Guest User


a guest
Feb 20th, 2018
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  1. MessageReaction {
  2. message:
  3. KlasaMessage {
  4. channel:
  5. TextChannel {
  6. type: 'text',
  7. id: '371921432998969347',
  8. name: 'komendy_test',
  9. rawPosition: 27,
  10. parentID: '371216762709999618',
  11. permissionOverwrites: [Object],
  12. topic: null,
  13. nsfw: false,
  14. lastMessageID: '415621868939116554',
  15. guild: [Object],
  16. messages: [Object],
  17. _typing: [Object],
  18. lastMessage: [Circular] },
  19. id: '415621868939116554',
  20. type: 'DEFAULT',
  21. content: '!ev msg.react("👋")',
  22. author:
  23. KlasaUser {
  24. id: '267761613438713876',
  25. bot: false,
  26. username: 'fratik',
  27. discriminator: '0001',
  28. avatar: '5be30129582c5919e23847b3b3e5ade0',
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  35. system: false,
  36. embeds: [],
  37. attachments: Collection {},
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  39. editedTimestamp: null,
  40. reactions: ReactionStore { '👋' => [Circular], message: [Circular] },
  41. mentions:
  42. MessageMentions {
  43. everyone: false,
  44. users: Collection {},
  45. roles: Collection {},
  46. _content: '!ev msg.react("👋")',
  47. _client: [Object],
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  50. _channels: null },
  51. webhookID: null,
  52. application: null,
  53. activity: null,
  54. hit: null,
  55. _edits: [],
  56. language:
  57. Language {
  58. client: [Object],
  59. dir: '/root/FratikBotDiscord/languages',
  60. file: 'pl-PL.js',
  61. name: 'pl-PL',
  62. type: 'language',
  63. enabled: true,
  64. language: [Object] },
  65. guildConfigs:
  66. Configuration {
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  68. antiInvite: true,
  69. antiswear: false,
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  72. disabledCommands: [],
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  76. kanalMuzyczny: null,
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  87. warnyNaKick: 5,
  88. warnyNaSoftBan: 10,
  89. wysylajDmOKickachLubBanach: true,
  90. zapamietajRole: false },
  91. responses: null,
  92. command:
  93. Command {
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  95. type: 'command',
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  109. requiredConfigs: [],
  110. description: 'Pozwala na wykonanie kodu JavaScript. Może używać tylko twórca bota.',
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  116. subCategory: 'General',
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  119. file: [Array],
  120. dir: '/root/FratikBotDiscord/commands',
  121. cmdOptions: {} },
  122. prefix: /^!/,
  123. prefixLength: 1,
  124. prompter:
  125. CommandPrompt {
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  128. reprompted: false,
  129. flags: {},
  130. args: [Array],
  131. params: [Array],
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  133. promptLimit: Infinity,
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  135. _repeat: false,
  136. _required: 2,
  137. _prompted: 0,
  138. _currentUsage: [Object],
  139. typing: true } },
  140. me: true,
  141. count: 1,
  142. users:
  143. ReactionUserStore {
  144. '338359366891732993' => ClientUser {
  145. id: '338359366891732993',
  146. bot: true,
  147. username: 'FratikB0T',
  148. discriminator: '8028',
  149. avatar: '564059f2a623779191cc2155a4e271db',
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  151. lastMessage: [Object],
  152. verified: true,
  153. email: null,
  154. _typing: Map {},
  155. friends: Collection {},
  156. blocked: Collection {},
  157. notes: Collection {},
  158. premium: null,
  159. mfaEnabled: true,
  160. mobile: null,
  161. settings: [Object],
  162. guildSettings: Collection {},
  163. configs: [Object] },
  164. reaction: [Circular] },
  165. _emoji: ReactionEmoji { animated: false, name: '👋', id: null, reaction: [Circular] } }
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