Guest User


a guest
Nov 27th, 2018
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text 0.48 KB | None | 0 0
  1. IDHTTP.Request.Username := 'meuuser';
  2. IDHTTP.Request.Password := 'minhasenha';
  3. Try
  4. Try
  5. Json := '{ '+
  6. ' "email":"",'+
  7. ' "sistema":"meusistema",'+
  8. ' "cdemp":"codigo"'+
  9. ' } ';
  10. JsonToSend := TStringStream.Create(Json);
  11. sResponse := IDHTTP.Post('AQUI VAI MINHA API', JsonToSend);
  12. Except
  13. on e:Exception do
  14. ShowMessage(e.Message);
  15. End;
  16. Finally
  17. JsonToSend.Free;
  18. End;
  19. Handler.Free;
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