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Jan 17th, 2018
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  1. TylerAltis - Last Monday at 2:11 PM
  2. Yah I’m still really sick. Had to go to the Er yesterday cause I was going through vertigo. On bed rest till I get better
  3. NMSU Sword/Sly - Last Monday at 2:36 PM
  4. @TylerAltis can i ask you something and i hope, you dont take offense
  5. We have had multiple coachss and analyst reviewing our games and come to question if you are a D4 player. And as a team have yet see you perform to a d4 level and your account was d2 at one point and as a team we were wondering if this is actually your account or if someone helped you achieve your rank it is to our coaches understandings that although you have been moving and sick but you currently playing ad a g5 to.silver level and as a team and orginizatiom we would like the complete and honest truth, we want to grow and we absoulutly need honest players and we have never had coaches come into this question. Also have contacted your old team if you ever contacted about scrims and they said they would be down for it in which brought the question why were we told the oppisite
  6. NMSU Sword/Sly - Last Monday at 3:16 PM
  7. @here 7:00 tonight for practice?
  8. NMSU Sword/Sly - Last Monday at 6:49 PM
  9. @League of Legends Varsity we good for 7 still?
  10. January 16, 2018
  11. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 6:29 AM
  12. I feel a bit better now today. I could practice today. I don’t know about tonight but I’ll be trying to get on during the day.
  13. Will be practicing vel and another control mage
  14. NMSU Sword/Sly - Yesterday at 9:31 AM
  15. @TylerAltis As a team. We have analyst and coaches watch our games sit down with us and question if you are a d4 player. Is infinte prey your account or did someone give it to you. The season before it was d2 and i can tell you there is no way you are a d2 player. Your csing, you dont last hit, you only cs with abilities, you are losing lane hard to silver players. All your games played are in normals with a silver mmr. Your stats in those games are minimal. If you are who you say you are the "i need my jungler to win lane" is rubbish. Ive seen david win against plats without a jungker. And when you did have ganks mid you were always oom or always so far back. As well as this is a small issue but this is me personnally but i feel if you want to reperesent our orgnization anf use our name for you youtube, you have to prove you belong here. Lastly I contacted your other team and they told me they questioned your skill and asked if you were boosted, and you deleted them. They never got a scrim request or heard about it why is that? I was told different. There's been nothibg but excuses and when 4 analyst and coaches ask me the same thing i get skeptical. So?
  16. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 11:41 AM
  17. Ok. Well all I have for you is just watch my ranked season when it’s ready and you’ll see. I asked their manager to scrim and he did nothing with it. I deleted them because they did nothing with my time and money so I was hurt. I kept a few of them. But being as it is, one tricking has failed me again. Learning new champions that I only know how to solo lane with yasuo isn’t easy. Took a while to learn Syndra. Last few games I’ve been sick and told you I’m sick so it’s tough playing. Should have had a sub but he was moving. But it’s ok. Just keep an eye out. I’ll be practicing.
  18. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 12:00 PM
  19. Total truth for you and my old team. No I’m not lying about my account. Yasuo is my main and only champ I have really ever played. I duo with a jungled who is also a one trick rengar Main. He peaked diamond 3 this season. He was the one who originally told me to practice other champions like Syndra when she was strong so I went ahead and did that. Before I did that I peaked season 7 at diamond 3. Learning new champions is not easy for me especially control mages. Don’t ask me how it just is.
  20. NMSU Sword/Sly - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
  21. Okay @TylerAltis ill give you the benfit of the doubt when we practice next use yassuo. Whether it be a solo pick or not we need to win our lanes singley before we can convert to winning with weak picks as a team
  22. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 12:38 PM
  23. I actually don’t want to be a part of an organization that will replicate the one I created and was backstabbed. A mirror image here in NMSU. Maybe I’m just not meant to be in a team. Maybe I’m just meant to be a solo queue slave. You’ve already replaced me. That was a slap. Your coaches think I’m boosted that was a slap. Even though I only had a couple of bad games. All the while put out with distractions of family, moving, internet and illness. Yes they are excuses but they are legitimate. I’ve talked to my duo partner about this so we both think that it’ll be fun just climbing duo. Learning new champions for the sake of a team was my ultimate goal. Maybe should have put more time into it before jumping in.
  24. I’ve only had a few games with you guys that were pretty bad. I want to say most of them were due to distractions like lag and illness.
