

Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. at 21:00:
  2. set {_tag} to a random integer between 1 to 4
  3. if {_tag} is 1:
  4. broadcast "&4&l[新兵]&4し、至急南区へ来てください!巨人が現れました!"
  5. broadcast "&2&l[mission]&5&l南区の巨人を殲滅せよ"
  6. command "/weather rain"
  7. wait 1 tick
  8. loop all players:
  9. command "/setblock -1113 1 735 minecraft:redstone_block"
  10. command "/setblock -1113 1 735 minecraft:stone"
  11. if {_tag} is 2:
  12. broadcast "&4&l[新兵]&4し、至急倒壊した町付近へ来てください!巨人が現れました!"
  13. broadcast "&2&l[mission]&5&l倒壊した町付近の巨人を殲滅せよ"
  14. command "/weather rain"
  15. wait 1 tick
  16. loop all players:
  17. command "/setblock -1156 1 735 minecraft:redstone_block"
  18. command "/setblock -1156 1 735 minecraft:stone"
  19. if {_tag} is 3:
  20. broadcast "&4&l[新兵]&4し、至急東区へ来てください!巨人が現れました!"
  21. broadcast "&2&l[mission]&5&l東区の巨人を殲滅せよ"
  22. command "/weather rain"
  23. wait 1 tick
  24. loop all players:
  25. command "/setblock -1118 1 674 minecraft:redstone_block"
  26. command "/setblock -1118 1 674 minecraft:stone"
  27. if {_tag} is 4:
  28. broadcast "&4&l[新兵]&4し、至急西区へ来てください!巨人が現れました!"
  29. broadcast "&2&l[mission]&5&l西区の巨人を殲滅せよ"
  30. command "/weather rain"
  31. wait 1 tick
  32. loop all players:
  33. command "/setblock -1118 1 785 minecraft:redstone_block"
  34. command "/setblock -1118 1 785 minecraft:stone"
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