
LapisNetWork - Proxy [v2.0]

Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. # LapisNetWork - Proxy System [v2.0]
  3. on first join:
  4. command "/gamemode 2 %player%"
  5. set {Profile.Rank.%player%} to "Default"
  6. set {Profile.Level.%player%} to "1"
  7. set {Profile.LapisLazuli.%player%} to "0"
  8. set {Profile.Coin.%player%} to "1"
  9. set {Profile.Achivement.%player%} to "未実装"
  10. set {FFA.Star.%player%} to "0"
  11. set {FFA.Gold.%player%} to "0"
  13. on join:
  14. set join message to "&9[LapisNetWork] &e%player% さんがサーバーに参加しました"
  15. command "/clear %player%"
  16. command "/effect %player% clear"
  17. command "/tp %player% 982 54 977 -90 0"
  18. set {Profile.Location.%player%} to "Lobby1"
  19. if {Profile.Rank.%player%} is not set:
  20. set {Profile.Rank.%player%} to "Default"
  21. set {Profile.Prefix.%player%} to "&7[デフォルト]"
  22. set {Permission.%player%} to "Default"
  23. else:
  24. stop
  26. on quit:
  27. set quit message to "&9[LapisNetWork] &e%player% さんがサーバーから抜けました"
  29. on chat:
  30. cancel event
  31. broadcast " %{Profile.Prefix.%player%}% %player% &f: &f%message%"
  33. on death of player:
  34. if {Profile.Location.%player%} is "FFA":
  35. force victim to respawn
  36. command "/clear %player%"
  37. command "/effect clear %player%"
  38. command "/tp %player% 937 8 196 0 0"
  39. command "/give %player% diamond_sword"
  40. command "/give %player% golden_apple 12"
  41. command "/give %player% diamond_helmet"
  42. command "/give %player% diamond_chestplate"
  43. command "/give %player% diamond_leggings"
  44. command "/give %player% diamond_boots"
  45. give golden apple to attacker
  46. add 1 to {FFA.Star.%attacker%}
  47. add 10 to {FFA.Gold.%attacker%}
  48. send "&6+10 Gold!" to attacker
  49. else:
  50. force victim to respawn
  51. command "/tp %player% 937 8 196 0 0"
  53. command /rank [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  54. permission: Server.Admin
  55. permission message: &9[LapisNetWork] &cこのコマンドを使用するには管理者又は管理者以上のランクを所持している必要があります
  56. trigger:
  57. if arg 1 is not set:
  58. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c/Rank Help で使用方法を確認してください"
  59. if arg 1 is "Help":
  60. send "&9[LapisNetWork] Proxy.Rank.Help"
  61. send "&e/Rank Help &8/ &3ランクシステムのヘルプを表示します"
  62. send "&e/Rank List &8/ &3全てのランク、RankIDを確認します"
  63. send "&c・未実装 &e/Rank Reload &8/ &3ランクシステムをリロードします &4&l(バグ又は緊急時以外使用しないでください)"
  64. send "&e/Rank Set (プレイヤー) (ランク) &8/ &3プレイヤーにランク・各ランクで使用可能な権限を与えます"
  65. send "&e/Rank Remove (プレイヤー) &8/ &3プレイヤーのランクをデフォルトに設定します"
  66. if arg 1 is "List":
  67. send "&9[LapisNetWork] Proxy.Rank.List"
  68. send "&7[デフォルト] &8/ &e1"
  69. send "&a[VIP] &8/ &e2"
  70. send "&3[ヘルパー] &8/ &e3"
  71. send "&c[管理者] &8/ &e4"
  72. if arg 1 is "Set":
  73. if arg 2 is not set:
  74. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &cプレイヤー名を選択してください。 (/Rank Set (プレイヤー名) (ランク名)"
  75. if arg 2 is set:
  76. if arg 3 is "1":
  77. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c%arg 2%さんのランクを &7デフォルト &cに設定しました"
  78. set {Profile.Rank.%arg 2%} to "Default"
  79. set {Profile.Prefix.%arg 2%} to "&7[デフォルト]"
  80. set {Permission.%arg 2%} to "Default"
  81. if arg 3 is "2":
  82. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c%arg 2%さんのランクを &aVIP &cに設定しました"
  83. set {Profile.Rank.%arg 2%} to "VIP"
  84. set {Profile.Prefix.%arg 2%} to "&a[VIP]"
  85. set {Permission.%arg 2%} to "VIP"
  86. if arg 3 is "3":
  87. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c%arg 2%さんのランクを &3ヘルパー &cに設定しました"
  88. set {Profile.Rank.%arg 2%} to "Helper"
  89. set {Profile.Prefix.%arg 2%} to "&3[ヘルパー]"
