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a guest
Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. begin{figure}
  2. centering
  3. begin{tikzpicture}
  4. draw[thick,dashed] (0,0) arc (0:180:2.5cm);
  5. draw[fill=white] (-2,0) rectangle (-3,-0.4); node at (-2.5,-0.2){{tiny STP}};
  6. draw[fill=white] (0,0) circle [radius=0.3cm]; node at (0,0){{tiny P$_{r}$}};
  7. draw[fill=black] (-0.5,1.5) circle [radius=0.3cm];
  8. draw[fill=white] (-1.5,2.3) circle [radius=0.3cm]; node at(-1.5,2.3) {{tiny P$_{i}$}} ;
  9. draw[fill=black] (-2.5,2.5) circle [radius=0.3cm];
  10. draw[fill=black] (-3.5,2.3) circle [radius=0.3cm];
  11. draw[fill=white] (-4.5,1.5) circle [radius=0.3cm] ; node at (-4.5,1.5){{tiny P$_{2}$}};
  12. draw[fill=white] (-5,0) circle [radius=0.3cm]; node at (-5,0){{tiny P$_{1}$}} ;
  13. end{tikzpicture}
  14. end{figure}
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