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Aug 6th, 2017
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  1. # /usr/bin/perl 5.008008
  2. # Linux 2.6.18-53.1.21.el5 #1 SMP Tue May 20 09:34:18 EDT 2008 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
  3. # /usr/bin/mk-table-sync Ver 1.0.31 Distrib 7284 Changeset 7279 line 886
  4. # Arguments: _[--recursion-method=hosts]_ _[--execute]_ _[--replicate=administration.checksum]_ _[--sync-to-master]_ _[ops-colossus]_ _[--databases=ops]_ _[--tables=call]_ _[--user=kyle]_ _[--password=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]_ _[--dry-run]_ _[--print]_
  5. # OptionParser:204 25375 Option rule: Specify at least one of --print, --execute, or --dry-run.
  6. # OptionParser:204 25375 Option rule: --where and --replicate are mutually exclusive.
  7. # OptionParser:204 25375 Option rule: This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details.
  8. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --algorithms
  9. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Algorithm to use when comparing the tables, in order of preference
  10. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --ask-pass
  11. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  12. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL
  13. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --bidirectional
  14. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  15. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Enable bidirectional sync between first and subsequent hosts
  16. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]bin-log
  17. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Log to the binary log (SET SQL_LOG_BIN=1)
  18. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --buffer-in-mysql
  19. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  20. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Instruct MySQL to buffer queries in its memory
  21. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]buffer-to-client
  22. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Fetch rows one-by-one from MySQL while comparing
  23. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --charset
  24. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Default character set
  25. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]check-master
  26. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: With --sync-to-master, try to verify that the detected master is the real master
  27. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]check-privileges
  28. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Check that user has all necessary privileges on source and destination table
  29. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]check-slave
  30. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Check whether the destination server is a slave
  31. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]check-triggers
  32. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Check that no triggers are defined on the destination table
  33. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --chunk-column
  34. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Chunk the table on this column
  35. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --chunk-index
  36. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Chunk the table using this index
  37. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --chunk-size
  38. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Number of rows or data size per chunk
  39. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --columns
  40. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Compare this comma-separated list of columns
  41. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --config
  42. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line
  43. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --conflict-column
  44. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Compare this column when rows conflict during a --bidirectional sync
  45. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --conflict-comparison
  46. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Choose the --conflict-column with this property as the source
  47. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --conflict-error
  48. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: How to report unresolvable conflicts and conflict errors
  49. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --conflict-threshold
  50. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Amount by which one --conflict-column must exceed the other
  51. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --conflict-value
  52. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Use this value for certain --conflict-comparison
  53. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --databases
  54. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Sync only this comma-separated list of databases
  55. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --defaults-file
  56. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Only read mysql options from the given file
  57. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --dry-run
  58. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  59. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Analyze, decide the sync algorithm to use, print and exit
  60. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --engines
  61. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Sync only this comma-separated list of storage engines
  62. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --execute
  63. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  64. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Execute queries to make the tables have identical data
  65. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --explain-hosts
  66. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  67. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Print connection information and exit
  68. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --float-precision
  69. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Precision for FLOAT and DOUBLE number-to-string conversion
  70. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]foreign-key-checks
