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Farewell J

a guest
Dec 18th, 2014
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  1. I’ll never forget when I first learned about you. I was in Mexico, visiting some relatives. It was April 16th, 2013. I spent most of the day online because we had just been attacked (Boston bombing). It amazed me how many people were calling it a false flag, and spreading nonsense. I felt like I couldn’t find a voice of reason. That is until I ran into a blog run by someone calling himself, The Jester. Since I was on vacation, I read your entire blog, read the wiki pages, and news articles about you. I remember thinking you were like Batman. Secret Identity, no one knows who you are, even in your personal life… I suppose I always pictured you tango downing the bad guys while some woman nagged you to take out the trash, not realizing the great impact you were having on the world. I remember how I tweeted you, and we got off on the wrong foot. I don’t normally feel intimidated while I sit in front of my computer, but I did that night. I also remember how when I started to publicly support you, the trolls came out to try and collect me. Oscar Wilde said it best, “Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities.” Since then, It has been a pleasure being in your company. Obviously I didn’t get to know YOU, but by observing your mask bits of you occasionally flashed, with all the Jtunes, and witticisms. You are a good man J. I learned a lot about OPSEC, and offensive security just following your example. You reminded me, as I imagine you remind all your followers that good people still exist, willing to risk everything to silently make a difference without any hint of personal gain or recompense. You reminded us that one man with courage can certainly be the majority. It’s been a good fight. Scratch that, it’s been a hell of a fight. And though I know you are going to continue your Tango Downs, I will miss your tweets, and your company. Good luck with everything, you’ve earned it.
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