Guest User


a guest
Aug 13th, 2017
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  1. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatControl] Enabling ChatControl v7.4.20
  2. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]:  _____ _ _ _____ _ _ +
  3. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]:  / ____| | | | / ____| | | | |
  4. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: | | | |__ __ _| |_| | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | |
  5. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: | | | '_ \ / _` | __| | / _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _ \| |
  6. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: | |____| | | | (_| | |_| |___| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | |
  7. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]:  \_____|_| |_|\__,_|\__|\_____\___/|_| |_|\__|_| \___/|_|
  8. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: 
  9. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------*
  10. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: There was a fatal problem with this version. We apologies.
  11. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: If you have purchased it, please contact the author!
  12. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: If not, well, too bad! (I am sad :()
  13. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin is now disabled.
  14. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------*
  15. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatControl] Disabling ChatControl v7.4.20
  16. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin might not shut down property. Got NullPointerException: null
  17. [00:28:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Configuration loads..
  18. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Version' -> '17'
  19. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Debugger.Sections' -> '[]'
  20. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Debugger.Log' -> 'false'
  21. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Debugger.Save' -> 'true'
  22. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'MySQL.Table_Prefix' -> key removed
  23. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'MySQL.Assume_Shared' -> 'false'
  24. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'MySQL.Enabled_In.Points' -> 'true'
  25. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'MySQL.Connection.Port' -> '3306'
  26. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'MySQL.Connection.Table' -> 'ChatControl_data'
  27. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'MySQL.Connection.Connector_Advanced' -> 'jdbc:mysql://{host}:{port}/{database}?autoReconnect=true'
  28. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Motd.Enabled' -> 'false'
  29. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Motd.Delay_Ticks' -> '2'
  30. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Motd.Sound' -> 'ENTITY_FIREWORK_LAUNCH, 1F, 0.1F'
  31. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Motd.Message' -> '[*--------------------------------------------------*, Hello {player}, we kindly welcome you to {server_name} and wish you great experience :), \n, Version: {nms_version} / 08.04.2017, Changelog:, - Added ChatControl Pro plugin, \n, Help - /help Settings - /menu Web - /web, *--------------------------------------------------*]'
  32. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Spy.Bungee' -> 'false'
  33. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Spy.Prefix' -> '[Spying {player}] '
  34. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Spy.Command_List_Works_Like_Blacklist' -> 'false'
  35. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Spy.Command_List' -> '[/tell, /msg, /t, /whisper, /r, /reply]'
  36. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Private_Messages.Aliases.Tell' -> '[msg, t, whisper]'
  37. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Private_Messages.Aliases.Reply' -> '[r]'
  38. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Private_Messages.Static_Format_Receiver' -> key removed
  39. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Private_Messages.Static_Format_Sender' -> key removed
  40. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Writer.Write_Chat_Communication' (was 'true') to 'Writer.Save_Chat_Communication'
  41. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Variables.Apply_Custom_On.Variables.Apply_Custom_On' -> key removed
  42. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Groups.Always_Check_Updates' -> key removed
  43. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at '' -> key removed
  44. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at '' -> key removed
  45. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at '' -> key removed
  46. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Console.Filter.Enabled' (was 'false') to 'Console_Filter.Enabled'
  47. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Console.Filter.Log' (was 'false') to 'Console_Filter.Log'
  48. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Console.Filter.Filter_Console_Messages' (was '[Reached end of stream for, Connection reset]') to 'Console_Filter.Filter_Console_Messages'
  49. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Rules.Check_Packets' -> 'true'
  50. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Rules.Signs.Block_On_Rule_Violation' -> 'true'
  51. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Rules.Signs.Drop_Sign' -> 'true'
  52. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Rules.Items.Deserialize_Json' -> key removed
  53. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Rules.Items.Rules.Packets' -> key removed
  54. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Anti_Bot.Rejoin_Delay_Seconds' (was '4') to 'Anti_Bot.Cooldown.Rejoin'
  55. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Cooldown.Chat_After_Login' -> '1'
  56. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Cooldown.Command_After_Login' -> '1'
  57. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Block_Actions_Until_Moved.Chat' -> key removed
  58. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Block_Chat_Until_Moved' -> 'true'
  59. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Block_Commands_Until_Moved' -> '[/afk, /me]'
  60. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Show_Quit_Message_Only_If_Logged' -> 'true'
  61. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Block_Signs_With_Same_Text' -> 'true'
