

Sep 28th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find (szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len (szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub (szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len (szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["freeze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, freeze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Operation failed") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Operation failed") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Opened, value is modified" .. xgsl .."Article data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Opened, value is modified") end end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].freeze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast("Opened, value is modified"..#t.."Article data") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("Opened, value is modified", false) return false end else gg.toast("Not Found") return false end end
  2. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["freeze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, freeze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. " Failed") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) xxx=gg.getResultCount() if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. " Failed") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "\nFound: "" Edited: " .. xgsl .. "") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. " Failed") end end end gg.clearResults()  end
  3. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  4. local hex = {} function patch(lib,offset,edit,type) local ranges = gg.getRangesList(lib) local xy = {} xy[1] = {} xy[1].address = ranges[1].start + offset xy[1].flags = type xy[1].value = edit gg.setValues(xy) end
  6. function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast(Name.."  modify"..#data.."Article data") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].freeze = true gg.addListItems(item)end end end gg.setValues(t) else gg.toast(Name.."Failed to open", false) return false end else gg.toast(Name.."Failed to open") return false end end function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) xgsl = xgsl + 1 end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed to open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) xgjg = true end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Smile reminder: open successfully, modify a total" .. xgsl .. "ArticleΔΘ") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Smile reminder: failed to open") end end end end function PS() end function setvalue(address,flags,value) PS('Modify address value (address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  7. function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type, Name)  gg.clearResults()  gg.setVisible(false)  gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type)  local count = gg.getResultCount()  local result = gg.getResults(count)  gg.clearResults()  local data = {}  local base = Search[1][2]  if (count > 0) then  for i, v in ipairs(result) do  v.isUseful = true  end  for k=2, #Search do  local tmp = {}  local offset = Search[k][2] - base  local num = Search[k][1]  for i, v in ipairs(result) do  tmp[#tmp+1] = {}  tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset  tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags  end  tmp = gg.getValues(tmp)  for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do  if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then  result[i].isUseful = false  end  end  end  for i, v in ipairs(result) do  if (v.isUseful) then  data[#data+1] = v.address  end  end  if (#data > 0) then  gg.toast("Found"..#data.."Code Data")  local t = {}  local base = Search[1][2]  for i=1, #data do  for k, w in ipairs(Write) do  offset = w[2] - base  t[#t+1] = {}  t[#t].address = data[i] + offset  t[#t].flags = Type  t[#t].value = w[1]  if (w[3] == true) then  local item = {}  item[#item+1] = t[#t]  item[#item].freeze = true  gg.addListItems(item)  end  end  end  gg.setValues(t)  gg.toast(Name.."Successfully opened!  already"..#t.."Code Data")  gg.addListItems(t)  else  gg.toast(Name.."Failed to open", false)  return false  end  else  gg.toast(Name.."Failed to open")  return false  end  end
  8. function Fxs(Search, Write,Neicun,Mingcg,Shuzhiliang)  gg.clearResults()  gg.setRanges(Neicun)  gg.setVisible(false)  gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Search[1][3])  local count = gg.getResultCount()  local result = gg.getResults(count)  gg.clearResults()  local data = {}   local base = Search[1][2]    if (count > 0) then  for i, v in ipairs(result) do  v.isUseful = true  end  for k=2, #Search do  local tmp = {}  local offset = Search[k][2] - base   local num = Search[k][1]    for i, v in ipairs(result) do  tmp[#tmp+1] = {}  tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset  tmp[#tmp].flags = Search[k][3]  end    tmp = gg.getValues(tmp)    for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do  if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then  result[i].isUseful = false  end  end  end    for i, v in ipairs(result) do  if (v.isUseful) then  data[#data+1] = v.address  end  end  if (#data > 0) then  gg.toast(Mingcg.."????"..#data.."")  local t = {}  local base = Search[1][2]  if Shuzhiliang == "" and Shuzhiliang > 0 and Shuzhiliang < #data then   Shuzhiliang=Shuzhiliang  else  Shuzhiliang=#data  end  for i=1, Shuzhiliang do  for k, w in ipairs(Write) do  offset = w[2] - base  t[#t+1] = {}  t[#t].address = data[i] + offset  t[#t].flags = w[3]  t[#t].value = w[1]  if (w[4] == true) then  local item = {}  item[#item+1] = t[#t]  item[#item].freeze = true  gg.addListItems(item)  end  end  end  gg.setValues(t)  gg.toast(Mingcg.."????"..#t.."")     gg.addListItems(t)  else  gg.toast(Mingcg.."????", false)  return false  end  else  gg.toast("????")  return false  end end  
