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a guest
Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. 1. Get your meter URL and add it to the below curl command. You can find this at
  2. 2. Enter your API key from the dashboard into client ID at and hit encode and replace ADD YOUR API KEY WITH THE encoded authentication string
  3. 3. Add to your Home Assistant YAML and restart
  5. # Smart Meter - Get JSON data from the meter for last 7 days
  6. - platform: command_line
  7. name: Electricity Raw Data - 7 days
  8. scan_interval: 7200
  9. value_template: '{{ value_json.count }}'
  10. json_attributes:
  11. - results
  12. command: >-
  13. curl -H '"'Authorization: Basic ADD YOUR API KEY'"' '"' YOUR OWN METER HERE/consumption/?period_from={{ (as_timestamp(now()) - (8*86400)) | timestamp_custom("%Y-%m-%d", True) }}T00:00:00&period_to={{ (as_timestamp(now()) - (2*86400)) | timestamp_custom("%Y-%m-%d", True) }}T23:30:00&page_size=336'"'
  15. # Add up all JSON data
  16. - platform: template
  17. sensors:
  18. electricity_7_days:
  19. friendly_name: Electricity Usage - Last 7 days
  20. icon_template: mdi:flash
  21. unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
  22. value_template: '{{ (state_attr("sensor.electricity_raw_data_7_days", "results") | map(attribute="consumption") | sum ) | round(0)}}'
  24. # Smart Meter - Work out cost
  25. # Electricity - 14.50p per kwh & 20.15p per day
  26. electricity_7_days_cost:
  27. friendly_name: Electricity Cost - Last 7 days
  28. icon_template: mdi:currency-gbp
  29. value_template: '{{ "£%.2f"|format (float(states.sensor.electricity_7_days.state)*0.1450+1.4105)}}'
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