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Mar 25th, 2017
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  1. # ##### Important things in configuration #####
  2. # Storage.Type: Types -> MYSQL, YAML, SQLITE
  3. # Storage.Update-Interval: Interval (in minutes) to send a updated version of all the player data to your DB.
  4. #
  5. # Advanced.Advanced-Restore: If enabled, THE WORLD WILL BE DELETED and recreated from a backup at maps folder.
  6. # Advanced.Iterator-Delay: The delay betwheen the block place -> 50 Blocks Per Iterator * 5 ticks Iterator Delay = 200 blocks placed per second
  7. #
  8. # EXTRA Placeholder list:
  9. # %capitalize_state% -> Capitalizes the word: 'WAITING' to 'Waiting'
  10. # %storage_driver% -> Get the storage driver'
  11. #
  12. # You can remove money from the player using negative numbers.
  13. Locations:
  14. spawn: ''
  15. Advanced:
  16. Restore-Log: 'false'
  17. Iterator-Delay: '5'
  18. Blocks-Per-Iterator: '50'
  19. Restore: 'false'
  20. Storage:
  21. Type: YAML
  22. MySQL:
  23. Host: localhost
  24. Port: '3306'
  25. User: user
  26. Password: '123456'
  27. Database: database
  28. Update-Interval: '5'
  29. Options:
  30. Bungee:
  31. Enabled: 'false'
  32. Lobby-Server: lobby
  33. Server-Name: splegg1
  34. Whitelisted-Commands:
  35. - splegg leave
  36. - tell
  37. - r
  38. Unbreakable-Blocks:
  39. - '1'
  40. - '2'
  41. - '98'
  42. Shovels:
  43. Gold-Shovel-Delay: '3'
  44. Iron-Shovel-Delay: '5'
  45. Diamond-Shovel: '1'
  46. Powerups:
  47. ExplosiveShoot-Duration: '8'
  48. FastShoot-Duration: '5'
  49. TripleShoot-Powerup-Duration: '12'
  50. JumpPowerup-Duration: '10'
  51. SuperShoot-Duration: '8'
  52. Explosion-Radius: '2.5'
  53. TNT-Explosion-Radius: '4.5'
  54. PreStart-Countdown: '35'
  55. Game-Length: '600'
  56. Time-After-Game: '8'
  57. Grace-Period-Countdown: '5'
  58. Enable-Trails: 'true'
  59. Enable-Effects: 'true'
  60. Use-Vault: 'false'
  61. Use-WinFirework-Party: 'true'
  62. Use-Titles: 'true'
  63. Stop-Particles-When-Look-Up: 'false'
  64. Per-Player-Particle: 'false'
  65. Titles:
  66. Fade-In: '8'
  67. Stay: '28'
  68. Fade-Out: '5'
  69. Double-Jump: 'true'
  70. Double-Jump-Per-Game: '2'
  71. Double-Jump-Limit: '5'
  72. Velocity:
  73. Double-Jump-Multiply-Forward: '1.5'
  74. Double-Jump-Multiply-Y: '0.8'
  75. Gold-Plate-Multiply-Forward: '1.8'
  76. Gold-Plate-Multiply-Y: '1.2'
  77. Iron-Plate-Multiply-Forward: '2.0'
  78. Iron-Plate-Multiply-Y: '1.5'
  79. Economy:
  80. Coins-Per-Win: '250'
  81. Coins-Per-Loss: '0'
  82. Coins-Per-Player-Death: '5'
  83. Coins-For-Participation: '50'
  84. Messages:
  85. ActionBar:
  86. Lobby-Format: '&bMoney: &c&l%money% &e&l| &bDouble Jumps: &c&l%double_jumps% &e&l|
  87. &bShovel: &c&l%shovelType%'
  88. Game-Format: '&bDouble Jumps: &c&l%double_jumps% &e&l| &bPowerup: &c&l%powerup%
  89. %time%'