  9. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find (szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len (szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub (szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len (szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["freeze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, freeze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed to open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed to open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully opened, modified in total" .. xgsl .. "Article data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "No data found, failed to open") end end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].freeze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast("Successfully opened, modified in total"..#t.."Article data") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("No data found, failed to open", false) return false end else gg.toast("Not Found") return false end end
  10. local memFrom, memTo, lib, num, lim, results, src, ok = 0, -1, nil, 0, 32, {}, nil, false  function name(n)  if lib ~= n then  lib = n  local ranges = gg.getRangesList(lib)  if #ranges == 0 then  print('⚠️ ᴇʀʀᴏʀ : ' .. lib .. ' ⚠️')  gg.alert('ᴇʀʀᴏʀ : ' .. lib .. '\n ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ꜱᴇʟᴇᴄᴛ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴜᴛʏ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇꜱꜱ')  gg.toast('ᴇʀʀᴏʀ : ' .. lib .. '\n ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ꜱᴇʟᴇᴄᴛ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴜᴛʏ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇꜱꜱ ')  os.exit()  else  memFrom = ranges[1].start  memTo = ranges[#ranges]['end']   end  end  end  function hex2tbl(hex)  local ret = {}  hex:gsub('%S%S', function(ch)  ret[#ret + 1] = ch  return ''  end)  return ret  end  function original(orig)  local tbl = hex2tbl(orig)  local len = #tbl  if len == 0 then  return  end  local used = len  if len > lim then  used = lim  end  local s = ''  for i = 1, used do  if i ~= 1 then  s = s .. ';'  end  local v = tbl[i]  if v == '??' or v == '**' then  v = '0~~0'  end  s = s .. v .. 'r'  end  s = s .. '::' .. used  gg.searchNumber(s, gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, memFrom, memTo)  if len > used then  for i = used + 1, len do  local v = tbl[i]  if v == '??' or v == '**' then  v = 256  else  v = ('0x' .. v) + 0  if v > 127 then  v = v - 256  end  end  tbl[i] = v  end  end  local found = gg.getResultCount()  results = {}  local count = 0  local checked = 0  while not (found <= checked) do  local all = gg.getResults(8)  local total = #all  local start = checked  if total < checked + used then  break  end  for i, v in ipairs(all) do  v.address = v.address + myoffset  end  gg.loadResults(all)  while total > start do  local good = true  local offset = all[1 + start].address - 1  if len > used then  local get = {}  for i = lim + 1, len do  get[i - lim] = {  address = offset + i,  flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE,  value = 0  }  end  get = gg.getValues(get)  for i = lim + 1, len do  local ch = tbl[i]  if ch ~= 256 and get[i - lim].value ~= ch then  good = false  break  end  end  end  if good then  count = count + 1  results[count] = offset  checked = checked + used  else  local del = {}  for i = 1, used do  del[i] = all[i + start]  end  gg.removeResults(del)  end  start = start + used  end  end  end  function replaced(repl)  num = num + 1  local tbl = hex2tbl(repl)  if src ~= nil then  local source = hex2tbl(src)  for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do  if v ~= '??' and v ~= '**' and v == source[i] then  tbl[i] = '**'  end  end  src = nil  end  local cnt = #tbl  local set = {}  local s = 0  for _, addr in ipairs(results) do  for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do  if v ~= '??' and v ~= '**' then  s = s + 1  set[s] = {  address = addr + i,  value = v .. 'r',  flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE  }   end  end  end  if s ~= 0 then  gg.setValues(set)  end  ok = true  end
  11. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  12. function read_file(path) local file =, "rb") if not file then return nil end local content = file:read("*a") file:close() return content end              
  13. local HexPatches = {}
  14. function HexPatches.MemoryPatch(Lib,Offset,Edit,Type)
  15. local Ranges = gg.getRangesList(Lib)
  16. local v = {}
  17. v[1] = {}
  18. v[1].address = Ranges[1].start + Offset