  71. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Enable foreign key checks (SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1)
  72. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --function
  73. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Which hash function you'd like to use for checksums
  74. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --help
  75. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  76. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Show help and exit
  77. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]hex-blob
  78. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: HEX() BLOB, TEXT and BINARY columns
  79. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --host
  80. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Connect to host
  81. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --ignore-columns
  82. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of column names in comparisons
  83. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --ignore-databases
  84. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of databases
  85. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --ignore-engines
  86. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of storage engines
  87. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --ignore-tables
  88. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Ignore this comma-separated list of tables
  89. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]index-hint
  90. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Add FORCE/USE INDEX hints to the chunk and row queries
  91. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --lock
  92. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Lock tables: 0=none, 1=per sync cycle, 2=per table, or 3=globally
  93. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --lock-and-rename
  94. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  95. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Lock the source and destination table, sync, then swap names
  96. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --password
  97. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Password to use when connecting
  98. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --pid
  99. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Create the given PID file
  100. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --port
  101. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Port number to use for connection
  102. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --print
  103. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  104. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Print queries that will resolve differences
  105. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --recursion-method
  106. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Preferred recursion method used to find slaves
  107. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --replace
  108. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  109. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Write all INSERT and UPDATE statements as REPLACE
  110. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --replicate
  111. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Sync tables listed as different in this table
  112. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --set-vars
  113. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Set these MySQL variables
  114. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --socket
  115. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Socket file to use for connection
  116. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --sync-to-master
  117. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  118. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Treat the DSN as a slave and sync it to its master
  119. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --tables
  120. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Sync only this comma-separated list of tables
  121. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --timeout-ok
  122. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  123. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Keep going if --wait fails
  124. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]transaction
  125. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  126. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Use transactions instead of LOCK TABLES
  127. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --trim
  128. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  129. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: TRIM() VARCHAR columns in BIT_XOR and ACCUM modes
  130. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]unique-checks
  131. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Enable unique key checks (SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=1)
  132. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --user
  133. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: User for login if not current user
  134. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --verbose
  135. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Print results of sync operations
  136. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --version
  137. # OptionParser:232 25375 Option has no attributes
  138. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Show version and exit
  139. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --wait
  140. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: How long to wait for slaves to catch up to their master
  141. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --where
  142. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: WHERE clause to restrict syncing to part of the table
  143. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item --[no]zero-chunk
  144. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Add a chunk for rows with zero or zero-equivalent values
  145. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => algorithms=s desc => Algorithm to use when comparing the tables, in order of preference (default Chunk,Nibble,GroupBy,Stream)
  146. # OptionParser:317 25375 algorithms type: s
  147. # OptionParser:324 25375 algorithms default: Chunk,Nibble,GroupBy,Stream
