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a guest
Jul 15th, 2019
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  1. 1.) May I call my character Britney Spears or something like that?
  2. Yes, if it's the name of a girl celebrity it's okay. []
  3. Yes, there are no limits on names, that's totally up to you.[ ]
  4. Celebrity names are not allowed on this server. [X]
  6. 2.) What should you do if you see someone breaking the rules?
  7. Take a screenshot and report them to a admin using /report. [X]
  8. DM him. [ ]
  9. Ignore it. [ ]
  11. 3.) What does IC Stand for?
  12. In Character. [X]
  13. Information Centre. [ ]
  14. I'm Cool. [ ]
  16. 4.) What do you do if you have to walk a long distance?
  17. Call a cab or walk. [X]
  18. Find a row of cars, and enter each of them until you find an unlocked car. [ ]
  19. Ask for a ride in /o (Global OOC). [ ]
  21. 5.) What do you do if you get Deathmatched?
  22. /report. [X]
  23. Call 911. [ ]
  24. Fight back. [ ]
  26. Terms of use, these services are brought free to you, without any charges, so we reserve the right to remove your access to these free services at any time. Since the services are free of charge, there are no guarantee what so ever about uptime and for how long these services will be kept open, we also reserve the right to at any time close these services.
  28. We also reserve the rights to log ANY usage of our services, including your personal IP address, date of usage, and your actions on our equipment.
  30. You may also pay money to keep our community and servers alive and we are extremely thankful for that, but that does not make you invulnerable for the terms above. However, we will be more lenient towards those that contribute to the upkeep of our services than other players.
  32. Please be aware that you may encounter explicit description/content whilst ingame such as themes of In Character abuse, racism, sexual content etc. Whilst we disallow any kind of Out of Character abuse, and have rules to safeguard our players involved in these scenes, we cannot guarantee that this server will be completely free of explicit content.
  34. If you accept these terms and the server and rules - type "I accept" in the box below. [I ACCEPT]
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