  19. v[1].flags = Type
  20. v[1].value = Edit.."r"
  21. v[1].freeze = true
  22. gg.setValues(v)
  23. end
  24. HOME = 1
  25. function HOME()
  26. HM1 = gg.choice({
  27. " 《ANTIBAN MENU》",
  28. " 《SAVE》",
  29. " 《DANGER》",
  30. " 📴《EXIT》📴",
  31. }, nil, '@oxeenn')
  32. if HM1 == nil then else
  33. if HM1==1 then logo() end
  34. if HM1==2 then list1() end
  35. if HM1==3 then list2() end
  36. if HM1==4 then exit() end
  37. end
  38.   PUBGMH = -1
  39. end
  43. function logo()
  44. anti = gg.multiChoice({
  45. " 《FIX 3RD PARTY LOGO》",
  46. " 《FIX 10 MIN LOGO》",
  47. " 《BYPASS LOBBY》",
  48. "   ﴾BACK 🔙﴿",
  49. }, nil, '⁦⁦⁦⁦🅔︎🅝︎🅙︎🅞︎🅨︎')
  50. if anti == nil then else
  51. if anti[1] == true then AN1() end
  52. if anti[2] == true then AN2() end
  53. if anti[3] == true then AN3() end
  54. if anti[4] == true then HOME() end
  55. end
  56. PUBGMH = -1
  57. end
  61. function AN1()
  62. gg.clearResults()
  63. gg.setRanges( gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  64. gg.searchNumber("2621450", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  65. revert = gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  66. local t = gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  67. for i, v in ipairs(t) do
  68.  if v.flags == gg.TYPE_DWORD then
  69.   v.value = "-1"
  70.   v.freeze = true
  71.  end
  72. end
  73. gg.addListItems(t)
  74. t = nil
  75. gg.clearResults()
  76. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  77. gg.searchNumber("2,020,683,377", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  78. gg.refineNumber("2,020,683,377", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  79. gg.getResults(10000)
  80. gg.editAll("2,020,683,392", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  81. gg.clearResults()
  82. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  83. gg.searchNumber("1,852,142,638", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  84. gg.refineNumber("1,852,142,638", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  85. gg.getResults(90000)
  86. gg.editAll("1,852,142,691", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  87. gg.clearResults()
  88. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  89. gg.searchNumber("1,651,469,614", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  90. gg.refineNumber("1,651,469,614", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  91. gg.getResults(90000)
  92. gg.editAll("1,651,469,625", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  93. gg.clearResults()
  94. gg.alert("3RD PARTY FIX DONE")
  95. end
  100. function AN2()
  102. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  103. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  104. py=0x67E48B8
  105. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  106. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  107. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  108. py=0x67E3760
  109. setvalue(so+py,16,4.2245015e-39)
  110. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  111. py=0x67E3764
  112. setvalue(so+py,16,4.2245085e-39)
  113. gg.alert("FIX 10 MIN DONE")
  114. end
  124. function AN3()
  125. gg.setVisible(true)
  126. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  127. gg.searchNumber("134,914;135,682", gg.TYPE_DWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  128. gg.refineNumber("134,914", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  129. gg.getResults(50000)
  130. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  131. gg.clearResults()
  132. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  133. gg.searchNumber("620,137,442,967,552", gg.TYPE_QWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  134. gg.refineNumber("620,137,442,967,552", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  135. gg.getResults(500)
  136. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  137. gg.clearResults()
  138. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  139. gg.searchNumber("620,137,442,967,552", gg.TYPE_QWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  140. gg.refineNumber("620,137,442,967,552", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  141. gg.getResults(5000)
  142. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  143. gg.clearResults()
  144. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  145. gg.searchNumber("578351706144768;564058054983680", gg.TYPE_QWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  146. gg.refineNumber("578351706144768", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  147. gg.getResults(5000)
  148. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  149. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  150. gg.searchNumber("577252194516992;288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  151. gg.refineNumber("577252194516992", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  152. gg.getResults(5000)
  153. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  154. gg.clearResults()
  155. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  156. gg.searchNumber("131,842;134,658", gg.TYPE_DWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  157. gg.refineNumber("131,842", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  158. gg.getResults(5000)