  148. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ask-pass desc => Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL
  149. # OptionParser:317 25375 ask-pass type: undef
  150. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => bidirectional desc => Enable bidirectional sync between first and subsequent hosts
  151. # OptionParser:317 25375 bidirectional type: undef
  152. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => bin-log! desc => Log to the binary log (SET SQL_LOG_BIN=1) (default yes)
  153. # OptionParser:317 25375 bin-log type: undef
  154. # OptionParser:324 25375 bin-log default: yes
  155. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => buffer-in-mysql desc => Instruct MySQL to buffer queries in its memory
  156. # OptionParser:317 25375 buffer-in-mysql type: undef
  157. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => buffer-to-client! desc => Fetch rows one-by-one from MySQL while comparing (default yes)
  158. # OptionParser:317 25375 buffer-to-client type: undef
  159. # OptionParser:324 25375 buffer-to-client default: yes
  160. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => charset|A=s desc => Default character set
  161. # OptionParser:317 25375 charset type: s
  162. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-master! desc => With --sync-to-master, try to verify that the detected master is the real master (default yes)
  163. # OptionParser:317 25375 check-master type: undef
  164. # OptionParser:324 25375 check-master default: yes
  165. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-privileges! desc => Check that user has all necessary privileges on source and destination table (default yes)
  166. # OptionParser:317 25375 check-privileges type: undef
  167. # OptionParser:324 25375 check-privileges default: yes
  168. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-slave! desc => Check whether the destination server is a slave (default yes)
  169. # OptionParser:317 25375 check-slave type: undef
  170. # OptionParser:324 25375 check-slave default: yes
  171. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-triggers! desc => Check that no triggers are defined on the destination table (default yes)
  172. # OptionParser:317 25375 check-triggers type: undef
  173. # OptionParser:324 25375 check-triggers default: yes
  174. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-column=s desc => Chunk the table on this column
  175. # OptionParser:317 25375 chunk-column type: s
  176. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-index=s desc => Chunk the table using this index
  177. # OptionParser:317 25375 chunk-index type: s
  178. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => chunk-size=s desc => Number of rows or data size per chunk (default 1000)
  179. # OptionParser:317 25375 chunk-size type: s
  180. # OptionParser:324 25375 chunk-size default: 1000
  181. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => columns|c=a desc => Compare this comma-separated list of columns
  182. # OptionParser:317 25375 columns type: a
  183. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => config=A desc => Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line
  184. # OptionParser:317 25375 config type: A
  185. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => conflict-column=s desc => Compare this column when rows conflict during a --bidirectional sync
  186. # OptionParser:317 25375 conflict-column type: s
  187. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => conflict-comparison=s desc => Choose the --conflict-column with this property as the source
  188. # OptionParser:317 25375 conflict-comparison type: s
  189. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => conflict-error=s desc => How to report unresolvable conflicts and conflict errors (default warn)
  190. # OptionParser:317 25375 conflict-error type: s
  191. # OptionParser:324 25375 conflict-error default: warn
  192. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => conflict-threshold=s desc => Amount by which one --conflict-column must exceed the other
  193. # OptionParser:317 25375 conflict-threshold type: s
  194. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => conflict-value=s desc => Use this value for certain --conflict-comparison
  195. # OptionParser:317 25375 conflict-value type: s
  196. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => databases|d=h desc => Sync only this comma-separated list of databases
  197. # OptionParser:317 25375 databases type: h
  198. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => defaults-file|F=s desc => Only read mysql options from the given file
  199. # OptionParser:317 25375 defaults-file type: s
  200. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => dry-run desc => Analyze, decide the sync algorithm to use, print and exit
  201. # OptionParser:317 25375 dry-run type: undef
  202. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => engines|e=h desc => Sync only this comma-separated list of storage engines
  203. # OptionParser:317 25375 engines type: h
  204. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => execute desc => Execute queries to make the tables have identical data
  205. # OptionParser:317 25375 execute type: undef
  206. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => explain-hosts desc => Print connection information and exit
  207. # OptionParser:317 25375 explain-hosts type: undef
  208. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => float-precision=i desc => Precision for FLOAT and DOUBLE number-to-string conversion
  209. # OptionParser:317 25375 float-precision type: i
  210. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => foreign-key-checks! desc => Enable foreign key checks (SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1) (default yes)
  211. # OptionParser:317 25375 foreign-key-checks type: undef
  212. # OptionParser:324 25375 foreign-key-checks default: yes
  213. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => function=s desc => Which hash function you'd like to use for checksums
  214. # OptionParser:317 25375 function type: s
  215. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => help desc => Show help and exit
  216. # OptionParser:317 25375 help type: undef
  217. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => hex-blob! desc => HEX() BLOB, TEXT and BINARY columns (default yes)
