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Jun 12th, 2019
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  1. top_menu_home=Home
  2. top_menu_profile=Profile
  3. top_menu_logout=Logout
  5. side_menu_myaccount_title=Virtual Server
  6. side_menu_myaccount_header=My Account
  7. side_menu_myaccount_home=Account Home
  8. side_menu_myaccount_profile=Profile
  9. side_menu_myaccount_logout=Logout
  10. side_menu_myaccount_status=Status
  11. side_menu_myaccount_ip=IP Address
  13. virtual_server_list_title=Virtual Servers
  14. virtual_server_list_type=Type
  15. virtual_server_list_hostname=Hostname
  16. virtual_server_list_ip=IP Address
  17. virtual_server_list_mem=Memory
  18. virtual_server_list_burst=Burst / Swap
  19. virtual_server_list_os=Operating System
  20. virtual_server_list_node=Node
  21. virtual_server_list_bandwidth=Bandwidth
  22. virtual_server_list_no=No Virtual Servers Found
  24. profile_title=Profile
  25. profile_update_button=Update
  26. profile_personal=Personal
  27. profile_personal_sub=Change Name & Company details.
  28. profile_personal_fname=First Name
  29. profile_personal_lname=Last Name
  30. profile_personal_company=Company
  31. profile_email=Email Address
  32. profile_email_sub=Your email address should be an email address we can contact you on if your VPS is not working.
  33. profile_email_email=Email Address
  34. profile_email_notification=Login Notifications
  35. profile_password=Password
  36. profile_password_sub=Your Password should be kept secret for the security of your account and your services with us.
  37. profile_password_cpassword=Current Password
  38. profile_password_npassword=New Password
  39. profile_password_rnpassword=Repeat New Password
  41. generic_msg_01=A process has already been requested for this virtual server. Please wait until this has completed before requesting another.
  43. qbackup_title=Backup Virtual Server
  44. qbackup_title_sub=Quick Backup
  45. qbackup_title_sub_sub=Quick backup allows you to create an image of your virtual server and have it delivered to you within your virtual server.
  46. qbackup_start_button=Start Quick Backup
  47. qbackup_msg_success=Backup Request Successful!
  48. qbackup_msg_error=Backup Request Error!
  49. qbackup_msg_01=A process has already been requested for this virtual server. Please wait until this has completed before requesting another.
  50. qbackup_msg_02=Backups are not enabled on this account. Please contact support.
  51. qbackup_msg_03=Your virtual server is currently being backed up. Once the process is complete, your backup will be dropped in to your virtual server under /panelbackup/.
  52. qbackup_msg_04=Backups can only be run once every 24hours.
  53. qbackup_msg_05=Backups are not available for this virtulization type.
  55. boot_title=Boot Virtual Server
  56. boot_title_sub=If you need to boot your virtual server due to it being shutdown, click the Boot VPS button below and your vps will be booted. This will happen instantly.
  57. boot_button=Boot VPS
  58. boot_msg_success=Boot Request Successful!
  59. boot_msg_error=Boot Request Error!
  60. boot_msg_01=This virtual server is already online.
  61. boot_msg_02=Your virtual server is currently being automatically booted. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket. During this process, your server is sent a shutdown command.
  63. console_title=Serial Console
  64. console_title_sub=You can use the serial console applet below to directly access your virtual server or use the following details to connect via a standard SSH client:
  65. console_username=Username
  66. console_password=Password
  67. console_ip=IP Address
  68. console_port=Port
  70. console_settings_title=Change Serial Console Password
  71. console_settings_title_sub=You can directly change the serial console password for your virtual server by entering a new password in the box below. All changes will be instant.
  72. console_settings_button=Change
  73. console_settings_msg_success=Change Serial Console Password Request Successful!
  74. console_settings_msg_error=Change Serial Console Password Request Error!
  75. console_settings_msg_01=Your virtual server serial console password has been automatically updated. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket.
  76. console_settings_msg_02=Your new serial console password must be 6 characters or more.
  78. control_title_01=Power Control
  79. control_title_02=System Control
  80. control_title_03=Backup Control
  81. control_title_04=Logs & Statistics
  82. control_stats_01=Hostname
  83. control_stats_02=IP Address
  84. control_stats_03=Operating System
  85. control_stats_04=Location
  86. control_stats_05=Status
  87. control_stats_06=Disk Space
  88. control_stats_07=Memory
  89. control_stats_08=Bandwidth
  90. control_stats_09=Gauranteed Memory
  91. control_stats_10=Swap
  92. control_stats_11=Burst Memory
  93. control_stats_12=of
  94. control_stats_13=used
  95. control_stats_14=free
  96. control_button_01=Reboot
  97. control_button_02=Shutdown
  98. control_button_03=Boot
  99. control_button_04=Re-install OS
  100. control_button_05=Root Password
  101. control_button_06=Hostname
  102. control_button_07=Serial Console
  103. control_button_08=Quick Backup
  104. control_button_09=IP Addresses
  105. control_button_10=Logs
  106. control_button_11=Statistics
  107. control_button_12=Serial Console Settings
  108. control_button_13=Un Suspend
  109. control_button_14=Suspend
  110. control_msg_suspended=Suspended!