  159. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  160. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  161. gg.searchNumber("132,098;131,586", gg.TYPE_DWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  162. gg.refineNumber("132,098", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  163. gg.getResults(5000)
  164. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  165. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  166. gg.searchNumber("1.87978584e-40", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  167. gg.getResults(22)
  168. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  169. gg.clearResults()
  170. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  171. gg.searchNumber("1.87619851e-40", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  172. gg.getResults(31)
  173. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  174. gg.clearResults()
  175. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  176. gg.searchNumber("132098;133635", gg.TYPE_DWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  177. gg.refineNumber("132098", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  178. gg.getResults(39)
  179. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  180. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  181. gg.searchNumber("133634;134914", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  182. gg.refineNumber("133634", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  183. gg.getResults(39)
  184. gg.editAll("288,233,773,470,842,880",gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  185. gg.alert("BYPASS LOBBY DONE")
  186. end
  188. function list1()
  189. LISSS1 = gg.multiChoice({
  190. " 《ANTENA》",
  191. " 《NO RECOIL%50》",
  192. " 《HEADSHOT GAME》",
  193. " 《SMALL CROSS》 ",
  194. " 《AIMBOT 300M》 ",
  195. " 《NO RECOIL CAMERA》 ",
  196. "   ﴾BACK 🔙﴿",
  197. }, nil, '⁦⁦⁦⁦🅔︎🅝︎🅙︎🅞︎🅨︎')
  198. if LISSS1 == nil then else
  199. if LISSS1[1] == true then A1() end
  200. if LISSS1[2] == true then A2() end
  201. if LISSS1[3] == true then A3() end
  202. if LISSS1[4] == true then A4() end
  203. if LISSS1[5] == true then A5() end
  204. if LISSS1[6] == true then A6() end
  205. if LISSS1[7] == true then HOME() end
  206. end
  207. PUBGMH = -1
  208. end
  209. function A1()
  210. gg.clearResults()
  211. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  212. gg.searchNumber("88.50576019287F;87.27782440186F;-100.91194152832F;1F::13", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  213. gg.searchNumber("88.50576019287F;87.27782440186F;1F", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  214. gg.getResults(6)
  215. gg.editAll("1.96875;1.96875;999;1.96875;1.96875;999", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  216. gg.clearResults()
  217. end
  220. function A2()
  221. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  222. py=0x14EC4F4
  223. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  224. end
  227. function A3()
  228. gg.clearResults()
  229. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  230. gg.searchNumber("25;30.5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  231. gg.getResults(10)
  232. gg.editAll("250", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  233. gg.clearResults()
  234. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  235. gg.searchNumber("15;28;16;26;8;18", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  236. gg.getResults(56)
  237. gg.editAll("-1339", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  238. gg.clearResults()
  239. gg.clearResults()
  240. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  241. gg.searchNumber("10;45", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  242. gg.searchNumber("10", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  243. gg.getResults(200)
  244. gg.editAll("9999999", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  245. gg.clearResults()
  246. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_BAD)
  247. gg.searchNumber("-88.66608428955;26:512", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  248. gg.searchNumber("26", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  249. gg.getResults(2)
  250. gg.editAll("-460", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  251. gg.clearResults()
  252. gg.searchNumber("-88.73961639404;28:512", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  253. gg.searchNumber("28", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  254. gg.getResults(2)
  255. gg.editAll("-560", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  256. gg.clearResults()
  257. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  258. gg.searchNumber("9.201618;30.5;25", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  259. gg.searchNumber("25;30.5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  260. gg.getResults(10)
  261. gg.editAll("250", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  262. gg.clearResults()
  263. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_BSS)
