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a guest
Mar 20th, 2018
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  1. version: 1.0.0 ## Do not edit this.
  2. backend:
  3. type: file ## Where will everything be stored. Can be set to file or mysql
  4. update-period: 20 ## How often the backend is updated (in server ticks) 20 ticks = 1 second
  5. file:
  6. name: vaults.yml ## The path and name of the file to stored player vaults
  7. mysql:
  8. host: localhost ## The MySQL host name/address
  9. port: 3306 ## Leave this unless you know it's different
  10. username: root ## MySQL username
  11. password: password ## MySQL password
  12. database: playerdata ## The database to create the table in
  13. table: vaults ## The name of the table that will be created
  14. vault-rows: 3 ## The number of rows vaults have. Can be between 1 and 6
  15. caching: true ## Enables the saving of data in player meta data. Only turn this off if you have lots of vaults and player or have more than one server.
  16. messages: ## You may use any Minecraft colour or formatting codes.
  17. no-vault: '&4You do not have that many vaults!' ## Displayed when the player is trying to access a vault number bigger than what they're allowed.
  18. need-to-specify-number: '&4You need to specify a vault number. For example /vault 3' ## Displayed is a player does something like '/vault text'
  19. no-permission: '&4You do not have permission to do that!' ## Displayed when a player tries to use an admin feature
  20. admin-view-no-vault: '&4<player> is not allowed that many vaults!' ## Displayed to an admin when they try to view someone's vault that they're not allowed to have.
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