  90. set {Permission.%arg 2%} to "Helper"
  91. if arg 3 is "4":
  92. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c%arg 2%さんのランクを &c管理者 &cに設定しました"
  93. set {Profile.Rank.%arg 2%} to "Admin"
  94. set {Profile.Prefix.%arg 2%} to "&c[管理者]"
  95. set {Permission.%arg 2%} to "Admin"
  97. every 1 seconds:
  98. loop all players:
  99. if {Profile.Location.%loop-player%} is "Lobby1":
  100. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  101. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&9 Lapis&aNetWork "
  102. set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  103. set score "&cランク &f: %{Profile.Rank.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  104. set score "&bレベル &f: %{Profile.Level.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  105. set score "&9ラピスラズリ &f: %{Profile.LapisLazuli.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  106. set score "&a功績 &f: %{Profile.Achivement.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  107. set score "&6コイン &f: %{Profile.Coin.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  108. set score "&b" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  109. set score "&fLocation : Lobby1" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  110. set score "&c" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  111. set score "&9www.lapisnetwork.net" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  112. if {Profile.Location.%loop-player%} is "FFA":
  113. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  114. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&9 Lapis&aNetWork &cFFA "
  115. set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  116. set score "&bスター &f: ☆ %{FFA.Star.%loop-player%}% " in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  117. set score "&6ゴールド &f: %{FFA.Gold.%loop-player%}% " in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  118. set score "&b" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  119. set score "&7状態 &f: ノーマル" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  120. set score "&c" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  121. set score "&9www.lapisnetwork.net" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  123. command /Warp [<text>]:
  124. trigger:
  125. if arg 1 is not set:
  126. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c行きたい場所を指定してください Lobby 又は FFA"
  127. if arg 1 is "Lobby":
  128. set {Profile.Location.%player%} to "Lobby1"
  129. command "/tp %player% 982 52 977 -90 0"
  130. command "/clear %player%"
  131. command "/effect clear %player%"
  132. if arg 1 is "FFA":
  133. set {Profile.Location.%player%} to "FFA"
  134. command "/tp %player% 937 8 196 0 0"
  135. command "/clear %player%"
  136. command "/effect clear %player%"
  138. command /Level [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  139. permission: Server.Admin
  140. permission message: &9[LapisNetWork] &cこのコマンドを使用するには管理者又は管理者以上のランクを所持している必要があります
  141. trigger:
  142. if arg 1 is not set:
  143. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c/Level Help で使用方法を確認してください"
  144. if arg 1 is "Help":
  145. send "&9[LapisNetWork] Proxy.Level.Help"
  146. send "&e/Level Help &8/ &3レベルシステムのヘルプを表示します"
  147. send "&e/Level Set (プレイヤー) (レベル) &8/ &3プレイヤーのレベルを設定します"
  148. if arg 1 is "Set":
  149. if arg 2 is not set:
  150. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &cプレイヤー名を選択してください (/Level Set (プレイヤー名) (レベル)"
  151. if arg 2 is set:
  152. if arg 3 is not set:
  153. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &cレベルの数値を指定してください (/Level Set (プレイヤー名) (レベル)"