  264. gg.searchNumber("2048D;1F", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  265. gg.searchNumber("1", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  266. gg.getResults(100)
  267. gg.editAll("0.07", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  268. gg.clearResults()
  269. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  270. gg.searchNumber("9.1022205e-38;0.0001;9.1025635e-38::", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  271. gg.searchNumber("0.0001", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  272. gg.getResults(100)
  273. gg.editAll("125", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  274. gg.clearResults()
  275. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_BAD)
  276. gg.searchNumber("-7.1611644e24;0.0001;1.1297201e-37::", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  277. gg.searchNumber("0.0001", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  278. gg.getResults(500)
  279. gg.editAll("-125", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  280. gg.clearResults()
  281. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  282. gg.searchNumber("-1.427811e28;8.5626969e-26", gg.TYPE_FLOAT,false,gg.SIGN_EQUAL,0, -1)
  283. gg.searchNumber("-1.427811e28", gg.TYPE_FLOAT,false,gg.SIGN_EQUAL,0, -1)
  284. gg.getResults(10)
  285. gg.editAll("0",gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  286. gg.clearResults()
  287. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  288. gg.searchNumber("h4E8A38EEE000DDE5", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  289. gg.refineNumber("h4E8A38EE", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  290. gg.getResults(7243)
  291. gg.editAll("78;-118;56;0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  292. gg.clearResults()
  293. gg.setRanges(131072)
  294. gg.searchNumber("-88.66608428955;26:512", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  295. gg.searchNumber("26", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  296. gg.getResults(2)
  297. gg.editAll("-460", 16)
  298. gg.clearResults()
  299. gg.searchNumber("-88.73961639404;28:512", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  300. gg.searchNumber("28", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  301. gg.getResults(2)
  302. gg.editAll("-560", 16)
  303. gg.clearResults()
  304. gg.setRanges(32)
  305. gg.searchNumber("9.201618;30.5;25", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  306. gg.searchNumber("30.5;25", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  307. gg.getResults(10)
  308. gg.editAll("160", 16)
  309. gg.clearResults()
  310. gg.setRanges(16)
  311. gg.searchNumber("2048D;1F", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  312. gg.searchNumber("1", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  313. gg.getResults(100)
  314. gg.editAll("0.07", 16)
  315. gg.clearResults()
  316. gg.setRanges(16384)
  317. gg.searchNumber("9.1022205e-38;0.0001;9.1025635e-38::", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  318. gg.searchNumber("0.0001", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  319. gg.getResults(100)
  320. gg.editAll("140", 16)
  321. gg.clearResults()
  322. gg.setRanges(131072)
  323. gg.searchNumber("-7.1611644e24;0.0001;1.1297201e-37::", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  324. gg.searchNumber("0.0001", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  325. gg.getResults(500)
  326. gg.editAll("-125", 16)
  327. gg.clearResults()
  328. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  329. gg.searchNumber("10;45", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  330. gg.searchNumber("10", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  331. gg.getResults(100)
  332. gg.editAll("2700", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  333. gg.clearResults()
  334. gg.clearResults()
  335. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  336. gg.searchNumber("0.10000000149;64.50088500977", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  337. gg.refineNumber("0.10000000149", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  338. gg.getResults(50)
  339. gg.editAll("1.10000000149", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  340. gg.clearResults()
  341. gg.clearResults()
  342. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  343. gg.searchNumber("9.201618;30.5;25", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  344. gg.searchNumber("25;30.5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  345. gg.getResults(10)
  346. gg.editAll("151.5000", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  347. gg.clearResults()
  348. end
  351. function A4()
  352. gg.searchNumber('2~4;1.09375;1;18;3.5::25', 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  353. gg.searchNumber('2~4;1.09375::5', 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  354. gg.searchNumber('2~4', 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  355. gg.getResults(50)
  356. gg.editAll('-0.5', 16)
  357. gg.clearResults()
  358. end
  361. function A5()
  362. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  363. py=0x1123ECC
  364. setvalue(so+py,16,-3.86856308e25)
  365. gg.clearResults()
  366. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  367. py=0x1123ED0
