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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. *****MACRO*****
  2. -Your forge and countercannons were WAY late. Make sure if he builds a forge, you do the same.
  3. -Make sure you actually kill the cannons in your base off- he can just warp straight to them, and that really really sucks to deal with.
  4. -KILL THE BASE IN YOUR BASE. You have a colossus, just kill it.
  5. -Know what happens when we have gold? We get TONS of minerals. Toss down six more gates and an expansion to go with it.
  6. -Expand more aggressively - he doesn't have shit.
  7. -UPGRAAAAAAAAADES. Get your blink a lot earlier against mass void cheese, and definitely make sure your upgrades are constantly going. You have a pool of money, USE IT.
  8. -Make sure you're hitting your warp ins - you've definitely got the money pool, and there's no real advantage to pooling warps.
  11. ******SCOUTING*****
  12. -When you see a fast forge from a toss, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check your base. Find anything in it, make sure you have full vision of your base. Do not let any probes in to do shenanigans.
  13. -If and when his original cheese fails, then he's REALLY fucking likely to cheese again. VERY VERY VERY standard from cheesing players.
  14. -When you have map control, be sure to actually use it. Put something at every mineral patch and don't let him expand!
  16. *****MICRO*****
  17. -Don't be afraid to push back into your own base to do damage. Don't let him base inside your base - and make sure you respond when you see the void rays
  20. Bad manner malikaz. *shakes finger*
  21. Bad. Bad Bad.
  24. If you can't push into his base, just expand and don't let him move.
  26. Biggest mistake in this game - not taking the free kill of his base in your base.
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