  25. But other games I did pretty well. Listened to what you guys wanted and delivered. When it came down to game day I got really sick but i thought I was the only mid at the time cause the other was moving so I had no choice but to play. I warned you guys I was sick too.
  26. And then put judgement on a game that was really hard for me to play in because I was sick.
  27. NMSU Sword/Sly - Yesterday at 12:44 PM
  28. None the less ive seen players play sick and ill that still know how to cs which is basic you may feel betrayed but to much evidence piles up against you as a player. Considering your duo is a rengar main and yet the account you play on was d2 season 6 with a high kda as rengar and jungle. Your mmr in normals is silver your performance in those normals are very sub par. As many excuses you have not one adds up to this. I apologize if you feel we bwtrayed you but when outside sources come to me with evidence and questions i can not ignore.The way you cs the way you mana manage the fact ranked hasnt been played in months on months its very sketchy.
  29. And infact we have had zero games where you actually won a game all have been against low levels in normals
  30. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 12:46 PM
  31. Not everyone is the same dude.
  32. But it’s ok. Your basing these judgements from bad games while Ill. Low mmr or not in norms we all had bad games in those times. Can we turn around and say you guys are boosted too?
  33. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 12:48 PM
  34. i know i'm boosted as shit and i'm gold 2
  35. Joe - Yesterday at 12:49 PM
  36. I know I'm boosted in Diamond
  37. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 12:49 PM
  38. i'm just a lazy shit who doesn't play ranked
  39. NMSU Sword/Sly - Yesterday at 12:51 PM
  40. Boosted to gold 3 if you want its up to you if you want to plat 3 if you want. I perform thought i have knowledge of how to cs. The crazy thing is yes not everyone is the same but 1 tricking to d3 ahould have taught you simple fundamentales and how to play the base game which you lack our top 1 tricked darius but he has never not shown me that he can pick uo a champ and win lane with core mechanics and fundamentals and apologize if it comes off as betrayel but for someone to come off as a good player basically sit through a coach session and disregard it and say you already knownpretry much what he was talking about and not implement it yourself thats rough
  41. Joe - Yesterday at 12:52 PM
  42. I basically one tricked Maokai and Ivern to Diamond too
  43. NMSU Sword/Sly - Yesterday at 12:54 PM
  44. Feel free to be offended and feel free to not want to be part of our org. But none the less when i recieve a player who does nothing but talk about how they are d4 or master a champion i expect to see it.
  45. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:06 PM
  46. Yet again basing judgment off a game I was too ill to play in.
  47. CS in all other games were fine.
  48. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 1:07 PM
  49. explain mana sustain then
  50. and basic csing
  51. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:07 PM
  52. The reason why I kept loosing mana was to prevent the Azir roam.
  53. Not one wanted me to keep him mid. Kept saying I’m keeping him mid
  54. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 1:08 PM
  55. and how did you lose early
  56. literally you are giving excuses for being behind and losing the lane already
  57. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:08 PM
  58. Had to clear waves fast to donso since Azir clears pretty fast easy. I didn’t feel like I lost early.
  59. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 1:08 PM
  60. he doesn't clear waves fast early
  61. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:08 PM
  62. He played Agro so I sat back and did what I could to not feed
  63. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 1:08 PM
  64. mid and late game yes but that's after 2 items
  65. letting an azir play agro
  66. just shows you don't know matchups
  67. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:09 PM
  68. Ok. Gold 2
  69. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 1:09 PM
  70. yeah and as a gold 2
  71. i felt my tumor growing back watching you play
  72. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:10 PM
  73. watching me play I’ll
  74. Ill*
  75. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 1:11 PM
  76. the vel koz game as a guy who has played vel alot, you literally were in a skilled matchup against that syndra, and you missed a free solo kill against here, you should've been able to shove her in lvl 2 if not lvl 1, you missed a free kill because you fucked up a q
  77. i felt so bad watching that shit
  78. as for the syndra game you probably backed 4 times in 5 minutes
  79. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:11 PM
  80. I owned up to that game too
  81. That Other Guy - Yesterday at 1:11 PM
  82. because you ran out of mana
  83. no you didn't
  84. you lost against an azir
  85. as syndra
  86. and early game at that
  87. with no jungle pressence till about 6
  88. if you can't handle a lane or win it with out jungler assistance
  89. you shouldn't be talking the amount of shit you do
  90. TylerAltis - Yesterday at 1:13 PM
  91. And with that. I am out. Nice organization you guys built. I’m sorry I didn’t meet your expectations. Sorry being Ill takes a dramatic curve to my game playing.
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