  62. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Bot.Disallowed_Nicknames' -> '[(f+(\W|\d|_)*u+(\W|\d|_)*c+(\W|\d|_)*k+(\W|\d|_)*), bitch, asshole]'
  63. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Caps.Warn_Player' -> key removed
  64. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Chat.Formatter.Ranged_Mode' (was 'false') to 'Range.Enabled'
  65. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Chat.Formatter.Range' (was '100.0') to 'Range.Distance'
  66. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Interactive.Enabled' -> key removed
  67. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Spy_Chat_Format' -> 'Example_Format'
  68. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Chat.Formatter.Static' (was 'MemorySection[path='Chat.Formatter.Static', root='YamlConfiguration']') to 'Chat.Formatter.Static_No_Longer_Used'
  69. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Chat.Formatter.Interactive' (was 'MemorySection[path='Chat.Formatter.Interactive', root='YamlConfiguration']') to 'Chat.Formatter'
  70. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Enabled' -> 'false'
  71. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Spy_Chat_Format' -> 'Spy_Chat'
  72. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Range.Enabled' -> 'false'
  73. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Range.Distance' -> '100.0'
  74. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Range.Linked_Worlds.normal' -> '[world, world_nether]'
  75. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Formatter.Range.Linked_Worlds.skyland' -> '[skyland, skyland_nether]'
  76. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Chat.Channels.Default_Channel' -> key removed
  77. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Anti_Spam.Chat.Regex_In_Whitelist' -> key removed
  78. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Sound_Notify.Color' -> ''
  79. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Check_Updates' -> 'true'
  80. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Debug' -> 'false'
  81. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Signs.Duplication' -> key removed
  82. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Updater.Enabled' -> key removed
  83. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Debugger' -> key removed
  84. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml at 'Minimum_Players_To_Enable_Checks' -> key removed
  85. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Update settings.yml. Move 'Messages' (was 'MemorySection[path='Messages', root='YamlConfiguration']') to 'Messages_Now_In_Messages_Yml'
  86. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------*
  87. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting 7.0.0, 'Messages' section
  88. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: from settings.yml has been removed
  89. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: and it is now found in messages.yml
  90. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]:  
  91. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Section here is no longer functional.
  92. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: *-----------------------------------------------*
  93. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Saved updated file: settings.yml (# Comments removed)
  94. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Variables file has been renamed to javascript.txt.
  95. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Created default file: messages.yml
  96. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: 
  97. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Checking compatible plugins..
  98. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Rules loads now..
  99. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Alert messages in handler advertisement has been updated.
  100. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Alert messages in handler swear has been updated.
  101. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Listening starts..
  102. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent while not enabled
  103. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.registerEvent(
  104. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.kangarko.chatcontrol. .....lPt1.const(SourceFile:349)
  105. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.kangarko.chatcontrol.ChatControl.const(SourceFile:95)
  106. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.kangarko.chatcontrol. .....lPt1.onEnable(SourceFile:102)
  107. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  108. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  109. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  110. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  111. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  112. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.t(
  113. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.l(
  114. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.a(
  115. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  116. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  117. [00:28:15] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  118. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]:  _ _ _ 
  119. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]:  | | | | ___ ___ _ __ ___| |
  120. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]:  | |_| |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __| |
  121. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]:  | _ | (_) | (_) | |_) \__ \_|
  122. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]:  |_| |_|\___/ \___/| .__/|___(_)
  123. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]:  |_| 
  124. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: !-----------------------------------------------------!
  125. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Error loading ChatControl v7.4.20, plugin is disabled!
  126. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Running on 1.12-R0.1-SNAPSHOT (v1_12_R1) & Java 1.8.0_121
  127. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: !-----------------------------------------------------!
  128. [00:28:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Error: Plugin attempted to register class org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent while not enabled
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