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Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. Pre-Game
  3. Coilofwrath: me grave
  4. In-Game
  5. Coilofwrath: good call
  6. Coilofwrath: new ezreal dmg wtf
  7. Coilofwrath: and no im not gonna help top lol
  8. Coilofwrath: it's a sion
  9. Coilofwrath: who ping
  10. Coilofwrath: open?
  11. Coilofwrath: ya you're a moron
  12. Coilofwrath: who doesn't ward
  13. Coilofwrath: you don't understand how this game works lol
  14. Coilofwrath: very evident that you don't
  15. Coilofwrath: can we just open
  16. Coilofwrath: open mid
  17. Coilofwrath: safest bot lane in the game bc tk and she still 0-4 at 10min
  18. Coilofwrath: ????
  19. Coilofwrath: ya
  20. Coilofwrath: wtf
  21. Coilofwrath: so you died to a warded gank
  22. Coilofwrath: 1-3
  23. Coilofwrath: we scale better + inferna
  24. Coilofwrath: winnable
  25. Coilofwrath: if garen stops inting ya
  26. Coilofwrath: ??
  27. Coilofwrath: stop bleeding cs everywhere
  28. Coilofwrath: he has r
  29. Coilofwrath: not gj
  30. Coilofwrath: she missed her heal
  31. Coilofwrath: i would have lived but she's greeding heal for some reason
  32. Coilofwrath: report garen int+giref
  33. Coilofwrath: pls
  34. Coilofwrath: diff is im trying to win
  35. Coilofwrath: ur trolling
  36. Coilofwrath: top griefed too hard idk
  37. Coilofwrath: could have won if he wasn't trolling
  38. Coilofwrath: weak mental + bad player
  39. Coilofwrath: = perma stuck low plat
  40. Coilofwrath: you needed to block his e
  41. Coilofwrath: lol
  42. Coilofwrath: gg report graen
  43. Post-Game
  44. Coilofwrath: two low plat top laners that don't understand how jg or the game works
  45. Coilofwrath: dw you'll stay in your ranks until you learn
  46. Game 2
  47. In-Game
  48. Coilofwrath: 2:10 on those wards to expire
  49. Coilofwrath: starting raptors
  50. Coilofwrath: no leash
  51. Coilofwrath: ?
  52. Coilofwrath: u play w/o any vision pushed up and u want to blame me lol
  53. Coilofwrath: ur trolling
  54. Coilofwrath: she played lane poorly
  55. Coilofwrath: try warding once
  56. Coilofwrath: you've warded twice this entire game
  57. Coilofwrath: can't imagine what it's like to have a decent mid
  58. Coilofwrath: you know there are other components to lane
  59. Coilofwrath: than trying to kill him
  60. Coilofwrath: right
  61. Coilofwrath: u good?
  62. Coilofwrath: nothing happened
  63. Coilofwrath: i went top and you said no :b
  64. Coilofwrath: why do you type when you don't know what you're talking about
  65. Coilofwrath: what're you hoping to accomplish by being obnoxious
  66. Coilofwrath: again, typing when you don't know what you're talking about
  67. Coilofwrath: r has a range, they need to be tagged to ult them
  68. Coilofwrath: kayn isn't an early game jg champion
  69. Coilofwrath: the tag wears off
  70. Coilofwrath: it wore off with cc and auto spacing
  71. Coilofwrath: doesn't mean you understand the champ
  72. Coilofwrath: she has no idea of auto spacing
  73. Coilofwrath: or anything in this game really
  74. Coilofwrath: 50% 1100 played :o
  75. Coilofwrath: i really don't want you to win this game
  76. Coilofwrath: you have such a gross attitude
  77. Coilofwrath: nonstop toxic when you clearly don't understand the game or even your own champion
  78. Coilofwrath: but you're so mean to your own teammates instead of focusing to win and directing them
  79. Coilofwrath: yeah you really don't deserve to win
  80. Coilofwrath: improve your attitude +mental you might get out of plat 4
  81. Coilofwrath: there's nothing to report me for
  82. Post-Game
  83. Coilofwrath: such a nasty attitude
  84. Coilofwrath: usually don't even report but you have areally gross mental
  85. Coilofwrath: hope whatever is wrong in your life goes well
  86. Coilofwrath: you need help lol
  87. Game 3
  88. Pre-Game
  89. Coilofwrath: ??
  90. Coilofwrath: why would you want a vayne to play aggressively
  91. In-Game
  92. Coilofwrath: care cam lvl2 mid
  93. Coilofwrath: unbreakable mental
  94. Coilofwrath: can we just open
  95. Coilofwrath: 5cs/min kass
  96. Coilofwrath: at least one is trying to win!
  97. Coilofwrath: weird that you mention farming when i have more cs than u
  98. Coilofwrath: not for long w/that way you play!
  99. Coilofwrath: oh ofc it's your first time on kass :b
  100. Coilofwrath: that explains why you performed so poorly :b
  101. Coilofwrath: wp summoner
  102. Coilofwrath: 51%
  103. Coilofwrath: from the looks of it you're not in a place to talk about wins with 51%!
  104. Coilofwrath: yes in less than 5 games
  105. Coilofwrath: as if that's an indication of how good someone is on a champ
  106. Coilofwrath: you're a very smart player
  107. Coilofwrath: bc i've seen your performance this game
  108. Coilofwrath: too bad you don't understand anything about jg so you don't know how the matchups work
  109. Coilofwrath: how can i be in jg padding cs if im feeding?
  110. Post-Game
  111. Coilofwrath: ya imagine
  112. Coilofwrath: 1800 games on one champ in one season
  113. Coilofwrath: and plying lik that
  114. Coilofwrath: 4k dmg/22min
  115. Coilofwrath: hmmm
  116. Coilofwrath: honestly
  117. Coilofwrath: jg dff
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