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a guest
Aug 21st, 2018
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  1. <div class="panel-body">
  2. <div class="dataTable_wrapper">
  3. <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="dataTables-example">
  4. <thead>
  5. <tr>
  6. <th>Candidate</th>
  7. <th>Gender</th>
  8. <th>Date of Birth</th>
  9. <th>Gotra</th>
  10. <th>Action</th>
  11. </tr>
  12. </thead>
  13. <tbody>
  15. <?php
  16. $result=mysqli_query($conn,"select candidateid,candidatename,gender,dob,gotra from candidateinfo where clientid='$clientid' ");
  17. while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
  18. {
  19. echo "<tr class='odd gradeX'>";
  20. echo "<td>" . $row[1] . "</td>";
  21. echo "<td>" . $row[2] . "</td>";
  22. echo "<td>" . $row[3] . "</td>";
  23. echo "<td>" . $row[4] . "</td>";
  24. echo "<td><a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='Order' href=reorders.php?vcandidateid=" . urlencode(base64_encode("$row[0]")) . ">Order</a>";
  25. echo " || <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='Edit' href=candidateedit.php?vcandidateid=" . urlencode(base64_encode("$row[0]")) . ">Edit</a></td>";
  26. echo "</tr>";
  27. }
  28. ?>
  29. </tbody>
  30. </table>
  31. </div>
  32. </div>
  34. <script>
  35. $(function() {
  36. $('#edit').click(function() {
  37. $('#update_form').show();
  38. });
  39. });
  40. </script>
  42. <form id="update_form" class="form-horizontal" action="candidatedb.php" method="post">
  43. <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6">
  44. <div class="form-group">
  45. <label class="hidden-xs col-sm-4 control-label" for="candidateName"><small class="color-red vlarge-text">*</small>Candidate Name</label>
  46. <div class="col-sm-8 xs-padding-l-r-none">
  47. <input type="text" id="candidatename" name="candidatename">
  48. <span class="help-block errmsg margin-none"></span>
  49. </div>
  50. </div>
  51. </div>
  52. <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12">
  53. <div class="form-group">
  54. <button class="col-sm-2 btn btnDark" id="Submit" type="submit" value="" >Submit</button>
  55. </div>
  56. </div>
  57. </form>
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