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a guest
Jun 22nd, 2017
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  1. allow-titles: true
  2. allow-action: true
  3. allow-motd: true
  4. mysql:
  5. use: false
  6. host: localhost
  7. port: 3306
  8. database: reports
  9. table_prefix: serverName_
  10. username: root
  11. password: yourpass
  12. min-reports-suspect: 5
  13. report-cooldown: 30
  14. report-per-page: 7
  15. disabled-worlds:
  16. - yourmap
  17. msg:
  18. insuficientargs: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /report [user] [reason]"
  19. offline: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7{player} nu e online"
  20. report-sent: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7reportul tau a fost trimis!"
  21. title: '&4Raport nou'
  22. subtitle: '&a{reporter} &cpe &4{reported}'
  23. action: '&c{reported} &aa fost raportat pentru: &e{reason}'
  24. chat: "&6GZL &7\xbb &c{reported} &7a fost raportat de &a{reporter} &7pentru &e{reason}"
  25. chat-suspect: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Playerul a fost raportat de &c{times} &7ori!"
  26. reportfail: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Nu te poti auto raporta!"
  27. date-format: dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm
  28. permission: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Nu poti face asta!"
  29. reports-list-all: '&9#{id} &a{world} &e{reported} &f- {reason} &7[{status}&7]'
  30. reports-list-active: '&9#{id} &a{world} &e{reported} &f- {reason}'
  31. rep-not-found: "&6GZL &7\xbb &cId-ul nu a fost gasit!"
  32. status-active: '&aACTIV'
  33. status-closed: '&cINCHIS'
  34. rep-deleted: "&6GZL &7\xbb &cRaport sters!"
  35. repinfo-usage: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /rinfo <id>"
  36. not-available: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Nu e valabil"
  37. loading: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Se incarca."
  38. rep-cooldown: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Trebuie sa astepti ceva timp ca sa poti raporta din\
  39. \ nou!"
  40. close-usage: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /closereport <id> <verdict>"
  41. rep-closed: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Reportul {id} este acum inchis."
  42. reports-usage: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /reports <page> or /reports <player> <page>"
  43. areports-usage: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /activereports <page>"
  44. no-active-reports: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Aici nu exista reporturi active!"
  45. close-all-usage: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /closereports"
  46. reports-closed: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Acum toate reporturile au fost inchise!"
  47. close-all-confirm: "&6GZL &7\xbb &scrie din nou &8/closereports &7pentru a confirma."
  48. motd: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Sunt &c{reports} &7reporturi active."
  49. disabled-server: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Nu pot folosi aceasta comanda pe acest server!"
  50. delrep-Foloseste: '&cFoloseste: /delreport <id>'
  51. player-reports-deleted: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Toate raporturile lui {player} au fost sterse!"
  52. del-player-reports-Foloseste: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /delreports <player>"
  53. player-not-found: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Player negasit!"
  54. already-closed: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Reportul a fost deja inchis"
  55. no-data-found: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Nimic nu a fost gasit!"
  56. rinfo:
  57. - '&8________________[ &6GZL &8]________________'
  58. - '&8________________[ &9Raport &f#&7{id} &8]________________'
  59. - '&9Data: &7{date}'
  60. - '&9Status: {status}'
  61. - '&9Reportat de: &7{reported}'
  62. - '&9Motiv: &7{reason}'
  63. - '&9Lume: &7{world}'
  64. - '&9Raportat de: &7{reporter}'
  65. - '&c{reported} &7was reported {times} times.'
  66. rinfo-closed:
  67. - '&8________________[ &6GZL &8]________________'
  68. - '&8________________[ &9Raport &f#&7{id} &8]________________'
  69. - '&9Date: &7{date}'
  70. - '&9Status: {status}'
  71. - '&9Raportat de : &7{reported}'
  72. - '&9Motiv: &7{reason}'
  73. - '&9Lume: &7{world}'
  74. - '&9Raportat de : &7{reporter}'
  75. - '&9Verdict: &7{verdict}'
  76. - '&9Moderator: &7{moderator}'
  77. - '&9Inchis de : &7{close_date}'
  78. - '&c{reported} &7a fost raportat de {times} ori.'
  79. reports-next-page: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Tasteaza &9/reports {page} &7pentru a vedea mai\
  80. \ multe."
  81. areports-next-page: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Tasteaza &9/areports {page} &7pentru a vedea\
  82. \ mai multe."
  83. player-reports-next-page: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Tasteaza &9/reports {username} {page}\
  84. \ &7pentru a vedea mai multe."
  85. mostRaportat de -Foloseste: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7/mostRaportat de <page>"
  86. mostRaportat de -list: '&6&l{nr}. &f{username} - &8&l{reports} &7reports.'
  87. antireport: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Nu poti raporta acest jucator!"
  88. report-list-all: '&9#{id} &a{world} &e{reported} &f- {reason} &7[{status}&7]'
  89. report-list-active: '&9#{id} &a{world} &e{reported} &f- {reason}'
  90. aclose-all-Foloseste: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Foloseste: /closereports"
  91. repoorts-closed: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Ai inchis toate reporturile!"
  92. nod-data-found: "&6GZL &7\xbb &7Nu a fost gasit nimic!"
  93. aclose-all-usage: '&6GZL &7\xbb &9Report> &7Foloseste: /closereports'
  94. delrep-usage: '&6GZL &7\xbb &cFoloseste: /delreport <id>'
  95. del-player-reports-usage: '&6GZL &7\xbb &9Report> &7Usage: /delreports <player>'
  96. mostreported-usage: '&6GZL &7\xbb &9Report> &7/mostreported <page>'
  97. mostreported-list: '&6&l{nr}. &f{username} - &8&l{reports} &7reports.'
  98. reports-per-page: 7
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