

Apr 11th, 2018
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  36. <strong>Robin</strong> Noguier
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  56. <h3><strong>Robin</strong> Noguier</h3>
  57. <p>Product designer</p>
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  60. <h4>About me</h4>
  61. <p>Hello I’m Robin, french interactive designer working at <a href="http://ueno.co/" target="_blank">Ueno</a>. Formerly part of <a href="http://www.ultranoir.com/fr/" target="_blank"> Ultranoir </a>. I like to create prototypes, resolve design problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction.</p>
  62. <p class="bold">Feel free to contact me : <a href="mailto:robin.aitelalim@gmail.com">robin.aitelalim@gmail.com</a> </p>
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  65. <h4>Huge thank you</h4>
  66. <p class="no-margin">This portfolio was developed by my friend and favorite developer <a href="http://doriancamilleri.fr" target="_blank">Dorian Camilleri</a> and I’m really grateful to him.</p>
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  173. <h1 style="opacity: 1; transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);">2014-15 Portfolio of french designer Robin Noguier</h1>
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  320. <h3><strong>Robin</strong> Noguier</h3>
  321. <p>Product designer</p>
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  323. <div class="ctn-part">
  324. <h4>About me</h4>
  325. <p>Hello I’m a 23-year-old, Paris-based, french Freelance UI/UX designer. Formerly part of <a href="http://www.ultranoir.com/fr/" target="_blank"> Ultranoir </a> and the great <a href="http://ueno.co/" target="_blank">UENO </a> team. Currently studying at <a href="http://hetic.net" target="_blank">HETIC</a>. I like to resolve design problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction.</p>
  326. <p class="bold">Feel free to contact me for freelance project.</p>
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  328. <div class="ctn-part">
  329. <h4>Huge thank you</h4>
  330. <p class="no-margin">This portfolio was developed by my friend and favorite developer <a href="http://dcamilleri.com" target="_blank">Dorian Camilleri</a> and I’m really grateful to him.</p>
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