  218. # OptionParser:317 25375 hex-blob type: undef
  219. # OptionParser:324 25375 hex-blob default: yes
  220. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => host|h=s desc => Connect to host
  221. # OptionParser:317 25375 host type: s
  222. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ignore-columns=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of column names in comparisons
  223. # OptionParser:317 25375 ignore-columns type: H
  224. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ignore-databases=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of databases
  225. # OptionParser:317 25375 ignore-databases type: H
  226. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ignore-engines=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of storage engines (default FEDERATED,MRG_MyISAM)
  227. # OptionParser:317 25375 ignore-engines type: H
  228. # OptionParser:324 25375 ignore-engines default: FEDERATED,MRG_MyISAM
  229. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ignore-tables=H desc => Ignore this comma-separated list of tables
  230. # OptionParser:317 25375 ignore-tables type: H
  231. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => index-hint! desc => Add FORCE/USE INDEX hints to the chunk and row queries (default yes)
  232. # OptionParser:317 25375 index-hint type: undef
  233. # OptionParser:324 25375 index-hint default: yes
  234. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => lock=i desc => Lock tables: 0=none, 1=per sync cycle, 2=per table, or 3=globally
  235. # OptionParser:317 25375 lock type: i
  236. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => lock-and-rename desc => Lock the source and destination table, sync, then swap names
  237. # OptionParser:317 25375 lock-and-rename type: undef
  238. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => password|p=s desc => Password to use when connecting
  239. # OptionParser:317 25375 password type: s
  240. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => pid=s desc => Create the given PID file
  241. # OptionParser:317 25375 pid type: s
  242. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => port|P=i desc => Port number to use for connection
  243. # OptionParser:317 25375 port type: i
  244. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => print desc => Print queries that will resolve differences
  245. # OptionParser:317 25375 print type: undef
  246. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => recursion-method=s desc => Preferred recursion method used to find slaves
  247. # OptionParser:317 25375 recursion-method type: s
  248. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replace desc => Write all INSERT and UPDATE statements as REPLACE
  249. # OptionParser:317 25375 replace type: undef
  250. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replicate=s desc => Sync tables listed as different in this table
  251. # OptionParser:317 25375 replicate type: s
  252. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => set-vars=s desc => Set these MySQL variables (default wait_timeout=10000)
  253. # OptionParser:317 25375 set-vars type: s
  254. # OptionParser:324 25375 set-vars default: wait_timeout=10000
  255. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => socket|S=s desc => Socket file to use for connection
  256. # OptionParser:317 25375 socket type: s
  257. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => sync-to-master desc => Treat the DSN as a slave and sync it to its master
  258. # OptionParser:317 25375 sync-to-master type: undef
  259. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => tables|t=h desc => Sync only this comma-separated list of tables
  260. # OptionParser:317 25375 tables type: h
  261. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => timeout-ok desc => Keep going if --wait fails
  262. # OptionParser:317 25375 timeout-ok type: undef
  263. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => transaction! desc => Use transactions instead of LOCK TABLES
  264. # OptionParser:317 25375 transaction type: undef
  265. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => trim desc => TRIM() VARCHAR columns in BIT_XOR and ACCUM modes
  266. # OptionParser:317 25375 trim type: undef
  267. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => unique-checks! desc => Enable unique key checks (SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=1) (default yes)
  268. # OptionParser:317 25375 unique-checks type: undef
  269. # OptionParser:324 25375 unique-checks default: yes
  270. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => user|u=s desc => User for login if not current user
  271. # OptionParser:317 25375 user type: s
  272. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => verbose|v+ desc => Print results of sync operations
  273. # OptionParser:317 25375 verbose type: undef
  274. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => version desc => Show version and exit
  275. # OptionParser:317 25375 version type: undef
  276. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => wait|w=m desc => How long to wait for slaves to catch up to their master
  277. # OptionParser:317 25375 wait type: m
  278. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => where=s desc => WHERE clause to restrict syncing to part of the table
  279. # OptionParser:317 25375 where type: s
  280. # OptionParser:279 25375 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => zero-chunk! desc => Add a chunk for rows with zero or zero-equivalent values (default yes)
  281. # OptionParser:317 25375 zero-chunk type: undef
  282. # OptionParser:324 25375 zero-chunk default: yes
  283. # OptionParser:339 25375 Parsing rule: Specify at least one of --print, --execute, or --dry-run.
  284. # OptionParser:395 25375 Participants for Specify at least one of --print, --execute, or --dry-run. : print execute dry-run
  285. # OptionParser:352 25375 print execute dry-run require at least one
  286. # OptionParser:339 25375 Parsing rule: --where and --replicate are mutually exclusive.
  287. # OptionParser:395 25375 Participants for --where and --replicate are mutually exclusive. : where replicate
  288. # OptionParser:347 25375 where replicate are mutually exclusive
  289. # OptionParser:339 25375 Parsing rule: This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details.