  111. control_msg_01=This Virtual Server has been Suspended. All functions in this control panel have been disabled. Resellers cannot unsuspend this virtual server, Please contact support.
  112. control_msg_02=This Virtual Server has been Suspended. All functions in this control panel have been disabled. Please contact support.
  113. control_msg_03=To unsuspend this virtual server click unsuspend.
  115. hostname_title=Change Hostname
  116. hostname_title_sub=You can directly change the hostname of your virtual server by entering a new hostname in the box below. All changes will be instant.
  117. hostname_button=Change
  118. hostname_msg_success=Change Hostname Request Successful!
  119. hostname_msg_error=Change Hostname Request Error!
  120. hostname_msg_01=Your virtual server hostname has been automatically updated. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket.
  121. hostname_msg_02=Your virtual server hostname will be changed after its next reboot. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket.
  122. hostname_msg_03=You did not supply a valid hostname.
  124. ip_title=IP Addresses
  125. ip_ip=Main IP Address
  126. ip_addip=Additional IP Addresses
  127. ip_rdns=Reverse DNS
  128. ip_rdns_button=edit rdns
  130. overview_title=Virtual Server Overview
  131. overview_ip=IP Address
  132. overview_hostname=Hostname
  134. log_title=Virtual Server Log
  135. log_date=Date
  136. log_action=Action
  137. log_request=Request IP Address
  138. log_status=Status
  139. log_no=No Logs Found
  141. unsuspend_msg_success=Successful!
  142. unsuspend_msg_error=Error!
  143. unsuspend_msg_01=This Virtual Server has been Suspended by the root admin. Please contact support.
  144. unsuspend_msg_02=This Virtual Server has been unuspended.
  145. unsuspend_msg_03=This Virtual Server is not suspended.
  147. suspend_msg_success=Successful!
  148. suspend_msg_error=Error!
  149. suspend_msg_01=This Virtual Server has been Suspended.
  150. suspend_msg_03=This Virtual Server is already suspended.
  152. statistics_title=Bandwidth Statistics
  153. statistics_date=Year - Month
  154. statistics_used=Used
  155. statistics_percent=Percentage
  156. statistics_no=No Statistics Found
  158. shutdown_title=Shutdown Virtual Server
  159. shutdown_title_sub=If you need to shutdown your virtual server for any reason, click the Shutdown VPS button below and your vps will be shutdown. This will happen instantly.
  160. shutdown_button=Shutdown VPS
  161. shutdown_msg_success=Shutdown Request Successful!
  162. shutdown_msg_error=Shutdown Request Error!
  163. shutdown_msg_01=Your virtual server is currently being automatically shutdown. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket. During this process, your server is sent a shutdown command.
  164. shutdown_msg_02=This virtual server is offline or has already been shutdown.
  166. rootpassword_title=Change Root Password
  167. rootpassword_title_sub=You can directly change the root password of your virtual server by entering a new password in the box below. All changes will be instant.
  168. rootpassword_button=Change
  169. rootpassword_msg_success=Change Root Password Request Successful!
  170. rootpassword_msg_error=Change Root Password Request Error!
  171. rootpassword_msg_01=Your virtual server root password has been automatically updated. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket.
  172. rootpassword_msg_02=Your virtual server root password will be automatically updated on the next reboot. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket.
  173. rootpassword_msg_03=Your new root password must be 6 characters or more.
  175. reinstall_title=Re-Install Virtual Server
  176. reinstall_title_sub=If you need to restore this virtual server to a clean state, you can reload it with a clean installation from here. You can also change the OS that is installed. This operation will irreversibly destroy all data currently on the virtual server - please ensure you have backed up anything you need beforehand.
  177. reinstall_button=Reinstall
  178. reinstall_msg_success=Reinstall Request Successful!
  179. reinstall_msg_error=Reinstall Request Error!
  180. reinstall_msg_01=Your virtual server is currently being Rebuilt. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket. During this process, your server will be rebuilt. This process can take upto 30 minutes.
  181. reinstall_msg_02=A serious error has occured. Please contact support.
  183. reboot_title=Reboot Virtual Server
  184. reboot_title_sub=If you can no longer access your vps due to a possible failure or software misconfiguration, click the Reboot VPS button below and your vps will be rebooted. This will happen instantly.
  185. reboot_button=Reboot VPS
  186. reboot_msg_success=Reboot Request Successful!
  187. reboot_msg_error=Reboot Request Error!
  188. reboot_msg_01=Your virtual server is currently being automatically rebooted. If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket. During this process, your server is sent a shutdown command. It will be given upto 2 minutes to shutdown cleanly - if this does not happen, it will be terminated and restarted.
  190. rdns_title=Change Reverse DNS for IP
  191. rdns_title_sub=You can directly change the reverse dns of this ip address by entering a new rdns entry in the box below. Changes can take up to 48 hours.
  192. rdns_button=Change
  193. rdns_msg_success=Change Reverse DNS Request Successful!
  194. rdns_msg_error=Change Reverse DNS Request Error!
  195. rdns_msg_01=If you require any assistance from our technicians, please raise a Support ticket.
  196. rdns_msg_02=Please submit your request manually to support.
  197. rdns_msg_03=You did not supply a valid domain.
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