  368. setvalue(so+py,16,-3.86856308e25)
  369. gg.clearResults()
  370. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  371. py=0x28E4760
  372. setvalue(so+py,16,99990.0)
  373. gg.clearResults()
  374. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  375. py=0x1123E48
  376. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  377. gg.clearResults()
  378. end
  383. function A6()
  384. gg.clearResults()
  385. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  386. gg.setVisible(false)
  387. gg.searchNumber("-405,405,696;-499,122,175;-481,296,380;-1,979,711,399;-493,940,716;-509,607,680:21", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  388. gg.refineNumber("-8.1893464e19", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  389. gg.getResults(1)
  390. gg.setVisible(false)
  391. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  392. gg.clearResults()
  393. end
  399. function list2()
  400. ingeamM = gg.multiChoice({
  401. " 《SIT SCOPE》",
  402. " 《STAND SCOPE》",
  403. " 《NO RECOIL%100》",
  404. " 《FAST PARACHUT》 ",
  405. "   ﴾BACK 🔙﴿",
  406. }, nil, '🅔︎🅝︎🅙︎🅞︎🅨︎')
  407. if ingeamM == nil then else
  408. if ingeamM[1] == true then B1() end
  409. if ingeamM[2] == true then B2() end
  410. if ingeamM[3] == true then B3() end
  411. if ingeamM[4] == true then B4() end
  412. if ingeamM[5] == true then HOME() end
  413. end
  414. PUBGMH = -1
  415. end
  417. function B1()
  418. gg.clearResults()
  419. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  420. gg.searchNumber("18.38787841797;0.53867292404;-3.42232513428;1.77635705e-15:13", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  421. gg.refineNumber("18.38787841797", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  422. sitscoppps1 = gg.getResults(2805)
  423. gg.editAll("130.5419921875", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  424. gg.clearResults()
  425. end
  426. function B2()
  427. gg.clearResults()
  428. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  429. gg.searchNumber("4138667321167981973", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  430. gg.refineNumber("4138667321167981973", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  431. gg.refineNumber("4138667321167981973", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  432. gg.getResults(1401)
  433. gg.editAll("4848124999984742400", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  434. gg.clearResults()
  435. end
  436. function B3()
  437. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  438. py=0x3B583C0
  439. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  440. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  441. py=0x14EC4F4
  442. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  443. end
  444. function B4()
  445. FASPRO = gg.multiChoice({
  446.     ' 𖦹ON',
  447.     ' 𖦹OFF',
  448.     '﴿رجوع 🔙﴾',
  449. }, nil, '⁦⁦⁦⁦🅔︎🅝︎🅙︎🅞︎🅨︎')
  450. if FASPRO == nil then else
  451. if FASPRO[1] == true then ONPR1() end
  452. if FASPRO[2] == true then OFFPR2() end
  453. if FASPRO[3] == true then list2() end
  454. end
  455. PUBGMH = -1
  456. end
  457. function ONPR1()
  458. gg.clearResults()
  459. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  460. gg.setVisible(false)
  461. gg.searchNumber("-1585267064848315881", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  462. gg.getResults(100)
  463. gg.editAll("-1585267068834414550", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  464. gg.clearResults()
  465. gg.clearResults()
  466. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  467. gg.setVisible(false)
  468. gg.searchNumber("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  469. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  470. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  471. gg.getResults(1401)
  472. gg.editAll("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  473. gg.clearResults()
  474. gg.clearResults()
  475. end
  476. function OFFPR2()
  477. gg.clearResults()
  478. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  479. gg.setVisible(false)
  480. gg.searchNumber("-1585267068834414550", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  481. gg.getResults(100)
  482. gg.editAll("-1585267064848315881", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  483. gg.clearResults()
  484. gg.clearResults()
  485. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  486. gg.setVisible(false)
  487. gg.searchNumber("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  488. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  489. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  490. gg.getResults(1401)
  491. gg.editAll("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  492. gg.clearResults()
  493. end
  497. function exit()
  498.   print('⁦@oxeenn')
  499.   gg.skipRestoreState()
  500.   gg.setVisible(true)
  501.   os.exit()
  502. end
  503. while true do
  504.   if gg.isVisible(true) then
  505.     PUBGMH = 1
  506.     gg.setVisible(false)
  507.   end
  508.   gg.clearResults()
  509.   if PUBGMH == 1 then
  510.     HOME()
  511.   end
  512. end
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