  90. Permission: '&cNo permission!'
  91. Item-Selected: '&aItem selected!'
  92. Permission-To-Buy: '&cNo permission to unlock this item!'
  93. Join: '&7%player% &ejoined the game. (&7%players%&e/&7%maxplayers%&e)'
  94. Left: '&7%player% &eleft the game. (&7%players%&e/&7%maxplayers%&e)'
  95. Already-Started: '&cThis game already started!'
  96. Already-InGame: '&cAlready playing!'
  97. Game-Is-Full: '&cThis game is full!'
  98. CannotJoin: '&cThis game already started!'
  99. PowerupActive: '&6&l%player% &eactived a powerup!'
  100. PowerupSpawned: '&6&lA powerup was spawned!'
  101. Player-Eliminated: '&7%player% &ewas eliminated! %alive% player(s) left.'
  102. Eliminated: '&cEliminated! &7You''re now on spectator mode.'
  103. Already-Purchased: '&cYou already have this shovel!'
  104. Shovel-Selected: '&aShovel selected!'
  105. Starting: '&eThe game starts in &b%time% &eseconds.'
  106. Grace-Period: '&eThe Grace-Period ends in &b%time% &eseconds!'
  107. Game-Started: '&e&lGame started! Goodluck!'
  108. Successfully-Purchased: '&aYou successfully purchased a item for &c%cost%&a.'
  109. Money-Back-Info: '&aYou got your money back because you left from the game before
  110. the start!'
  111. Enough-Money: '&cYou don''t have enough money to buy this!'
  112. Win: '&7%player% &ewon the game!'
  113. CommandFailed: '&cYou cannot use commands while playing splegg!'
  114. Prefix: '&7[&cSplegg&7]'
  115. Wins-Stats: 'Wins: %wins%'
  116. Shots-Stats: 'Shots: %shots%'
  117. Position: '#%position%'
  118. Achievement:
  119. - '&7&m---------------&7[&6&lACHIEVEMENT&7]&m---------------'
  120. - ' '
  121. - '%name% - %description%'
  122. - ' '
  123. - '&7&m----------------------------------'
  124. Player-Stats:
  125. - '&7&m---------------&7[&c&lSPLEGG STATS&7]&m---------------'
  126. - ' '
  127. - '&8Games Played: &b%games_played%'
  128. - '&8Wins: &b%wins%'
  129. - '&8Losses: &b%losses%'
  130. - '&8Broken Blocks: &b%broken_blocks%'
  131. - '&8Eggs Shots: &b%egg_shots%'
  132. - '&8Powerups: &b%powerups%'
  133. - '&8Balance: &b%balance%'
  134. - ' '
  135. - '&7&m----------------------------------'
  136. Placeholders:
  137. DiamondShovel: '&7Diamond Shovel'
  138. GoldShovel: '&7Gold Shovel'
  139. DefaultShovel: '&7Default Shovel'
  140. None: '&7none'
  141. Triple-Shoot: '&6&lTRIPLE SHOOT'
  142. Explosive-Shoot: '&6&lEXPLOSIVE SHOOT'
  143. Fast-Shoot: '&6&lFAST SHOOT'
  144. Egg-Party: '&6&lEGG PARTY'
  145. Egg-Rain: '&6&lEGG RAIN'
  146. Super-Shoot: '&6&lSUPER SHOOT'
  147. Jump-Party: '&6&lJUMP'
  148. Powerup-Expired: '&c&lPowerup expired!'
  149. Titles:
  150. Titles:
  151. Join: '&eYou are playing on map:'
  152. Left: '&eYou left the game'
  153. Powerup: '&b%player%'
  154. Powerup-Spawned: '&b%type%'
  155. Player-Eliminated: '&b%player%'
  156. Grace-Time: ''
  157. Powerup-Expired: '&c%type%'
  158. Subtitles:
  159. Join: '&b%mapname%'
  160. Left: ''
  161. Powerup: '&epicked the powerup &b%type%'
  162. Powerup-Spawned: '&epowerup has spawned!'
  163. Player-Eliminated: '&7has eliminated!'
  164. Grace-Time: '&c&l%time%'
  165. Powerup-Expired: '&cpowerup expired!'
  166. DoubleJump-Limit: '&cYou cannot buy more than %limit% double jumps!'
  167. Shop:
  168. Name: '&7Splegg Shop'
  169. Effects-Name: '&7Effects Shop'
  170. Trails-Name: '&7Trails Shop'
  171. Effects:
  172. Name: '&bEffects (Click to open)'
  173. Lore:
  174. - '&eBuy in-game particles!'
