Guest User


a guest
May 15th, 2017
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  1. { [Function: model]
  2. hooks: Kareem { _pres: {}, _posts: {} },
  3. base:
  4. Mongoose {
  5. connections: [ [Object] ],
  6. plugins: [],
  7. models: { person: [Object], Comment: [Object], User: [Circular] },
  8. modelSchemas: { person: [Object], Comment: [Object], User: [Object] },
  9. options: { pluralization: true } },
  10. modelName: 'User',
  11. model: [Function: model],
  12. db:
  13. NativeConnection {
  14. base:
  15. Mongoose {
  16. connections: [Object],
  17. plugins: [],
  18. models: [Object],
  19. modelSchemas: [Object],
  20. options: [Object] },
  21. collections: { people: [Object], comments: [Object], users: [Object] },
  22. models: { person: [Object], Comment: [Object], User: [Circular] },
  23. config: { autoIndex: true },
  24. replica: false,
  25. hosts: null,
  26. host: 'localhost',
  27. port: 27017,
  28. user: undefined,
  29. pass: undefined,
  30. name: 'baking_sense',
  31. options:
  32. { db: [Object],
  33. auth: {},
  34. server: [Object],
  35. replset: [Object],
  36. mongos: undefined },
  37. otherDbs: [],
  38. _readyState: 1,
  39. _closeCalled: false,
  40. _hasOpened: true,
  41. _listening: false,
  42. db:
  43. EventEmitter {
  44. domain: null,
  45. _events: [Object],
  46. _eventsCount: 6,
  47. _maxListeners: undefined,
  48. s: [Object],
  49. serverConfig: [Getter],
  50. bufferMaxEntries: [Getter],
  51. databaseName: [Getter],
  52. _listening: true } },
  53. discriminators: undefined,
  54. authenticate: [Function],
  55. serializeUser: [Function],
  56. deserializeUser: [Function],
  57. register: [Function],
  58. findByUsername: [Function],
  59. createStrategy: [Function],
  60. schema:
  61. Schema {
  62. obj:
  63. { username: [Function: String],
  64. password: [Function: String],
  65. isAdmin: false },
  66. paths:
  67. { username: [Object],
  68. password: [Object],
  69. isAdmin: [Object],
  70. _id: [Object],
  71. hash: [Object],
  72. salt: [Object],
  73. __v: [Object] },
  74. subpaths: {},
  75. virtuals: { id: [Object] },
  76. singleNestedPaths: {},
  77. nested: {},
  78. inherits: {},
  79. callQueue: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
  80. _indexes: [],
  81. methods: { setPassword: [Function], authenticate: [Function] },
  82. statics:
  83. { authenticate: [Function],
  84. serializeUser: [Function],
  85. deserializeUser: [Function],
  86. register: [Function],
  87. findByUsername: [Function],
  88. createStrategy: [Function] },
  89. tree:
  90. { username: [Function: String],
  91. password: [Function: String],
  92. isAdmin: false,
  93. _id: [Object],
  94. id: [Object],
  95. hash: [Object],
  96. salt: [Object],
  97. __v: [Function: Number] },
  98. query: {},
  99. childSchemas: [],
  100. s: { hooks: [Object], kareemHooks: [Object] },
  101. options:
  102. { retainKeyOrder: false,
  103. typeKey: 'type',
  104. id: true,
  105. noVirtualId: false,
  106. _id: true,
  107. noId: false,
  108. validateBeforeSave: true,
  109. read: null,
  110. shardKey: null,
  111. autoIndex: null,
  112. minimize: true,
  113. discriminatorKey: '__t',
  114. versionKey: '__v',
  115. capped: false,
  116. bufferCommands: true,
  117. strict: true,
  118. pluralization: true },
  119. '$globalPluginsApplied': true,
  120. _requiredpaths: [] },
  121. collection:
  122. NativeCollection {
  123. collection: { s: [Object] },
  124. opts: { bufferCommands: true, capped: false },
  125. name: 'users',
  126. collectionName: 'users',
  127. conn:
  128. NativeConnection {
  129. base: [Object],
  130. collections: [Object],
  131. models: [Object],
  132. config: [Object],
  133. replica: false,
  134. hosts: null,
  135. host: 'localhost',
  136. port: 27017,
  137. user: undefined,
  138. pass: undefined,
  139. name: 'baking_sense',
  140. options: [Object],
  141. otherDbs: [],
  142. _readyState: 1,
  143. _closeCalled: false,
  144. _hasOpened: true,
  145. _listening: false,
  146. db: [Object] },
  147. queue: [],
  148. buffer: false,
  149. emitter:
  150. EventEmitter {
  151. domain: null,
  152. _events: {},
  153. _eventsCount: 0,
  154. _maxListeners: undefined } },
  155. Query:
  156. { [Function]
  157. base:
  158. Query {
  159. toConstructor: [Function: toConstructor],
  160. setOptions: [Function],
  161. collection: [Function: collection],
  162. '$where': [Function],
  163. where: [Function],
  164. equals: [Function: equals],
  165. eq: [Function: eq],
  166. or: [Function: or],
  167. nor: [Function: nor],
  168. and: [Function: and],
  169. gt: [Function],
  170. gte: [Function],
  171. lt: [Function],
  172. lte: [Function],
  173. ne: [Function],
  174. in: [Function],
  175. nin: [Function],
  176. all: [Function],
  177. regex: [Function],
  178. size: [Function],
  179. maxDistance: [Function],
  180. minDistance: [Function],
  181. mod: [Function],
  182. exists: [Function],
  183. elemMatch: [Function],
  184. within: [Function: within],
  185. box: [Function],
  186. polygon: [Function],
  187. circle: [Function],
  188. near: [Function: near],
  189. intersects: [Function: intersects],
  190. geometry: [Function: geometry],
  191. select: [Function: select],
  192. slice: [Function],
  193. sort: [Function],
  194. limit: [Function],
  195. skip: [Function],
  196. maxScan: [Function],
  197. batchSize: [Function],
  198. comment: [Function],
  199. maxTime: [Function],
  200. snapshot: [Function],
  201. hint: [Function],
  202. slaveOk: [Function],
  203. read: [Function],
  204. tailable: [Function],
  205. merge: [Function],
  206. find: [Function],
  207. cursor: [Function: cursor],
  208. findOne: [Function],
  209. count: [Function],
  210. distinct: [Function],
  211. update: [Function: update],
  212. updateMany: [Function: updateMany],
  213. updateOne: [Function: updateOne],
  214. replaceOne: [Function: replaceOne],
  215. remove: [Function],
  216. deleteOne: [Function],
  217. deleteMany: [Function],
  218. findOneAndUpdate: [Function],
  219. findOneAndRemove: [Function],
  220. _findAndModify: [Function],
  221. _wrapCallback: [Function],
  222. setTraceFunction: [Function],
  223. exec: [Function: exec],
  224. thunk: [Function],
  225. then: [Function],
  226. stream: [Function],
  227. selected: [Function: selected],
  228. selectedInclusively: [Function: selectedInclusively],
  229. selectedExclusively: [Function: selectedExclusively],
  230. _mergeUpdate: [Function],
  231. _optionsForExec: [Function],
  232. _fieldsForExec: [Function],
  233. _updateForExec: [Function],
  234. _ensurePath: [Function],
  235. _validate: [Function] } },
  236. '$__insertMany': [Function],
  237. insertMany: [Function] }
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