  290. # OptionParser:395 25375 Participants for This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details. :
  291. # OptionParser:371 25375 Strict mode disabled by rule
  292. # OptionParser:128 25375 Parsing DSN OPTIONS
  293. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * A
  294. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Default character set
  295. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * D
  296. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Database containing the table to be synced
  297. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * F
  298. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Only read default options from the given file
  299. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * h
  300. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Connect to host
  301. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * p
  302. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Password to use when connecting
  303. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * P
  304. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Port number to use for connection
  305. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * S
  306. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Socket file to use for connection
  307. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * t
  308. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: Table to be synced
  309. # OptionParser:213 25375 =item * u
  310. # OptionParser:240 25375 Short help: User for login if not current user
  311. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=charset, desc=Default character set, key=A
  312. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=database, desc=Database containing the table to be synced, key=D
  313. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=mysql_read_default_file, desc=Only read default options from the given file, key=F
  314. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=host, desc=Connect to host, key=h
  315. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=password, desc=Password to use when connecting, key=p
  316. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=port, desc=Port number to use for connection, key=P
  317. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=mysql_socket, desc=Socket file to use for connection, key=S
  318. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=undef, desc=Table to be synced, key=t
  319. # DSNParser:1169 25375 DSN option: copy=1, dsn=user, desc=User for login if not current user, key=u
  320. # OptionParser:479 25375 Cannot open /etc/maatkit/maatkit.conf: No such file or directory
  321. #
  322. # OptionParser:479 25375 Cannot open /etc/maatkit/mk-table-sync.conf: No such file or directory
  323. #
  324. # OptionParser:479 25375 Cannot open /home/kbrost/.maatkit.conf: No such file or directory
  325. #
  326. # OptionParser:479 25375 Cannot open /home/kbrost/.mk-table-sync.conf: No such file or directory
  327. #
  328. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option recursion-method = hosts
  329. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option execute = 1
  330. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option replicate = administration.checksum
  331. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option sync-to-master = 1
  332. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option databases = ops
  333. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option tables = call
  334. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option user = kyle
  335. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option password = XXXXXXXXXXXX
  336. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option dry-run = 1
  337. # OptionParser:447 25375 Got option print = 1
  338. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option chunk-size type s value 1000
  339. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option recursion-method type s value hosts
  340. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option lock type i value undef
  341. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option conflict-value type s value undef
  342. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option conflict-error type s value warn
  343. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option chunk-index type s value undef
  344. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option password type s value XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  345. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option pid type s value undef
  346. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option replicate type s value administration.checksum
  347. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option float-precision type i value undef
  348. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option user type s value kyle
  349. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option conflict-column type s value undef
  350. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option conflict-threshold type s value undef
  351. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option charset type s value undef
  352. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option set-vars type s value wait_timeout=10000
  353. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option port type i value undef
  354. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option socket type s value undef
  355. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option columns type a value undef
  356. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option engines type h value undef
  357. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option algorithms type s value Chunk,Nibble,GroupBy,Stream
  358. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option function type s value undef
  359. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option chunk-column type s value undef
  360. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option where type s value undef
  361. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option host type s value undef
  362. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option defaults-file type s value undef
  363. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option wait type m value undef
  364. # OptionParser:664 25375 Nothing to validate for option conflict-comparison type s value undef
  365. # DSNParser:1185 25375 Setting set-vars property
  366. # DSNParser:1256 25375 DSN string made from options: p=XXXXXXXXXXXX,u=kyle,t=HASH(0x9d63e3c)
  367. # DSNParser:1197 25375 Parsing p=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,u=kyle,t=HASH(0x9d63e3c)
  368. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for S
  369. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for S from defaults
  370. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for F
  371. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for F from defaults
  372. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for A
  373. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for A from defaults
  374. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for P
  375. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for P from defaults
  376. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for p
  377. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for u
  378. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for h
  379. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for h from defaults
  380. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for D
  381. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for D from defaults
  382. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for t
  383. # DSNParser:1197 25375 Parsing ops-colossus
  384. # DSNParser:1209 25375 Interpreting ops-colossus as h= ops-colossus
  385. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for S
  386. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for S from defaults
  387. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for F
  388. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for F from defaults
  389. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for A
  390. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for A from defaults
  391. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for P
  392. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for P from defaults
  393. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for p
  394. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for p from defaults
  395. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for u
  396. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for u from defaults
  397. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for h
  398. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for D
  399. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for D from defaults
  400. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for t
  401. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for t from defaults
  402. # OptionParser:738 25375 Getting description and usage from SYNOPSIS in /usr/bin/mk-table-sync
  403. # OptionParser:1005 25375 Parsing SYNOPSIS in /usr/bin/mk-table-sync
  404. # OptionParser:1018 25375 Raw SYNOPSIS text: Usage: mk-table-sync [OPTION...] DSN [DSN...]
  405. #
  406. # mk-table-sync synchronizes data efficiently between MySQL tables.
  407. #
  408. #
  409. # OptionParser:742 25375 Description: mk-table-sync synchronizes data efficiently between MySQL tables.
  410. # Usage: mk-table-sync [OPTION...] DSN [DSN...]
