
Morty Bot

Mar 11th, 2017
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  1. PREFIX: m_
  3. Alias:
  4. alias Manage per-server aliases for commands
  5. Audio:
  6. audioset Audio settings.
  7. audiostat General stats on audio stuff.
  8. cache Cache management tools.
  9. local Local playlists commands
  10. pause Pauses the current song, `[p]resume` to continue.
  11. play Plays a link / searches and play
  12. playlist Playlist management/control.
  13. prev Goes back to the last song.
  14. queue Queues a song to play next. Extended functionality in `[p]help`
  15. repeat Toggles REPEAT
  16. resume Resumes a paused song or playlist
  17. shuffle Shuffles the current queue
  18. sing Makes Morty sing one of his songs
  19. skip Skips a song, using the set threshold if the requester isn't
  20. song Info about the current song.
  21. stop Stops a currently playing song or playlist. CLEARS QUEUE.
  22. yt Searches and plays a video from YouTube
  23. CustomCommands:
  24. addcom Adds a custom command
  25. customcommands Shows custom commands list
  26. delcom Deletes a custom command
  27. editcom Edits a custom command
  28. Downloader:
  29. cog Additional cogs management
  30. Economy:
  31. bank Bank operations
  32. economyset Changes economy module settings
  33. leaderboard Server / global leaderboard
  34. payday Get some free credits
  35. payouts Shows slot machine payouts
  36. slot Play the slot machine
  37. General:
  38. 8 Ask 8 ball a question
  39. choose Chooses between multiple choices.
  40. flip Flips a coin... or a user.
  41. lmgtfy Creates a lmgtfy link
  42. poll Starts/stops a poll
  43. roll Rolls random number (between 1 and user choice)
  44. rps Play rock paper scissors
  45. serverinfo Shows server's informations
  46. stopwatch Starts/stops stopwatch
  47. urban Urban Dictionary search
  48. userinfo Shows users's informations
  49. Image:
  50. gif Retrieves first search result from giphy
  51. gifr Retrieves a random gif from a giphy search
  52. imgur Retrieves a picture from imgur
  53. Mod:
  54. ban Bans user and deletes last X days worth of messages.
  55. blacklist Bans user from using the bot
  56. cleanup Deletes messages.
  57. editrole Edits roles settings
  58. filter Adds/removes words from filter
  59. ignore Adds servers/channels to ignorelist
  60. kick Kicks user.
  61. modset Manages server administration settings.
  62. mute Mutes user in the channel/server
  63. names Show previous names/nicknames of a user
  64. reason Lets you specify a reason for mod-log's cases
  65. rename Changes user's nickname
  66. softban Kicks the user, deleting 1 day worth of messages.
  67. unignore Removes servers/channels from ignorelist
  68. unmute Unmutes user in the channel/server
  69. whitelist Users who will be able to use the bot
  70. Owner:
  71. cogs Shows loaded/unloaded cogs
  72. command Disables/enables commands
  73. contact Sends message to the owner
  74. info Shows info about Morty
  75. join Joins new server
  76. leave Leaves server
  77. load Loads a module
  78. reload Reloads a module
  79. restart Attempts to restart Morty
  80. servers Lists and allows to leave servers
  81. set Changes Morty's global settings.
  82. shutdown Shuts down Morty
  83. unload Unloads a module
  84. uptime Shows Morty's uptime
  85. version Shows Morty's current version
  86. Streams:
  87. beam Checks if beam stream is online
  88. hitbox Checks if hitbox stream is online
  89. streamalert Adds/removes stream alerts from the current channel
  90. streamset Stream settings
  91. twitch Checks if twitch stream is online
  92. Trivia:
  93. trivia Start a trivia session with the specified list
  94. triviaset Change trivia settings
  95. ​No Category:
  96. help Shows this message.
  98. Type m_help command for more info on a command.
  99. You can also type m_help category for more info on a category.
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