  175. Trails:
  176. Name: '&bTrails (Click to open)'
  177. Lore:
  178. - '&eBuy in-game arrow particles!'
  179. Lore: '&c%amount% %moneyname% will be deducted from your balance.'
  180. MoneyName: Coins
  181. Sign:
  182. Line:
  183. '1': '&7[&cSplegg&7]'
  184. '2': '%state%'
  185. '3': '%mapname%'
  186. '4': '%players%/%maxplayers%'
  187. State:
  188. Waiting: '&aWAITING'
  189. Starting: '&6STARTING'
  190. InGame: '&cIN GAME'
  191. Ending: '&4ENDING'
  192. Restoring: '&8RESTORING'
  193. Motd:
  194. State:
  195. Waiting: '&aWAITING'
  196. Starting: '&6STARTING'
  197. InGame: '&cIN GAME'
  198. Ending: '&4ENDING'
  199. Restoring: '&8RESTORING'
  200. Scoreboard:
  201. Lobby-Title: '&e&lSplegg'
  202. Lobby-Format:
  203. - ' '
  204. - 'Map: &a%mapname%'
  205. - 'Players: &b%players%/%maxplayers%'
  206. - 'Needed: &b%minplayers%'
  207. - ' '
  208. - 'State: %capitalize_state%'
  209. - ' '
  210. -
  211. Game-Title: '&e&lSplegg - %timer%'
  212. Game-Format:
  213. - ' '
  214. - 'Map: &a%mapname%'
  215. - ' '
  216. - 'Alive players:'
  217. - '&a%alive%'
  218. - ' '
  219. - 'Eliminated players:'
  220. - '&a%eliminated%'
  221. - ' '
  222. -
  223. Rewards:
  224. Win-Commands:
  225. - eco give %player% 100
  226. Shop:
  227. Settings:
  228. Itens:
  229. DoubleJump-Slot: '2'
  230. GoldShovel-Slot: '0'
  231. DiamondShovel-Slot: '8'
  232. Effects-Slot: '6'
  233. Trail-Slot: '4'
  234. Main-Shop-Rows: '1'
  235. Effects-Rows: '6'
  236. Trails-Rows: '6'
  237. Shovels-One-Time-Buy: 'false'
  238. Shovels:
  239. Diamond:
  240. Price: '2500'
  241. Buy-Permission:
  242. Permission: splegg.shovel.diamond
  243. BuyCommand:
  244. - pex user %player% add %permission%
  245. Gold:
  246. Price: '1000'
  247. Buy-Permission:
  248. Permission:
  249. BuyCommand:
  250. - pex user %player% add %permission%
  251. Double-Jump-Price: '500'
  252. Default-Gun-Name: '&8Iron gun'
  253. Gold-Shovel-Name: '&6Gold Gun'
  254. Diamond-Shovel-Name: '&bDiamond Gun'
  255. Gold-Shovel-Lore:
  256. - '&eShoot delay: &b3s'
  257. Diamond-Shovel-Lore:
  258. - '&eShoot delay: &b1s'
  259. Double-Jump-Name: Double Jump
  260. Double-Jump-Lore:
  261. - '&eUse your double jump to scape from death!'
  262. Sounds:
  263. Double-Jump: BAT_LOOP:0.2
  264. Jump-Pad: ENDERDRAGON_WINGS:1
  265. Grace-Time: CLICK:1
  266. Itens:
  267. Leave-Item:
  268. Name: '&c&lLeave'
  269. Type: BED
  270. Shop-Item:
  271. Name: '&a&lShop'
  272. Type: EMERALD
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