  411. # mk_table_sync:7603 25375 Loading TableSyncChunk
  412. # mk_table_sync:7603 25375 Loading TableSyncNibble
  413. # mk_table_sync:7603 25375 Loading TableSyncGroupBy
  414. # mk_table_sync:7603 25375 Loading TableSyncStream
  415. # mk_table_sync:7629 25375 Getting master of h=ops-colossus,p=...,u=kyle
  416. # DSNParser:1306 25375 DBI:mysql:;host=ops-colossus;mysql_read_default_group=client
  417. # DSNParser:1352 25375 DBI:mysql:;host=ops-colossus;mysql_read_default_group=client kyle XXXXXXXXXXXX { mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>0, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>0 }
  418. # DSNParser:1361 25375 DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c) SELECT @@SQL_MODE
  419. # DSNParser:1368 25375 DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c) SET @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1/*!40101, @@SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'*/
  420. # DSNParser:1387 25375 DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c) : SET wait_timeout=10000
  421. # DSNParser:1413 25375 DBH info: DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c) $VAR1 = {
  422. # '@@hostname' => '',
  423. # 'CONNECTION_ID()' => '1425',
  424. # 'DATABASE()' => undef,
  425. # 'VERSION()' => '5.1.44-community-log'
  426. # };
  427. # Connection info: ops-colossus via TCP/IP Character set info: $VAR1 = [
  428. # {
  429. # Value => 'latin1',
  430. # Variable_name => 'character_set_client'
  431. # },
  432. # {
  433. # Value => 'latin1',
  434. # Variable_name => 'character_set_connection'
  435. # },
  436. # {
  437. # Value => 'latin1',
  438. # Variable_name => 'character_set_database'
  439. # },
  440. # {
  441. # Value => 'binary',
  442. # Variable_name => 'character_set_filesystem'
  443. # },
  444. # {
  445. # Value => 'latin1',
  446. # Variable_name => 'character_set_results'
  447. # },
  448. # {
  449. # Value => 'latin1',
  450. # Variable_name => 'character_set_server'
  451. # },
  452. # {
  453. # Value => 'utf8',
  454. # Variable_name => 'character_set_system'
  455. # },
  456. # {
  457. # Value => '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/',
  458. # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir'
  459. # }
  460. # ];
  461. # $DBD::mysql::VERSION: 4.007 $DBI::VERSION: 1.52
  462. # mk_table_sync:8562 25375 DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c) /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := CONCAT(@@SQL_MODE, ",NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO")*/
  463. # mk_table_sync:8568 25375 DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c) /*!50105 SET @@binlog_format="STATEMENT"*/
  464. # mk_table_sync:8582 25375 Opened dbh DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c)
  465. # MasterSlave:6069 25375 DBI::db=HASH(0x9db106c) SHOW SLAVE STATUS
  466. # DSNParser:1197 25375 Parsing h=,P=3307
  467. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for S
  468. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for S from defaults
  469. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for F
  470. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for F from defaults
  471. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for A
  472. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for A from defaults
  473. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for P
  474. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for p
  475. # DSNParser:1221 25375 Copying value for p from previous DSN
  476. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for u
  477. # DSNParser:1221 25375 Copying value for u from previous DSN
  478. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for h
  479. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for D
  480. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for D from defaults
  481. # DSNParser:1215 25375 Finding value for t
  482. # DSNParser:1225 25375 Copying value for t from defaults
  483. # DSNParser:1306 25375 DBI:mysql:;host=;port=3307;mysql_read_default_group=client
  484. # DSNParser:1352 25375 DBI:mysql:;host=;port=3307;mysql_read_default_group=client kyle XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX { mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>0, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>0 }
  485. # DSNParser:1393 25375 DBI connect(';host=;port=3307;mysql_read_default_group=client','kyle',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) at /usr/bin/mk-table-sync line 1355
  486. #
  487. # DSNParser:1352 25375 DBI:mysql:;host=;port=3307;mysql_read_default_group=client kyle XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX { mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>0, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>0 }
  488. # DSNParser:1393 25375 DBI connect(';host=;port=3307;mysql_read_default_group=client','kyle',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) at /usr/bin/mk-table-sync line 1355
  489. #
  490. DBI connect(';host=;port=3307;mysql_read_default_group=client','kyle',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) at /usr/bin/mk-table-sync line 1355
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