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The Vaunted Dark Ochre FAQ

a guest
Apr 18th, 2019
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  1. Dark Ochre FAQ
  3. Q: Why?
  4. A: The goal is to get more fresh belts by encouraging them to be completely cleared as fast as possible.
  6. Q: But you can still cherry pick if you ...
  7. A: While we expect this to help with the cherry picking problem, it is not intended to directly combat it.
  9. Q: Can I mine mercoxit?
  10. A: Mercoxit can always be mined and is exempted from this rule.
  12. Q: Do I have to mine the mercoxit?
  13. A: No. But for non-rorqual miners, mercoxit is only slightly worse isk/hr than arkonor. Unlike arkonor it's easy to find and you can mine it even if there is still ochre.
  15. Q: What about obsidian or onyx ochre?
  16. A: Stop trying to rules lawyer, you know what we mean. Yes all ochre.
  18. Q: What if all of the ochre is being mined? Can I mine something else?
  19. A: Stop being a shithead and help them clear it. While there is ochre, if you are mining you must mine it.
  21. Q: What is the penalty for breaking this rule?
  22. A: Initially I am just warning people. You will not receive a second. You will know this warning only period has ended when you receive a fine, a pile of doomsdays, or a ban instead of a warning. Corps recruiting miners should be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure their existing and new members are aware of this rule.
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