464. HandyNotes_TreasureHunter (1) [Not Loaded]
  465. HandyNotes_Universal_Explorer ( [Not Loaded]
  466. HandyNotes_WarfrontRares (0.5.0) [Not Loaded]
  467. HandyNotes_WitheredChests (1.2) [Not Loaded]
  468. HandyNotes_WorldMapButton (80000.01-Release) [Not Loaded]
  469. Hekili (v8.1.0-05-beta2) [Not Loaded]
  470. InstancePortals (19) [Not Loaded]
  471. Kui_Media () [Not Loaded]
  472. Kui_Nameplates () [Not Loaded]
  473. Kui_Nameplates_Elite (v2.4) [Not Loaded]
  474. Kui_Nameplates_PVP (v0.1.5) [Not Loaded]
  475. Kui_Nameplates_Core () [Not Loaded]
  476. Kui_Nameplates_Fade_Filters () [Not Loaded]
  477. Kui_Nameplates_Spell_Alert (r20150914152059) [Not Loaded]
  478. Leatrix_Plus (8.1.00) [Not Loaded]
  479. LFGNW (r8) [Not Loaded]
  480. Ace3 () [Not Loaded]
  481. HereBeDragons (2.00-release-2-g3ee227e) [Not Loaded]
  482. HereBeDragons-1.0 (2.00-release-2-g3ee227e) [Not Loaded]
  483. LinkWrangler (2.000) [Not Loaded]
  484. LookingForGroup (r1758) [Not Loaded]
  485. LookingForGroup_AV (r43) [Not Loaded]
  486. LookingForGroup_Bindings (r1758) [Not Loaded]
  487. LookingForGroup_Broker (r1758) [Not Loaded]
  488. LookingForGroup_Icon (r1758) [Not Loaded]
  489. LookingForGroup_RW (r15) [Not Loaded]
  490. LootAppraiser (v1.9.3) [Not Loaded]
  491. Mapster (1.8.1-1-g09f4095) [Not Loaded]
  492. MethodDungeonTools (2.2.48) [Not Loaded]
  493. MoveAnything (17.0.2) [Not Loaded]
  494. NameplateAuras (80000.8-release) [Not Loaded]
  495. NPCScan ( [Not Loaded]
  496. Oilvl (v8.0.2 BFA) [Not Loaded]
  497. OmniCC (8.1.0) [Not Loaded]
  498. Outfitter (5.21) [Not Loaded]
  499. Ovale ( [Not Loaded]
  500. Ovale_TankScripts (810.14) [Not Loaded]
  501. Pawn (2.2.32) [Not Loaded]
  502. PersonalLootHelper (2.19) [Not Loaded]
  503. PetTracker (8.0.6) [Not Loaded]
  504. PetTracker_Breeds (8.0.6) [Not Loaded]
  505. PetTracker_Switcher (8.0.6) [Not Loaded]
  506. PetTracker_Upgrades (8.0.6) [Not Loaded]
  507. Postal (v3.6.0) [Not Loaded]
  508. Prat-3.0 (r1193 ) [Not Loaded]
  509. PremadeGroupsFilter (1.24) [Not Loaded]
  510. QuestCompletist (109.18) [Not Loaded]
  511. RaiderIO (8.0.1 (v201812180600)) [Not Loaded]
  512. RaiderIO_DB_EU_H () [Not Loaded]
  513. Rarity (1.0 (r681-release)) [Not Loaded]
  514. Rarity_Options () [Not Loaded]
  515. Raven () [Not Loaded]
  516. ReagentBanker (1.0.2) [Not Loaded]
  517. Rematch (4.9.0) [Not Loaded]
  518. Rematch_TSMPetValues (0.1.12) [Not Loaded]
  519. Routes (v1.6.0) [Not Loaded]
  520. RSA (r512-Alpha) [Not Loaded]
  521. SavedInstances (8.0.7-6-g3feee95) [Not Loaded]
  522. Scrap (13.12) [Not Loaded]
  523. Scrap_Spotlight (13.12) [Not Loaded]
  524. ServerHop ( [Not Loaded]
  525. SexyMap (v8.0.8) [Not Loaded]
  526. ShadowedUnitFrames (v4.2.1-1-gc880ddb) [Not Loaded]
  527. SharedMedia (3.1.0-193) [Not Loaded]
  528. SharedMediaAdditionalFonts (1.0.26) [Not Loaded]
  529. Simulationcraft (1.10.9-alpha-1) [Not Loaded]
  530. Skinner (beta8.28768.1) [Not Loaded]
  531. TipTac (18.08.20) [Not Loaded]
  532. TomTom (v80100-1.0.0-beta) [Not Loaded]
  533. TrufiGCD () [Not Loaded]
  534. VuhDo (3.98) [Not Loaded]
  535. VuhDoOptions (3.98) [Not Loaded]
  536. WeakAuras (2.10.10-21-g497dc97) [Not Loaded]
  537. WeakAurasStopMotion (1.0.0) [Not Loaded]
  538. WeakAurasVoice (1.0.1) [Not Loaded]
  539. FlightMapEnhanced (3.0.17) [Not Loaded]
  540. WIM (3.7.19) [Not Loaded]
  541. WorldQuestTracker () [Not Loaded]
  542. WorldQuestsList (83) [Not Loaded]
  543. WoWGatheringNodes (9.25.18) [Not Loaded]
  544. xCT+ (4.4.9) [Not Loaded]
  545. XLoot (8.0-6) [Not Loaded]
  546. XLoot_Frame (8.0-6) [Not Loaded]
  547. XLoot_Group (8.0-6) [Not Loaded]
  548. XLoot_Master (8.0-6) [Not Loaded]
  549. XLoot_Monitor (8.0-6) [Not Loaded]
  550. DejaCharacterStats (800r118) [Not Loaded]
  551. HandyNotes_AncientShrines (2.0) [Not Loaded]
  552. TSM (v4.6.12)
  553. AdiBags_Battle_Pet_Items (v1.0.03) [Not Loaded]
  554. TSM_AppHelper (v4.0.2)
  555. HandyNotes_EphemeralCrystals (r01) [Not Loaded]
  556. DazarAlorTotems (0.1) [Not Loaded]
  557. SharedMedia_Causese () [Not Loaded]
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