Guest User


a guest
Dec 14th, 2018
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text 1.72 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #!/bin/sh
  3. gnuplot <<EOF
  4. reset
  5. set terminal pngcairo truecolor enhanced font "Ubuntu Mono,13" size 1920, 1080
  6. set output "/tmp/5mbench.png"
  7. set datafile separator ','
  9. set logscale y
  10. set nologscale y2
  11. unset log y2
  12. set autoscale y
  13. set autoscale y2
  14. set ytics nomirror
  15. set y2tics
  16. set tics out
  18. set xlabel "Minutes" tc rgb "#777777"
  19. set ylabel "Milliseconds per write" tc rgb "#777777"
  20. set y2label "Throughput MB/s" tc rgb "#777777"
  22. set title "Node.js LevelDB (LevelDOWN): 100,000,000 random writes, 64M write buffer, HDD RAID1" tc rgb "#777777"
  23. set key left tc rgb "#777777"
  24. set border lc rgb "#777777"
  26. set style line 1 lt 7 ps 1.2 lc rgb "#55019FD7"
  27. set style line 2 lt 7 ps 0.1 lc rgb "#55019FD7"
  28. set style line 3 lt 1 lw 2 lc rgb "#55019FD7"
  30. set style line 4 lt 7 ps 1.2 lc rgb "#559ECC3C"
  31. set style line 5 lt 7 ps 0.1 lc rgb "#559ECC3C"
  32. set style line 6 lt 1 lw 2 lc rgb "#559ECC3C"
  34. set style line 7 lt 7 ps 1.2 lc rgb "#55CC3C3C"
  35. set style line 8 lt 7 ps 0.1 lc rgb "#55CC3C3C"
  36. set style line 9 lt 1 lw 2 lc rgb "#55CC3C3C"
  38. set style line 10 lt 7 ps 1.2 lc rgb "#553C3C3C"
  39. set style line 11 lt 7 ps 0.1 lc rgb "#553C3C3C"
  40. set style line 12 lt 1 lw 2 lc rgb "#553C3C3C"
  42. plot \
  43. 1/0 with points title "Google LevelDB (master)" ls 1 \
  44. , 1/0 with points title "Google LevelDB (napi)" ls 4 \
  45. , "5m_google_master.csv" using (\$1/1000/60):(\$4/1000000) notitle ls 2 axes x1y1 \
  46. , "5m_google_napi.csv" using (\$1/1000/60):(\$4/1000000) notitle ls 5 axes x1y1 \
  47. , "5m_google_master.csv" using (\$1/1000/60):(\$5) w lines notitle ls 3 axes x1y2 \
  48. , "5m_google_napi.csv" using (\$1/1000/60):(\$5) w lines notitle ls 6 axes x1y2 \
  50. EOF
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