Guest User


a guest
Mar 29th, 2019
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  1. Mysql:
  2. using-mysql: false
  3. host:
  4. port: 3306
  5. database: pinauth
  6. username: root
  7. password: password
  8. table: playerdata
  9. Settings:
  10. plugin-enabled: true
  11. i-really-want-the-plugin-to-be-disabled: false
  12. give-blindness: true
  13. max-allowed-attempts: 3
  14. sounds-enabled: true
  15. allow-movement-before-login: false
  16. timeout-in-seconds: 10
  17. notify-ops-on-player-registers: true
  18. forgot-pin-item: true
  19. bungee-mode: false
  20. bungee-after-log-in-server: hub
  21. Messages:
  22. no-permissions: '&c&lYou do not have permission for this!'
  23. wrong-pin: '&c&lThat pin is incorrect!'
  24. op-notify-message: '&6%player% has registered their pin on the server'
  25. kick-msg: '&c&lWrong pin!'
  26. must-login-to-chat: '&cYou must login to be able to chat!'
  27. kick-msg-pin-reset: '&6Your pin has been reset!'
  28. error-msg-you-must-login: '&c&lYou must log in!'
  29. please-enter-code: §6Please type your two step verification code in chat!
  30. 2fa-code-incorrect: '&c&lYour two factor authentication code is incorrect!'
  31. illegal-username: '&c&lIllegal Username!'
  32. pin-reset: |-
  33. &6&lYour pin has been reset using
  34. your two factor authentication code
  35. Logged-In-Title:
  36. title: '&6&lLogged In'
  37. subtitle: '&7You can now play on the server'
  38. Logging-In-MenuTitle:
  39. step1: '&f&lLogging in, step 1/4'
  40. step2: '&f&lLogging in, step 2/4'
  41. step3: '&f&lLogging in, step 3/4'
  42. step4: '&f&lLogging in, step 4/4'
  43. Registered-Title:
  44. title: '&6&lRegistration Complete'
  45. subtitle: '&7You can now login with the pin: &f%pin%'
  46. Registering-MenuTitle:
  47. step1: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 1/4'
  48. step2: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 2/4'
  49. step3: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 3/4'
  50. step4: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 4/4'
  51. Player-Kick:
  52. message:
  53. incorrect: '&c&lIncorrect pin!'
  54. timeout: '&cYou must login!'
  55. Authenticator:
  56. message: '&cDo not publicly share your two factor authentication code!'
  57. message2: §7is your two factor authentication code. Use this code to login if you
  58. have forgotten your pin. §7Do not share this code with anyone. Write it down so
  59. you remember it. "
  60. Forgotpin:
  61. message1: '&f§&Forgot Pin'
  62. message2:
  63. part1: §7This will require your two
  64. part2: §7factor authentication code
  65. Cleardigits:
  66. message1: '&f&lClear Digits'
  67. message2:
  68. part1: §7This will clear what digits
  69. part2: §7you have entered so far
  70. enabled-commands-before-login:
  71. - help
  72. - rl
  73. - forums
  74. spawn:
  75. enabled: false
  76. world: world
  77. x: -193.0
  78. y: 65.0
  79. z: 230.0
  80. config:
  81. version: '3.7'
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