  154. if arg 3 is set:
  155. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c%arg 2% さんのレベルを &b%arg 3% &cに設定しました"
  156. set {Profile.Level.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  158. command /LapisLazuli [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  159. permission: Server.Admin
  160. permission message: &9[LapisNetWork] &cこのコマンドを使用するには管理者又は管理者以上のランクを所持している必要があります
  161. trigger:
  162. if arg 1 is not set:
  163. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c/LapisLazuli Help で使用方法を確認してください"
  164. if arg 1 is "Help":
  165. send "&9[LapisNetWork] Proxy.LapisLazuli.Help"
  166. send "&e/LapisLazuli Help &8/ &3ラピスラズリシステムのヘルプを表示します"
  167. send "&e/LapisLazuli Set (プレイヤー) (ラピスラズリ) &8/ &3プレイヤーのラピスラズリを設定します"
  168. if arg 1 is "Set":
  169. if arg 2 is not set:
  170. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &cプレイヤー名を選択してください (/LapisLazuli Set (プレイヤー名) (ラピスラズリ)"
  171. if arg 2 is set:
  172. if arg 3 is not set:
  173. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &cラピスラズリの数値を指定してください (/LapisLazuli Set (プレイヤー名) (ラピスラズリ)"
  174. if arg 3 is set:
  175. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c%arg 2% さんのラピスラズリを &b%arg 3% &cに設定しました"
  176. set {Profile.LapisLazuli.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  178. command /Achivement [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  179. permission: Server.Admin
  180. permission message: &9[LapisNetWork] &cこのコマンドを使用するには管理者又は管理者以上のランクを所持している必要があります
  181. trigger:
  182. if arg 1 is not set:
  183. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c/Achivement Help で使用方法を確認してください"
  184. if arg 1 is "Help":
  185. send "&9[LapisNetWork] Proxy.Achivement.Help"
  186. send "&e/Achivement Help &8/ &3功績システムのヘルプを表示します"
  187. send "&e/Achivement Set (プレイヤー) (功績) &8/ &3プレイヤーの功績を設定します"
  188. if arg 1 is "Set":
  189. if arg 2 is not set:
  190. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &cプレイヤー名を選択してください (/Achivement Set (プレイヤー名) (功績)"
  191. if arg 2 is set:
  192. if arg 3 is not set:
  193. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c功績の数値を指定してください (/Achivement Set (プレイヤー名) (功績)"
  194. if arg 3 is set:
  195. send "&9[LapisNetWork] &c%arg 2% さんの功績を &b%arg 3% &cに設定しました"
  196. set {Profile.Achivement.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  198. command /ffa-player-join [<player>]:
  199. permission: Server.Admin
  200. trigger:
  201. if arg 1 is not set:
  202. stop
  203. if arg 1 is set:
  204. command "/tp %arg 1% 496 54 467 0 0"
  205. command "/effect %arg 1% minecraft:resistance 5 10"
  206. command "/give %arg 1% diamond_sword"
  207. command "/give %arg 1% golden_apple 12"
  208. command "/give %arg 1% diamond_helmet"
  209. command "/give %arg 1% diamond_chestplate"
  210. command "/give %arg 1% diamond_leggings"
  211. command "/give %arg 1% diamond_boots"
  213. command /FFAShop:
  214. trigger:
  215. if {Profile.Location.%player%} is "FFA":
  216. open chest with 1 rows named "&cFFAShop" to player
  217. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to Diamond Sword named "&bDiamond Sword&c[Sharp 1]" with lore "&610Gold"
  218. else:
  219. stop
  221. on inventory click:
  222. if name of player's current inventory contain "&cFFAShop":
  223. cancel event
  224. if clicked slot is 4:
  225. if {FFA.Gold.%player%} is 0:
  226. send "&cGoldが足りません!このアイテムを買うには10Gold必要です!"
  227. else:
  228. remove 10 from {FFA.Gold.%player%}
  229. command "/give %player% minecraft:diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:1}]}"
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